Search results

  1. 503

    Texas alligator gar bowfishing

    I heard they taste good. I guess ill find out....
  2. 503


    They don't care about pollution, or carbon or whatever. It's all about control. Having a vehicle means freedom and they.dont like that. They want electric cars so we are at their mercy in terms of the power grid, when/ where we can charge them and how far we can travel. All of that stuff...
  3. 503

    Texas alligator gar bowfishing

    We are going with Big Fish Bowfishing. My buddy booked it so I haven't talked to the guy but my friend said he sounded cool/ squared away. He does alligator hurts too so we may go back next year if we like him. He's been doing it for a long time so...
  4. 503

    Texas alligator gar bowfishing

    It would have been cool to shoot a fish that doesn't exist and hand it to the DNR guy. It's definitely fun, just remember that bowfishing is a lot like life, always aim low haha. Cheers 503
  5. 503

    Texas alligator gar bowfishing

    Hello all, in Oct. Some friends and I are going to Texas to do a pig hunt/ alligator gar bowfishing trip. I've done a lot of bowfishing and I love it. If you've never gone bowfishing you should, it's a blast. I've never gone after alligator gar before, just wondering if anyone here has and...
  6. 503

    35 Whelen with 250 gr Norma Oryx

    From the woodleigh manual. Cheers 503
  7. 503

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    I haven't heard of any depts around me using 4 buck in a long time. I think that was more popular back in the 60s thought the 80s. Most depts run 00 buck or slugs. They do way better going through barriers like car windows etc. Our dept. Uses winchester ranger slugs and 00 buck. It's the low...
  8. 503

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    I read it and understand the concept. It is a terrible concept. If you can make a head shot on a charging leopard then why do it with birdshot then follow up with something that will actually kill it? Why not just shoot a round that will kill it in the first place. And even it it's blinded...
  9. 503

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    Yea, why wouldn't a round made to break clay pigeons and kill rabbits work on a raged out 200 pound murder cat?.....
  10. 503

    TSS it worth it?

    Hunting is expensive af. Ammo is one of the cheaper things you can spend money on that matters the most. If you're paying for a guided hunt or only get a few weekends a year to hunt who gives shit how much ammo costs? I feel like saving $75 and missing and or crippling a bunch of birds with...
  11. 503

    New US Customs policy pertaining to bows & arrows for hunting

    I'm glad the government is also disinfecting the boots of all the illegals that come in every day too. #priorities........
  12. 503

    Tom Selleck’s Collection Holland and Holland

    I'd like to see his mustache comb collection.
  13. 503

    Would you like a Cigar?

    Had one of these tonight while walking the dog, good stick. Cheers 503
  14. 503

    Dog Beds

    I got this one for my dog. He sleeps on it so I guess he likes it. My 9 year old son lays on it and watched tv and says it's comfortable sooooo.....
  15. 503

    Pay It Forward-Free

    375 brass has been claimed
  16. 503

    Pay It Forward-Free

    I will offer 38 pieces of .375H&H brass. 8 PPU, 13 Hornady CX, 9 Barnes and 8 Hornady DG. All were bought new and are once fired. Free to the lowest bidder. Cheers 503
  17. 503

    Pay It Forward-Free

    PM sent. I'll look and see what I have to post. Cheers 503
  18. 503

    Pay It Forward-Free

    I will take one, thank you!
  19. 503

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Are they both for Rem choke?
  20. 503

    Removing wad fouling from barrel

    In all seriousness, I've been to many shotgun classes and shotgun instructor school a few times and we shot several hundred rounds over the course of a few days and I've never seen any plastic buildup in the barrel. Just some solvent and a brush followed up by a few patches is all they seem to...
  21. 503

    Removing wad fouling from barrel

    You're supposed to clean shotguns?......
  22. 503

    SOUTH AFRICA: The Adventure Begins!

    Have a good trip guys, good hunting!
  23. 503

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    If #2 tss will kill a 150 pound hog at 45 yards then 00 to 0000 tss buckshot should be able to kill dinosaurs. Cheers 503
  24. 503

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?
  25. 503

    Safari Magazine - The Bullet & The Buffalo

    Looks like the 235 is the lightest .375 bullet barnes makes anyway.
  26. 503

    Safari Magazine - The Bullet & The Buffalo

    "Don't believe everything you see on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln.
  27. 503

    Who Is The Next Hemingway, Ruark?

