American DUI in Canada

When I grew up it was ok to drive while drinking and the level was 0.10. And you had to be falling down drunk before you were arrested. The joke was in the summer you had to keep a cold beer between your legs while driving to keep your balls cool. My father can remember when the level was .15. Now the level is .08 and .15 is considered extreme intoxication. Zero tolerance, alcohol on your breath, and you are given field sobriety tests. Get arrested submit a breath sample to the Intoxilizer 9000 and if you don't, the State gets a warrant to forcibly take your blood. The .08 was forced down on the States via want highway funds, you will comply or no highway money. That's the only way .05 will happen, but I suspect that going to be a big fight with the restaurant, beer, wine and liquor lobby. Thankfully we don't have checkpoints yet.
I also can remember there was a lot less traffic on the highways. Now interstate is busy all night. They really had to crack down some.
My Dad has asked me about doing a Moose hunt in Canada, probably next year. As Dad is getting on in years, I can see the possibility of this being our last big hut together, other than deer and hogs. We will be driving to Alberta most likely as this will be most affordable for us and make it easiest to bring the meat back. The problem is, I did something very stupid in 2006 and gout a DUI in Wisconsin. Please spare the lectures as I am well aware of what a dumb move that was. But My question is- what do I need to do to be allowed back into Canada for this hunt? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had the same issue when I went there from Australia. Just paid 140 dollars AUD and they made me a temporary citizen. Crazy had trouble getting a visa but no worries becoming a temporary citizen.
I had the same issue when I went there from Australia. Just paid 140 dollars AUD and they made me a temporary citizen. Crazy had trouble getting a visa but no worries becoming a temporary citizen.
We are all pisscats at some point in time.....never trust a man who dont have a drink....
Actually Brent with some of the new micro beers in the US they are producing some ‘beers’ that come close to being real beer.
In Australia we don't have problems with good beer. It's all good beer but some are better than others.
Even our worst beer makes Bud suds look like cats piss and I think they forgot to put the alcohol in it.
It is truly disgusting.
I've seen so called seasoned American drinkers go arse up after a dozen Australian beers and we are still drinking.
I suppose it's what you are used to.
Dang don't try and drink 6 Darwin stubbies they are 40 ounces each.
I’ve had 2 friends turned around by Canadian immigration, 1 at a border crossing and another at the Saskatoon airport. The guy at the airport had to catch the next flight out and the other guy had to catch a train from the Montana/ Canadian border as he was riding with a friend. I don’t know the particulars of the offenses but I do know they envolved alcohol.
Not really. Awhile back, here in Tucson, a driver of a vehicle killed a university student on a bicycle. He confessed to smoking synthetic marijuana, shortly before the accident. Many stupid people out there that feel a medical marijuana card, or legalized weed, is a license to get away with whatever they want in regard to that substance. Drunk drivers are bad enough, but add in stoners, and pill poppers, and driving becomes a game of Russian Roulette.
@Brent in Az
Wow a bicycle rider killing a car driver, usually the other way around.
Does Wisconsin have expungement petitions for state criminal offenses? If so, I would engage a local attorney to pursue the matter.

In Indiana, misdemeanors can be expunged 5 years after sentencing and many felonies can be expunged 8 years after sentencing. You only get “one swing of the bat” in Indiana, though.

Best of luck and happy hunting, TheGrayRider.
The worst part of the guy at the airport was they wouldn’t let him call us so we sat in the airport for a couple of hours waiting on him, they did tell him he could spend the night in jail and see a judge the next day but he refused.
Yes, the instant check, checks the NCIC files.

Here what's in it from Wikipedia:
The NCIC makes available a variety of records to be used for law enforcement and security purposes. The NCIC database includes 21 files: 14 person files and 7 property files.[7]

Person files:[7]

