Search results

  1. SaintPanzer

    "Original" M-65 Field Jacket

    I have one of these, and I like it. One downside is the hood snaps on/snaps off, it does not stay with the jacket. Other than that, it's a good piece of gear.
  2. SaintPanzer

    on a lighter note...

    I did once ask a Gunny I knew who needed a babysitter if his kids were well behaved, or more like little Lance Corporals...
  3. SaintPanzer


    I'd like to think it has something to do with waiting for a conviction, not simply an indictment. As far as expelling a politician for lying, that's kind of like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.
  4. SaintPanzer

    For those that can't afford the Rigby Big Game or Heym Express, What's the next best thing?

    I learned "palm up" because of the ejection port cover on the M60 machine gun. That's a mistake you only want to make once! Once that motor skill is etched in your brain, it becomes second nature. Curiously, people complain about the "butter knife" handle on the Mannlichers. I prefer it...
  5. SaintPanzer

    Backpack sling?

    I agree that's what he asked for, but I think this system is a better fit. With the smallest pack (I have the medium), you always carry some gear with you (at least water, right?) and this system enables that. Additionally, you can keep your regular sling on the rifle (insert footnote on the...
  6. SaintPanzer

    Backpack sling?

    Vorn is absolutely the way to go. I wonder if they have an interest in a US distributor? They do make three sizes. The smallest would be ideal if you're traveling light.
  7. SaintPanzer


    Kara Hultgren could not be reached for comment...
  8. SaintPanzer

    my chirrens

    That does not look like mess dress, rather, that is black tie formal wear with the (authorized) addition of miniature medals. No need for regulations. Miniatures can be worn at any time with black tie.
  9. SaintPanzer

    Rec for Importer from CA to US

    Not from Canada, but from Germany, I have had great success with Brian at Vanguard Arms in Bradenton Florida. He will handle the import and then forward it to your FFL in TX.
  10. SaintPanzer


    I have, regrettably, lived in California. Yes, the "Motor-Voter" law allows you to register to vote when you get a driver's license. Proof of citizenship not required. And then you have the states that have specifically allowed the undocumented to be issued a license. And the Motor Voter law...
  11. SaintPanzer

    Houston Fish and Wildlife Disappointment

    I know I should never blame ill intent on what is most probably simply incompetence, but... They could be just lazy. Or they could be trying to discourage hunters. Just a thought.
  12. SaintPanzer

    on a lighter note...

    Clearly, he is a Warrant Officer.
  13. SaintPanzer

    Info on Mannlicher Schoenauer carbine

    Yes, it's an MS, but clearly it has been modified. The reproofing, and the stippling on the receiver make me believe this. Is it an M1903? Not sure. I would certainly have the chamber cast.
  14. SaintPanzer

    Best electronic hearing protection?

    To what did they change their name? I just received an email from Axil last week...
  15. SaintPanzer

    1903 Mannlicher Help

    That smidge is enough to make it a little more difficult to feed.
  16. SaintPanzer

    1903 Mannlicher Help

    First guess: Measure the cartridge overall length. Sounds like PPU may be a bit short. Guessing on the Scotland thing: Not necessarily an increase in muzzle velocity, probably a measurement of energy at 100 meters. Typical European (certainly Germany and Poland, I am speculating on the...
  17. SaintPanzer

    on a lighter note...

    I knew it was an acronym, but I really thought it stood for: "Move Over! People Are Racing!"
  18. SaintPanzer

    .256 Mannlicher by George Gibbs

    Blame the Brits: Like driving on the left, they measure between the lands (.256), while the rest of the world goes between the grooves (.264).
  19. SaintPanzer


    I understand perfectly. One side uses machine guns on concertgoers and beheads babies. The other side does not.
  20. SaintPanzer

    How do you haul your game out?

    Reminds me of a great safety tip I learned in the Marine Corps. "Don't lift with your back. Lift with your PFC."
  21. SaintPanzer

    Snap Caps

    I agree wholeheartedly with the pencil eraser. Only change I would make is I drill small holes in the case so it's obvious it's a dummy round. If I'm feeling really spunky, I'll add some BBs to the case before I seat the bullet, so that a quick shake makes a rattle, also making it obvious it's...
  22. SaintPanzer

    My wife is wanting to attend some Christmas markets in Europe in December. Where can I hunt in December?

    Vienna... Johann Springer Erben
  23. SaintPanzer

    How Strong Is It?

    Those look like proof marks on the receiver. I had thought they were London and Birmingham proofs, but they don't quite look right, and I don't recognize them. They do not look like German proof marks either, I would expect to see the Ulm proof house antler. There may be more info covered by...
  24. SaintPanzer

    How Strong Is It?

