2019 Safari Club International Show Summary

@TTundra I know how you feel as there are so many shows in January, and they continue with chapter events, etc. The timing of shows is always tough and we always make a point to coordinate our dates so we avoid as much conflict as possible and we book our dates 4 years + out as most do in order to be able secure dates. Vegas for example is such a big convention town, you have to book at least 4 years out to secure the dates you'd like and even then the dates are limited. We make a point to huddle with the other groups to make sure we don't overlap or are too close together. Unfortunately, sometimes other's dates may change and we are locked into dates. Thanks for the comments!

Good Hunting, Paul

@Paul Babaz Thanks for taking the time to respond. I completely understand the 'system' and show schedule process. Sadly, some of the most passionate don't get a chance at attending due to these industry conflicts. Just something that is not easily, and may never be, remedied.
@D.M.V Thank your for adding your comment as I believe this is the biggest challenge we all face. Your age demographic is exactly the group we need to embrace as you all are starting families, and it's your generation and your kid's generation that will be the protectors of our freedoms. As I just read what I wrote, I have to state that I am not that old, although that statement made me sound ancient. I said in another post elsewhere, that my volunteerism has cut into my hunting budget, especially the last few years. I understand exactly what you are saying as I have 2 in college and one in high school and being a volunteer is NOT a paid position despite popular belief. We don't get perks and free hunts, etc. although I am well aware of the past deeds of others in many of the organizations. The bottom line is, I would very much like to be able to make the shows more accessible, so I hope some of the ideas I put forth during my term will gain traction going forward.

Good Hunting, Paul
@Wheels Thanks for the comment and I appreciate your humor. I can only speak for SCI as SCIF is a separate organization and I do not serve on the board currently. In the event, that you really want to do something for conservation and aren't positing on here just to jerk my chain, but you have reservations about your donation going to the mission I suggest the following: Do what I have done along with every SCIF board member. Make your contribution to the First for Wildlife endowment, so you can make certain that your $ is going into conservation, it cannot be used for SCIF overhead. You can also make a contribution and specify that it be earmarked for a specific conservation project, or for education or for humanitarian services. Someone posted SCIF's charity navigator rankings recently but can't recall where I saw it, but it may be worth taking a look at.

Good Hunting, Paul
For us it is a matter of time. With all the shows going on in January, it is impossible to take the month off work to go to all of them. It is a busy time for work with the end of year closings, taxes, etc. We have to chose one.
For us DSC is the better fit, cheaper, and all the exhibitors that we want to talk to are at both SCI and DSC. Venue location is not really a deciding factor as we will have to fly to all of them.
It would be my hope that all hunters have the opportunity, with the selection of shows available, to be able to attend at least one of them. I also believe that we should be involved in as may of the organizations as possible. They are all needed in our fight for conservation. Some may be doing more than others but they all need our support

Thanks for the comment, and I agree 100% as we are all on this fight together and we all need to support each other. I am a life member of SCI, DSC, HSC, NRA Benefactor Life Member, NRA HLF, member. I truly believe that we all need to be in it if we are going to ensure our kids and grandkids, have the same rights and opportunities. Whatever show you can attend, I encourage you do so as I want to see everyone do well and thrive!

Good Hunting, Paul
Hello Paul;

Thank you for addressing two points I made in my report to the community.

Allow me to refresh the fact that I also said:

So I hope that my report did not come across as negative, because it was not, and it was not meant to be.

Regarding the two points that you commented on:

The discussion I overheard was in one the shuttle buses going back to the Peppermill and involved a Lady who was wearing an SCI badge. I do not know who she was, or her position in the organization, and I do not know the details of the discussion but I confirm what I heard. Whether it is true or not I have no opinion, and I have made clear in my report that I just overheard a discussion. I did not pass judgement on it. This being said, as a business owner who attended for almost 20 years close over 50 professional electronic trade shows all over the country, including Vegas and Reno, the discussion did not surprise me as it is within the rationale of how such events are organized. Whether the amount discussed was over-exaggerated or not, I do not know, but the logic did not strike me as ridiculous, and I certainly did not mean to be negative; this is just how the shows business works.

