Good day members:
Update:Change of plan, no soldering , we decided to fit the ghost ring base substituting the flag safety.
I did spend some time working on the ghost ring project today. As usual Johan Greyling discuss the procedures needed to ensure a sound base for the ghost ring.
We decided the best option to get a sound base is to remove the flag safety and substitute it with the ghost ring base. I then copied the flag safety , file down the base ( I removed too much from the base, ) , but will use this item as a prototype ....when completed I will turn another one sine I now have all the dimensionshttp://www.**NOT**PERMITTED**
This duplicate safety fits real snug in the safety housing.This will serve as a base for mounting a ghost ring. The ghost ring will be adjustable in height and wind-age will be adjusted by the front sight/bead. I still can increase the width of the safety base to dove-tail the ghost ring for wind-age adjustment as well
Keep in mind members, there is another slide safety on the right side of the action that locks up the bolt.http://www.**NOT**PERMITTED**
As mentioned before I can increase the width of the disk to dove tail a ghost ring fully adjustable..I now have a lot of options on this sound base... http://www.**NOT**PERMITTED**
Removing the flag safety:
Turning a duplicate safety just shorter:
Filing the safety to fit :
New safety, the base for the ghost ring extremely stable , no movement when lock in place ...
Notice the base filed onto the new safety and the flat base on the cocking sleeve.
Safety fit into the safety housing , the disk ensure a broad base to fit the ghost ring and is extremely stable since it is standing on a flat base and under spring tension:
Ghost ring base secured and fit snug into the housing with spring tension keeping it on a flat base, no lateral/side to side movement at all:
Next phase will follow, constructing the ghost ring aperture sight....