AH legend
in a body bag with slick willy preferably.She is a lying piece of crap that will say anything in the face of popular opinion. Lets hope she leaves this country for good! I know not a shot in hell.
in a body bag with slick willy preferably.She is a lying piece of crap that will say anything in the face of popular opinion. Lets hope she leaves this country for good! I know not a shot in hell.
Why have reasoned thought when scores of emotionally charged people will accomplish so much more?Then there that failed presidential candidate who didn't even let the smoke clear before attacking firearm laws, yet again. The families should have time to grieve for pity's sake.
Media's going to set it up as a far right wing gun nut, I'd lay money on it
I would be very interested in how you would "set it up?"
The Vice President of CBS made a facebook post, that she had no sympathy for the fallen, as they were probably Trump supporters. She was fired immediately.
Simply amazing that a high-ranking, highly educated and trained person who works in the media world would be so stupid as to say such a thing.
I think it shows how white-hot her hatred burns.
The last I heard a short while ago was that the rifles were not full auto but perhaps one of those crank type things that you can purchase to fire multiple rounds as you turn the crank or one of those items where it mechanically fires multiple times each time you pull the trigger.
Just because she is smart doesn't mean that she knows when to keep her mouth shut with her views.
The Vice President of CBS made a facebook post, that she had no sympathy for the fallen, as they were probably Trump supporters. She was fired immediately.
Trump is doing all he can for PR. What do you think he should do, go down there next to South America and dig holes with a shovel?!?!Note that rather than deal with the storms, the president spent the weekend playing golf. They are all scumbags.
Talk of the method of fire is sort of moot actually as full auto is legal in NV along with most other states. That is if one is willing to pay all the fees, do all the ATF baloney, jump thru all the FBI hoops etc. Not legal where I live but legal all around me. Hearing now the shooter had 23 guns stashed in the hotel room and another 15 or so at home. Not to mention a few thousand rounds of ammo. Big deal. I got more guns and ammo than that! Be nice to know how he got all that stuff into the hotel room without any notice, plus the room being entered daily by cleaning staff etc. Nobody seen nuttin!
I think we all have kin that should have been put in a burlap sack with rocks in it and thrown in the river.I woke this morning to hear of this senseless shooting. My prayers are for the families who now suffer through terrible loss and for the souls of those taken from this earth far too soon.
Now to make matters worse to me a relative of mine texted other relatives that she was worried about me because I have "so many high powered rifles" and that nobody should "have these weapons of death". How she made the jump from a nut job ambushing unarmed people to being worried about me because I have guns and therefore might go shoot up a place is beyond me. No it really isnt beyond me......she is anti Trump. Anti gun, anti hunting, a retired federal employee and an over educated drama queen. And we let this idiot vote. Guess what folks there are millions like her who would like nothing better than to see the 2nd amendment repealed and the right to own a firearm taken away. In the make believe world these type people live in we would all be safe because there would be NO GUNS! Yea right! I let this relative know that mass killings have nothing to do with guns but rather the hands they are in......same as the trucks used to mow people down in Europe or knives used to attack people on a train or box cutters used by terrorists to hijack a plane and fly it into tall buildings in New York. I'm sure my words fell of deaf ears.
Now we hear about the CBS executive and her stupid comments. The next thing the anti Trump folks will swear to is that Trump caused this attack.
Wait for it......it's coming.
Rant over for now! Thanks for listening friends.
wouldnt be surprised if you see and hear it tonight on the late night shows that have turned in to a blame trump for anything and everything because their dog shit garbage bitch hag garbage and slick lost the election.I woke this morning to hear of this senseless shooting. My prayers are for the families who now suffer through terrible loss and for the souls of those taken from this earth far too soon.
Now to make matters worse to me a relative of mine texted other relatives that she was worried about me because I have "so many high powered rifles" and that nobody should "have these weapons of death". How she made the jump from a nut job ambushing unarmed people to being worried about me because I have guns and therefore might go shoot up a place is beyond me. No it really isnt beyond me......she is anti Trump. Anti gun, anti hunting, a retired federal employee and an over educated drama queen. And we let this idiot vote. Guess what folks there are millions like her who would like nothing better than to see the 2nd amendment repealed and the right to own a firearm taken away. In the make believe world these type people live in we would all be safe because there would be NO GUNS! Yea right! I let this relative know that mass killings have nothing to do with guns but rather the hands they are in......same as the trucks used to mow people down in Europe or knives used to attack people on a train or box cutters used by terrorists to hijack a plane and fly it into tall buildings in New York. I'm sure my words fell of deaf ears.
Now we hear about the CBS executive and her stupid comments. The next thing the anti Trump folks will swear to is that Trump caused this attack.
Wait for it......it's coming.
Rant over for now! Thanks for listening friends.