AH ambassador
Despite the relative simplicity of a our laws we haven't experienced the same level of deranged assaults as the USA. So, while I believe that the courses, and police check, may be a soft barrier for some, I am inclined to believe there is a much greater problem that needs to be addressed. Otherwise, it just makes no sense to me.
Absolutely agree with you here. And it's what I've been asking of those I know who want more gun control. If a carpenter you hire to build a house for you is intent on doing a bad job or isn't qualified in the first place, you don't blame his saw or hammer, you blame him. Why so many in the U.S. want to put so much focus on the tool used in the killing and not the killers is beyond my understanding.
This latest nutcase could have taken far more people out by constructing a bomb in a vehicle. I have attended SCI in Vegas for the last few years. This slaughter happened across the street from the Luxor where I've stayed for all of these shows. I can tell you if he'd put a big bomb in the trunk of a car, he could have easily bashed thru the front doors of the Luxor and set it off and perhaps killed far more than he did.
I personally have no use for a full auto. I have shot one once, ironically enough just a few blocks from where this tragedy took place. You can go to any number of ranges in the Vegas area and pay to do this. It was fun to do it once, but can't see I'll ever do it again. So if the government wants to outlaw anyone getting a permit for the full autos as you can now do, go ahead, it won't make any difference to me.
But to believe these mass killings will even be curtailed due to this law is folly for the weak minded.