Regarding the comment about the airlines calling customers to fly out, apparently Jerome (AfricaHunting.com) heard it too. Since I decided to drive to Reno, I did not receive a call personally, but I was told by several unconnected people on Saturday about them receiving airline calls or text messages. I do not think that Jerome would invent it, neither do I. Again, there is no negative inference on SCI, you guys hardly control the weather, but I do believe that at least some folks were contacted by airlines/travel agencies/etc.

In summary, SCI put a great, well organized 2019 show together, as usual. Weather not cooperating on the East Coast is truly out of anyone's control, and there is no escaping the fact that Reno is less attractive to many than Vegas - which very rationally explains why it is less expensive ;-)

And I absolutely believe you, because I have been in your position before, that clients will vehemently argue for a less expensive solution ... until they experience that - duuuhh! - they get less product/service (in this case: attendance) when they pay less :)

And I can also predict that this lesson will be promptly forgotten by the exhibitors after a year or two of higher Vegas costs - if SCI returns to Vegas in 2022, as I bet you will. In so many words, there are cases where truly one can't win: how do you get Vegas attendance at Reno's costs? Answer: you don't :cry:



I sincerely appreciate your feedback and I certainly didn't take it in a negative way, and I am sorry if my response implied otherwise. You have been in my shoes, and clearly understand how this always goes. You just have to have thick skin as there is always someone after you with a long knife! I have my own opinion on how the show should go, and where it may need to be, etc. but unfortunately I really don't get to make all the decisions! I'm sure POTUS wakes up and wishes for the same thing! Ha! Thank you for the follow up comments!

Good Hunting, Paul
If you are a member of SCI perhaps you can contact the office and ask them about their goals and procedures.

If you have a question for SCI please do post it HERE.
Do not SPAM every SCI thread with the same post.


Thanks for commenting on this as, I don't think I replied to this as I am not sure I saw it. But in any event who ever posted it can find me on here somewhere or elsewhere as I am not hard to find and can have a go. I'm always happy to try to reply.

Good Hunting, Paul
It's been posted twice, hardly spam my friend. I'm curious if the good folks at AHF have any issues with this spending policy. Is that what you sign up for when paying dues to SCI?

I'm not sure what spending policy you are referring to.
@JGRaider Perhaps you missed my query.
How much time have you volunteered on SCI projects in the last year?

.............. What I hope everyone understands is that myself and the rest of the volunteer leadership are trying to make a difference.
Good Hunting, Paul

@JGRaider will be very confused that you're not raking in the millions from your position at SCI Paul?! :rolleyes:
Yes I am, but since 40% of their income goes to pay salaries and operating expenses I will likely not renew. I expect more of my money to go to conservation and other good causes for the hunter, not some VP in the office.

Sorry, I just saw your later post and refer to my response to Wheels post. Thank you for this post, because if you aren’t clear on what your SCI Dues are paying for, I can expect that many others are not clear either.

SCI is an advocacy organization whereby we are fighting for the freedom to hunt via our office in DC which is staffed by legislative consultants (Lobbyist), Lawyers, etc. SCI and SCIF used to be one organization but has been divided several years ago for reasons a tax attorney can explain far better than I.

Needless to say, lobbying congress, and filing lawsuits on behalf of hunters to keep seasons, open, fight ridiculous legislation in some of the Western states as well at the Northeastern states is not an inexpensive proposition. Lobbyist, attorneys, and biologists don't work for free. Granted SCI does make a grant to SCI Foundation (SCIF) each year where Wildlife Conservation, Education, and Humanitarian Services are their primary missions. I am not an SCIF board member, although I am a donor to the First for Wildlife endowment where you can donate to make certain your $ goes to the mission and not overhead.

Your SCI dues are going to fight the antis so we can continue to have the freedom to hunt. During my 1st term as President I invited NRA-HLF, DSC, HSC, WSF, and others to meet at SCI’s D.C. office to form a partnership, alliance, or whatever you choose to call it to work together in this fight. I am pleased to say, that we have had subsequent meetings, and Corey Mason and Karl Evans invited us all to the meeting at DSC to discuss the issues surrounding bear hunting in North America. SCI spent a lot of time and $ getting the black bear season opened in Florida and more time and $ keeping it open. We are doing the same in Louisiana where the black bear population has reached a point of having enough to have a sustainable hunting season.