    Just curious, are there any proof marks? If so, it's been fired at least once at 125% max load...
  25. SaintPanzer

    Trijicon RMR red dot for Heym double

    A 1MOA dot "covers" an inch of the target (at 100 yds). A 2.5 covers 2.5 inches. Suppose you have a 1MOA rifle, and a 2.5MOA red dot. That 1MOA rifle can now vary as much as 3.5MOA on impact. At least that's how I can best describe it. When you throw that red dot up, how precisely are you...
  26. SaintPanzer

    Importing a rifle into US

    Not a rifle, but just did this with a pistol (P08). Contact me via PM if you'd like the details.
  27. SaintPanzer

    Recommendations on European boar hunts

    I have just returned to the US after several years in Germany, as well as hunting in Poland. This is my experience: Re: teaching LtCol Cooper's rules, I always taught them in my classes. I cannot speak for others. I have stalked and used the high seat in Poland. I have used the high seat...
  28. SaintPanzer


    Well, Title 10, Para 246 seems pretty clear: (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the...
  29. SaintPanzer

    2 1/2" 16ga Shells

    Helpful, thanks!
  30. SaintPanzer

    Rifle Sling Recommendation

    Let us be clear: Offhand, a sling is but a hands free device. Supported: Sticks, your knee, prone using the earth, etc. etc., now a sling can help. Looping up is nice if you have time. If you don't have time, well, the Safari Ching sling sold by Galco will do exactly what you need...
  31. SaintPanzer

    1903 Mannlicher Help

    I have two 1903s and a 1910. All pre-war. One actually stamped "Made in Germany", proofed in 1939. On the ammo: Match the specs, and you are fine. Play around, and maybe not. on the 1903, Hornady is no longer making their 160g, but you may find some NOS. Woodleigh was making 160g, and...
  32. SaintPanzer

    Interest in Brass Priming Service? (Large Rifle Magnum Primers)

    I like the idea of primed brass, and have purchased it before. The one thing I'd keep in mind is providing documentation of which primers. When I develop a load, if I make a change to any component, I start over, and it would be good to know what is there so I could replicate it in the future.
  33. SaintPanzer


    re: Power of Attorney, I can't answer your Senate vote question, but I can tell you that "unable to manage their own affairs" is not exactly it. That is to say "unable to manage" can be for any reason. For example, my wife has a PoA for my car. If I'm deployed, I cannot be there to...
  34. SaintPanzer


    Of course you are entitled to your opinion. It's the facts right that is important. I couldn't care less if you agree with my opinion or not. I just grew up in a world where if you can't trace an opinion back to a fact, then, well, it's an opinion without much validity. It might as well be...
  35. SaintPanzer


    JFet provided a link, but I'll say it again: Read the damn speech! If the link above doesn't work, search back in this thread for posts I've made quoting the speech. It's not "word-smithing gymnastics", and the concept and meaning are made clear when you read the sentences before and after...
  36. SaintPanzer


    I am so bored with hearing this, but I'll go over it one last time. RedLeg provided a precis of the Eisenhower speech, but if you scroll back I have a more detailed review of that. Enough. US interests? Try this: We all speak of a chip shortage. You know we need neon to etch chips, right...
  37. SaintPanzer

    on a lighter note...

    But I can smell this 9 just fine...
  38. SaintPanzer

    Powder Selection Question

    I'll go through my copy again. I remember the section about checking pressure, but that's not the issue. It's a "what powder would be a good place to start (not the same as what have people had success with in the past), given a list of available powders, which may not currently include the...
  39. SaintPanzer

    Powder Selection Question

    Thank you! As I said, taking a small break to move, but will be in touch when I get back to it!
  40. SaintPanzer

    Powder Selection Question

    Thanks again. Yes, the OCW requires shooting (darn!) and relies on shooter skill (I need the practice anyway), and the OBT relies on maths. I'm a history major, so given the choice between maths and shooting... I do like picking nodes that are one node down from max charge, assuming I can...
  41. SaintPanzer

    Powder Selection Question

    Thank you. I hadn't considered pre-running the numbers. That makes sense, though I'm not sure I understand how the programs determine the highest accuracy node. I thought that's why I did OCW ladder tests, as barrels may differ. I've been able to develop nice loads using the N160, I've...
  42. SaintPanzer

    Powder Selection Question

    I'm about to take a reloading pause, mostly because in about a month all my gear will be going into a container, to be shipped overseas, and it will be a while before I see it again. In the meantime, I can do research, and I'm trying to understand some things I don't fully understand so I can...
  43. SaintPanzer

    Kynoch "Listings For Sale"

    My experience: I bought some "old" Kynoch ammo in 9,5X57 MS. It said "non-corroding primers" on it, so approximate date was mid 1950s. 5 out of 9 split cases near the base. I saw the split case on the 9th round (really didn't expect it, just happened to notice it. Pulled the 10th round...
  44. SaintPanzer

    What is your wallpaper?

    I needed a background for a zoom call. I did a search on "Trophy Rooms". Found a couple of museum displays...
  45. SaintPanzer

    What is your wallpaper?

    The "bat" was found somewhere in one of my searches for strange things. As I've said, I downloaded to use in my class on CITES, and kept it as a screen saver. The stags were also "finds". The schooner is "FAME", a 1911 design from B.B. Crowninshield. And the dog? Yes, Panzer was very real...
  46. SaintPanzer


    Clearly he would be Secretary of Agriculture...
  47. SaintPanzer

    What is your wallpaper?

    I think it was Isiolo, on the way to Juba. I used it in a class I teach, explaining what CITES permits are and why we need them. If these guys had CITES, we could still be hunting those, right?
  48. SaintPanzer

    Unusual find

    Makes sense... If a rimmed rifle tends to have a little less pressure than rimless (think the difference between a 7X64 and 7X65R), then lightening the bullet a little bit will probably give similar velocities...
  49. SaintPanzer

    What is your wallpaper?

  50. SaintPanzer

    What is your wallpaper?

    I have a couple...