I used 350gr TSX’s once on buffalo and will never again. The 350grainers are the solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. In fact, more often than not, they will fail to deliver the desired results.
Before even thinking about loading heavier bullets, there should be some brainwork done, to get a clear look at! My first question would be:
1. Why is the 375 H&H with 300 gr such a burner in the world of Big Game hunting?
Easy answer: Because the well balanced relation between cartridge case, bulletsize and weight is very favourable for the thing she is made and used for. Universal hunting with one gun!
And in comparison to other (most bigger) big game calibers the recoil is quiet easy handable, which might result in better shooting and delivers so better results.
2. Why did any others invent and offer 350 Grainers long ago?
Because it's a "...solution to a problem, that doesn't exist"
Well said
@Kopskoot !
So everything is great, no need to change anything!
My advice to the thread owner:
Damned, just get out of Your armchair, switch off the PC, take a 375 H&H rifle and a truck full of ammo 300 grainers, practice and get used to the gun! Offhand, with Sticks or laying on the ground.
If You then spent some time on searching for good hunting offers on the black continent, there might be no more time left, to think about stuff like this!