SCI is an advocacy organization that does fund conservation via the grant it makes to SCIF. Sorry for the lecture, but I want to make certain you and others clearly understand what your SCI dues are going to. As I said, fighting these battles in court and the legislature aren’t cheap. If you want to participate in the fight to save our freedoms, I encourage you to remain a member, if you own a firearm, I encourage you to join the NRA. I encourage you to join DSC, HSC and other organizations who have a similar mission.

Good Hunting, Paul
No dog in this hunt but it does take a lot of $$$$ to lobby.

Yes, it does indeed and this is what SCI uses it's # for. We do make a grant each year to the SCIF who also does it's own fundraising, but advocacy is SCI's primary mission.
OK, that answers the first part of my question. At 37% salaries etc SCI is 17% too high for your foundation. I will assume that your foundation supports truly charitable organizations (which I'd argue SCI is not in the traditional sense, although they do give some charity). I point that out as the comparison is likely apples to oranges. Assuming though that you do firmly believe 20% is the right salary % for SCI, here comes the hard part. Where should the 17% be cut and why?

I agree with the bolded completely. No argument at all and I think the fact that you hear a lot of grumblings about SCI and very little against, say DSC, helps to prove that out. They have changes to make internally and the old guard is obviously out of touch (or simply doesn't care) and fighting change all the way.

As far as the Red cross comparison I don't know that I'm with you there as I simply don't know enough about the salaries and how they are actually spent. To my original point I think it also depends on what the actual purpose of the organization is. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but you seem to feel that SCI should be all about boots on the ground funding to conservation. If I'm correct in this assumption then I'm honestly not sure why you didn't quit SCI long ago as that isn't what they primarily do, and certainly not solely. And, under this assumption 37% salary is absolutely too high.

Purpose Statement cut directly from SCI 2016 IRS Form 990:

View attachment 266127

Now since the stated primary purpose of SCI is protection of hunter rights, promotion of hunting, hunter advocacy, and education is 37% still too high? I'm not sure, but it's definitely requires a different allocation of funds than an organization such as the Red Cross who's mission statement is to provide direct assistance to those in need.

The devil is always in the details!

Gents, I have commented on this in other posts here, so I will wait to see if you all still have comments/questions after reading this. SCI is indeed an advocacy organization, headquartered in DC. We have lobbyist, attorneys, on staff and fighting these battles are not cheap. Hopefully this will clear up any misunderstandings.
I am a member, and would like to see how all that overhead breaks down. I certainly understand that paying lawyers is not cheap especially for DC, but 40% sounds very high.

I will see if Rick Parsons can address some of this as salaries and benefits is a sensitive topic. I hear a lot of folks on here say that they are an SCI member, but are you a member of your local chapter? Your local chapter President is an SCI Board member and a great person to speak to if you have questions or don't like something about SCI. Consider becoming a member of the chapter's board, and consider becoming a member of the International board. A lot of ideas and opinions here and change happens within, which is why I got involved and I encourage everyone to become part of the solution!
I have to make my own observation here... I keep seeing comments about the "Old Guard", I'm betting most here don't know who the "Old Guard" Is as I am not even sure myself as a great deal of the board has changed over in the last 2 years or so.
Serious question - what would you like the % to be and what would you suggest be cut in order to get there? As an example, would you prefer to start by cutting the lawyers and lobbyists or just the administrative staff? Probably much easier to get down to 20% by cutting all of the folks who try and stem the tide in Washington, don't you think?

My point is, 40% sounds high, but is it? Kinda depends on the goal doesn't it? And their goal isn't just to funnel conservation dollars directly to the field. It takes smart people to deal with the people in Washington and to fight the antis, neither of which is cheap, nor should someone be expected to do that for free. Cutting salaries too deeply as it's own risks as well. Do you really want PETA and HSUS to have far more qualified lobbyists than SCI? The cuts you seem to want just might make that happen.


From the SCI website:

"Safari Club International is a U.S.-based organization of more than 50,000 hunters dedicated to protecting the right to hunt and to promote wildlife conservation worldwide. Between SCI and its sister organization, the SCI Foundation, we have put more than $70 Million on the ground for conservation since 2000. In the U.S. and abroad, hunters are part of a system that keeps the rivers, forests and fields intact and maintains the wildlife."

I'm not defending SCI. I think they have some serious problems internally to deal with. I also think that zeroing in on one number like "40%" and using that alone to make a decision is no different than an anti screaming "OMG they want to kill FIVE HUNDRED elephants in Zimbabwe!!!!!" It sounds like an awful lot, until you realize it equates to .5%.