  • Missing Persons File - Records on individuals, including children, who have been reported missing to law enforcement and there is a reasonable concern for their safety.
  • Foreign Fugitive File - Records on persons wanted by another country for a crime that would be a felony if it were committed in the United States.
  • Identity Theft File - Records containing descriptive and other information that law enforcement personnel can use to determine if an individual is a victim of identity theft or if the individual might be using a false identity.
  • Immigration Violator File - Records on criminal aliens whom immigration authorities have deported and aliens with outstanding administrative warrants of removal.
  • Protection Order File - Records on individuals against whom protection orders have been issued.
  • Supervised Release File - Records on individuals on probation, parole, or supervised release or released on their own recognizance or during pre-trial sentencing.
  • Unidentified Persons File- Records on unidentified deceased persons, living persons who are unable to verify their identities, unidentified victims of catastrophes, and recovered body parts. The file cross-references unidentified bodies against records in the Missing Persons File.
  • U.S. Secret Service Protective File - Records containing names and other information on individuals who are believed to pose a threat to the U.S. president and/or others afforded protection by the U.S. Secret Service.
  • Gang File - Records on violent gangs and their members.
  • Known or Appropriately Suspected Terrorist File - Records on known or appropriately suspected terrorists in accordance with HSPD-6.
  • Wanted Persons File - Records on individuals (including juveniles who will be tried as adults) for whom a federal warrant or a felony or misdemeanor warrant is outstanding.
  • National Sex Offender Registry File - Records on individuals who are required to register in a jurisdiction’s sex offender registry.
  • National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Denied Transaction File - Records on individuals who have been determined to be “prohibited persons” according to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and were denied as a result of a NICS background check. (As of August 2012, records include last six months of denied transactions; in the future, records will include all denials.)
  • Violent Person File - Once fully populated with data from our users, this file will contain records of persons with a violent criminal history and persons who have previously threatened law enforcement.
Property files:[7]

  • Article File - Records on stolen articles and lost public safety, homeland security, and critical infrastructure identification.
  • Boat File - Records on stolen boats.
  • Gun File - Records on stolen, lost, and recovered weapons and weapons that are designed to expel a projectile by air, carbon dioxide, or explosive action and have been used in the commission of crimes.
  • License Plate File - Records on stolen license plates.
  • Securities File - Records on serially numbered stolen, embezzled, used for ransom, or counterfeit securities.
  • Vehicle and Boat Parts File - Records on serially numbered stolen vehicle or boat parts.
  • Vehicle File - Records on stolen vehicles, vehicles involved in the commission of crimes, or vehicles that may be seized based on federally issued court order.
While I don't personally use it, I do see everyday some of what it in.

FBI version here:

Interesting. My security clearance pops up when they run my passport. Is that part of the same system?
In Australia it has been. 05 for years.
In 1993 I went overseas for the first time, the trip was to the USA. Our(Queensland Australia) BAC had gone to.05% only a couple of years earlier from.08%. Anyway, a mate and I were shooting in the US HP rifle championships at Camp Perry….we were staying in the camp, in the old huts and we had been having a fairly social time. We had hired a car for the shoot..a new blue Cadillac. We thought we were rats with a gold tooth. Anyway one evening we were drinking at the canteen, drinking so called weak beer , …closing time came ( you could always tell because 2 uniformed police officers use to show up to make sure). ‍ So out we went, not drunk….but we were feeling no pain. And we both new that the BAC limit in Ohio was.15% …so we knew that unless we were rotten, which we weren’t, we would be under the.15%.
so past the cops were walked up to our car….the mate and I then both had a discussion as to who was the most sober and therefore the driver. Obviously I won, so I opened the car door and got in and so did my mate….he found himself behind the steering wheel and I was in the passenger seat. We had forgotten that the Americans and most of the world drive on the wrong side,

so we both got out, locked up the car, and walked back to the hut…..must have been all of 300 yards. Unfortunately for us there we a few people that saw the show and loved to remind us of it.

weak beer my arse…..

for some reason I can’t get the imijos to work. So read the above with tongue in cheek.
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just to add an immigration cannot bar you from life to enter canada. he can decline your entry and make some notes and you can appeal the decision. most of the time what they are doing is asking you to sign a paper that you are refusing (yourself) to enter canada and going back to your country. if you do not sign then they have to deport you back to canada and make an official paper where it is indicating you, your way to appeal that decision and how to apply for a waiver or what we call a pardon in canada. you have to beg a pardon to the queen in the past or the king now.

and im not an immigration officer.
I've been a cop a long time and I'd rather staple my dick to a moving car than write a DUI. They're the worst.


I've been a cop a long time and I'd rather staple my dick to a moving car than write a DUI. They're the worst.


Well the, I thank you for doing what you hate. We don’t need drunk drivers out there.
I feel like if DUIs were that serious they would be a felony no matter what. Not a misdemeanor. We all know why they're not tho.
I don’t know, so why?

In Canada - we don‘t have the misdemeanor/felony distinction (though we have something similar) we treat DUI (or impaired driving as we call it) seriously. It’s in the federal criminal code and applies equally across the country.
I feel like if DUIs were that serious they would be a felony no matter what. Not a misdemeanor. We all know why they're not tho.
I think it makes sense for the first one to be a misdemeanor and progress to a felony. You don’t want a young dumb kid’s life to be ruined from driving drunk once but a habitual drunk driver? Sure. Innocent people literally die all the time from drunk drivers. I’m really on the fence over the misdemeanor part. Very serious matter

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Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
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Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
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Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID