@Ontario Hunter: Regarding Wolverine, I would like to hear from someone (Outfitter or Guide) that actually hunts them with some regularity & success - clearly that’s NOT You. Your idea to “find a Trapper who is being raided etc..” would be Harder then finding a Wolverine !
Since I’ve Never trapped one, or shot one, or hunted one (I’ve only ever seen One) I also have NO Idea how to hunt one…so I have nothing useful to contribute. Unlike Lynx that can be hunted successfully with good hounds I have No idea how you could hunt Wolverine other then over a fresh kill - the way most are shot as “incidentals” ie: after a Moose has been killed and carcass dressed & boned out etc…. But that requires you to be on a Guided Moose hunt, kill your Moose and then be allowed to sit over the carcass for a few days. With most Moose shot in early Fall (September?) I don’t even know if Wolverine would be in Season? Even then, they wouldn’t be in “prime fur”.
My Alaska Grizz Guide told me he had only seen 3 Wolverine in the 10 years he’d been guiding - one was on our hunt, an “incidental” that just ran by —- 2 weeks after the Wolverine Season had ENDED.
I did a lot of research before my Lynx hunt and decided BC was the place to go - Not too many Guides specialize in Lynx so there are not many to choose from. But as far as Wolverine, the only things I’ve read are Outfitters in Alaska that do “Guided Traplines” where they take you out to run a trapline for 7-10 days, teach you how to trap and I guess you can keep some of your “catches”…..even then catching a Wolverine would not be guaranteed.
Would be interested in guided hunts that specialize in Wolverine or hearing from some that have taken one as a “targeted” animal.