Everyone should make sure that they understand all of the facts. Things are often not as cut and dry as they may seem.

Royal, I appreciate the input as you have summed up pretty well. I think folks are also confusing SCI and SCIF's missiuons, SCI does PROMOTE wildlife conservation, but SCIF is the group that carries out the projects. Just a note, I have been on here almost 2 hours and I don't think I've made a dent. This could be a fulltime job! Ha!
How much time have you volunteered on SCI projects in the last year?

Good question, if someone has an interest in conservation, contact a local chapter and asked to help out as chapters carry our their own projects often. Of feel free to volunteer for the SCIF conservation committee. I'm not a biologist, but I volunteered for the committee early on because I have a keen interest in conservation. It goes back to my mantra, volunteer and get involved if you want to help affect change. It's much more productive then sitting back and casting stones. Maybe not as fun for some, but certainly more productive.
20 hrs per month here in W TX. How about you?

I'm glad to hear this because 20 hrs a month is substaintial and I understand it all too well! Are you a member of the West Texas chapter? They're one of the strongest chapter out there and some great people! I encourage you to reach out if you aren't a member!

Thanks for being a conservation volunteer, so consider getting involved with leadership to share your insights.
Royal, I know the foundation that I sit on will not give money to any organization with more than 20% of income going to salaries, bonuses, perks, etc. SCI has become much like the Red Cross........less and less money making it to the places that really need it. I've been a member for a long time, but see it becoming less and less effective due to poor leadership and egos.

JG, I'm sorry to hear you feel this way, as I would like to think my ego and those of my colleagues on the SCI Board and Executive Committee are in check and we put a lot of time and our own $ to do what we can for the good of the mission. I'd always thought I was at least a mediocre leader going all the back to my days in the Army, but perhaps I am just disillusioned.

If you believe in the mission of SCI, but feel that it's run by ego maniacs with poor leadership skills, I invite you to DC for the May board meeting where I will invite you to address the entire board. I will give you the floor and you can share your ideas on what we can do better, and how we can we can do better. I'm not being facetious, this is serious offer to you or anyone else on this forum. I’ve made the same offer on the “Other” forum as well. I’m sorry if this is coming off a bit defensive, but it is. You can say what you want about me personal even though I don’t think we have ever even me. But you seem to have made a more than a few posts and have made a lot of comments about how bad SCI is and passed judgement on the rest of the SCI board even though I don’t know if you have ever attended an SCI meeting. I have said it time and time again, it is easy to be a Monday morning quarterback, and if you aren’t willing to be part of the solution, then you are simply a part of the problem. The board meeting will be held Saturday 11May2019. If you are any one would like to attend, I welcome it, because venting on here isn’t nearly as affective as voicing your concerns to the entire board of directors. Feel free to contact me, and I will add you to the agenda. Granted I can’t give you 2 hours on the microphone, but I will certainly let you make your suggestions and speak your mind.

Good Hunting, Paul
A few years back I sat on a board that did international rescue work (similar to Red Cross) that was mostly volunteer based. Our budget was 98% funding on the ground, less than 2% for administration expenses. We were actually denied access to some countries because we didn't spend enough on full-time administration. Strange how people think sometimes about where your money goes. I wish we could get away from the situation we have created with lobbying. It has become the status quo, where the people we are paying to do the job (politicians) are getting paid for their vote. I don't have a better solution, just naïve to think it can be changed.

I too wished we lived in a world where politicians actually did the job they were elected to do!

Good Hunting, Paul
Thank you Gents, I need to log off now, but I will try to get back on again soon. Sorry if my replies are too long or too short, as I am try to answer as best I can, and as I said before, I really believe that the vast majority really care about the mission lest they wouldn't spend the time and effort on here, but I encourage everyone to channel that energy where it is most effective and hopefully I cleared up the confusion on the missions of SCI and SCIF. I honestly took for granted that folks knew the difference. SCI is a 401c4 which does advocacy, and lobbying, fights against HSUS, PETA, etc. in the courts.. Lawyers are expensive! SCIF does Conservation work, Education, and Humanitarian work. Ie: As a Vet, I am partial to taking Vets hunting, but there is something for everyone, so get involved! Have a great weekend!

Good Hunting, Paul

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!