    You will love it Cheers 503
  28. 503

    Sale On 308 Win Norma Oryx Ammo (Made In Sweden) - 10 Boxes For $249.50 + Free Shipping

    Do you only sell the 308 A-frame in lots of 100 rounds or is there a way to buy individual boxes?
  29. 503

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    There shouldn't be a firearm or ammo anywhere near a movie set. They are called props for a reason.
  30. 503

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    Why would a prop gun on a movie set be loaded?..... also if the armorer on set hands you a "gun" and the director says point it at me so we can get the right angle why in world would anyone reasonably think they would hand you a real weapon with live ammo in it... on a movie set?....
  31. 503

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    If you're on a movie set why would there be real gun and or live ammo there? He wasn't on a range shooting guns where gun safety rules are paramount. If I'm acting in a movie and the prop guy hands me a prop gun why would there be any reason to think it's a real gun with live ammo? I'm not...
  32. 503

    Mauser M12 extreme synthetic stock

    Looks like what happened with the dura touch stocks on browning and winchester. There was a huge recall a few years ago.
  33. 503

    Picking Up My Buffalo Today

    Very nice! It's been dead for almost 3 years and still looks pissed off haha, they did a great job
  34. 503

    If this is lion hunting…. You can have it

    You'd think crossbow guy would have a rifle sitting next to him and switch to it right after he shot the arrow. For the inevitable charge..... I know I'd want to be able to help out in that situation instead of standing there just hoping to not die.
  35. 503

    Hunting with a semi-auto in Africa, is it legal?

    Most hunting and gun laws are made by clowns.
  36. 503

    Hunting with a semi-auto in Africa, is it legal?

    Usually the good guns are reserved for the criminals
  37. 503

    Hunting with a semi-auto in Africa, is it legal?

    Aren't there 980 million AKs in Africa?.....
  38. 503

    If this is lion hunting…. You can have it

    Didn't some guy somewhere say something like, " Bring enough gun." I feel like I've heard that somewhere.....
  39. 503

    Tungsten buckshot for leopard follow up?

    I think a .22 magnum would be perfect. Low recoil, cheap ammo and it has magnum in the name so it probably has plenty of power. Cheers 503
  40. 503

    American DUI in Canada

  41. 503

    American DUI in Canada

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but American law enforcement is in real bad shape. Recruiting is next to impossible, every dept. Is short handed. The job has changed so much is almost undoable anymore. Def. Not what I signed up for in 06. It's sad.
  42. 503

    American DUI in Canada

    Well then the courts need to do their job and send people to prison and not plead everything down to misdemeanor bs just because they want money. Period.
  43. 503

    American DUI in Canada

    Driving drunk is bad but I've also worked a million traffic crashes where everyone was sober so I kinda feel like drunk or not most people drive like shit anyway and aren't paying attention half the time. Anymore duis are just a money grab by the state and lawyers. If you can write a check for...
  44. 503

    American DUI in Canada

    Driving drunk once is all it takes to kill people. Does the first time you do it make it any less dangerous? If it was an automatic felony that couldn't be plead down to a misdemeanor Driving drunk would go away real fast.
  45. 503

    American DUI in Canada

    Because too many important people like politicians, Dr's, lawyers, cops, judges and their kids get them. If it were an automatic felony it would screw over way too many important people. That's why it's stupid that a DUI and stealing a candy bar from a gas station are the same in terms of...
  46. 503

    American DUI in Canada

    I feel like if DUIs were that serious they would be a felony no matter what. Not a misdemeanor. We all know why they're not tho.
  47. 503

    American DUI in Canada

    I've been a cop a long time and I'd rather staple my dick to a moving car than write a DUI. They're the worst. Cheers 503
  48. 503

    Disturbing trend on TV

    I spend all my money on booze, women and guns. The rest I waste on nonsense. Cheers 503
  49. 503

    I couldnt believe it

    When the power goes out a lot of people are going to have a very hard time.....
  50. 503

    Cape buffalo Archery Setup

    I understand all that, and I'm not doubting the lethality of bows. Its just funny that guys will argue about having to need all these monster rifles shooting huge bullets with 5,000 plus ft lbs of energy for buffalo when you can shoot them with a bow.