AH ambassador
@Paul Babaz Thank you for coming back on AH and addressing a few items. Your time is appreciated.
One of the biggest problems hunters have to deal with, is there is no "Face" of hunting. There is no person like Charleton Heston was for the NRA, or like Dana Loesch is now. Let's take Cecil the lion as an example. In my opinion, SCI made a terrible response when Cecil went pandemic. First, SCI backed away from Dr. Palmer, revoked his membership and didn't want to respond to any media, just hoping things would die down and go away. As a hunter, I was completely disgusted with SCI for their response. John Jackson was about the only hunter who would go on the media and tell the real story of Cecil. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Jackson. He did a good job, but while he knows the facts, he is not a professional speaker.
SCI needs a spokesman hunter who is willing to be the face of hunting for the next 20 years. This person needs to be handsome/pretty, intelligent, well spoken and have the ability to think on their feet. This person needs to be in D.C. or NYC. They need to bombard the media with conservation related news releases every couple of weeks. They need to be willing to step in front of any microphone at any moment to address any issue regarding hunting. If faced with a new Cecil, they need to know the players all over the world, or know people in the industry, so with a couple of phone calls, they can figure out the truth's and the lies. Cecil was all about lies, and SCI allowed the lies to be perpetrated instead of being the voice of conservation, common sense, reason and the TRUTH. Within 3-4 days, most of us on AH and AR knew the lies. Some of us had been in contact with outfitters in Zimbabwe. We could counter the six to eight lies that were told and repeated constantly by the main stream media. SCI didn't try to respond to any of these as I recall.
There are news organizations and reporters who would contact an SCI spokesman in a situation like Cecil since they would know who he is. That spokesman could then help completely change the narrative with reasonable people and with people looking to know the truth.
Thanks again for being willing to come on AH and listen to our suggestions, and complaints.
One of the biggest problems hunters have to deal with, is there is no "Face" of hunting. There is no person like Charleton Heston was for the NRA, or like Dana Loesch is now. Let's take Cecil the lion as an example. In my opinion, SCI made a terrible response when Cecil went pandemic. First, SCI backed away from Dr. Palmer, revoked his membership and didn't want to respond to any media, just hoping things would die down and go away. As a hunter, I was completely disgusted with SCI for their response. John Jackson was about the only hunter who would go on the media and tell the real story of Cecil. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Jackson. He did a good job, but while he knows the facts, he is not a professional speaker.
SCI needs a spokesman hunter who is willing to be the face of hunting for the next 20 years. This person needs to be handsome/pretty, intelligent, well spoken and have the ability to think on their feet. This person needs to be in D.C. or NYC. They need to bombard the media with conservation related news releases every couple of weeks. They need to be willing to step in front of any microphone at any moment to address any issue regarding hunting. If faced with a new Cecil, they need to know the players all over the world, or know people in the industry, so with a couple of phone calls, they can figure out the truth's and the lies. Cecil was all about lies, and SCI allowed the lies to be perpetrated instead of being the voice of conservation, common sense, reason and the TRUTH. Within 3-4 days, most of us on AH and AR knew the lies. Some of us had been in contact with outfitters in Zimbabwe. We could counter the six to eight lies that were told and repeated constantly by the main stream media. SCI didn't try to respond to any of these as I recall.
There are news organizations and reporters who would contact an SCI spokesman in a situation like Cecil since they would know who he is. That spokesman could then help completely change the narrative with reasonable people and with people looking to know the truth.
Thanks again for being willing to come on AH and listen to our suggestions, and complaints.