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  1. BJH65


    Hello Saul, I‘m just curious, since the failed assassination attempt, do you still feel the same about Trump? This could be asked of other Trump detractors too. It seems that more than a few detractors acknowledge a grudging admiration for him based on how he responded during this horrible...
  2. BJH65


    Spot on sir. I too worked as a cop for 25 years in a large metro area about 1.6 million population with approximately 1600-1700 sworn. I still remember a call for service for some type of disturbance, my cover officer was a 5-3 130 female. Upon arrival and contact we were faced with a 300...
  3. BJH65

    To good to pass up

    Congratulations, awesome rifle and cartridge at a very good price! Looks to be in excellent condition. It’s simply an early wedding present and an excellent investment as well. :)
  4. BJH65

    Interesting Rigby Video

    I would enjoy watching a follow up video of Don Jr using his 416 Rigby on buffalo.
  5. BJH65


    Thank you for sharing, what an amazing hunt! The Green Rhino hunt was the highlight for me! I would love to do one someday. Since I’m new to AH and haven’t had a chance to catch up on your other hunts, but I don’t know how this one could ever be topped! This to me is the best part of AH...
  6. BJH65

    Weatherby Mark V Alaskan?

    Wow, if it stays under $1000 I’d buy it immediately, I’ve not seen a used Weatherby Alaskan listed online for under a $1000 in awhile, usually listed for a lot more. Plus this one has a Pentax scope and case. Sometimes they are erroneously listed as stainless steel but you can immediately tell...
  7. BJH65

    I'm finally retired - Another Chapter Closes

    Wow, congratulations on your retirement and thank you for your years of service! What a perfect rifle too! Good luck with the next chapter of your life! Go kill a buffalo with that 416 Rigby!
  8. BJH65

    Grandpa Moose

    HI Moose, welcome to AH! I’m retired and new to AH as well. I like your taste in rifles. Your 1885 Winchester in 375 H&H and BRNO 602 in 8x68S are not very common but most excellent rifles!
  9. BJH65

    Which Second Rifle?

    Take your .318 WR beautiful and classic rifle.
  10. BJH65


    I hope so although I don’t believe it’ll go back to the old way. As preposterous as it may seem, I don’t believe California has hit rock bottom yet.
  11. BJH65


    Hello Saul, Well, in California, it was the voters who helped to create this mess. I can speak to this since I spent 25 years as a law enforcement officer in CA extensively dealing with this problem. Years back, CA passed a dangerous trifecta: AB109, Prop 57 and Prop 47. This in a nutshell...
  12. BJH65


    Thank you sir. I recommend a few utilize it.
  13. BJH65


    Are we in high school? No worries, the feeling is mutual with you and a few others. A blocking feature would be nice.
  14. BJH65


    So after reading your post a little more thoroughly Mr. Red Leg and this could apply to all AH members who were offended, since you appear to be a man of detail and linear thinking: I’ve been careful in making my points to not specifically name any AH member or specifically call them out in any...
  15. BJH65


    Yes, I have a tendency to stir things up a bit. However, I was able to compel myself to remain silent most of the time in the Marines and my law enforcement career but not always…however I did speak my mind if a felt it important enough to my detriment sometimes…let us say I didn’t make Chief…I...
  16. BJH65

    My .300 Win Mag finally arrived!

    Congratulations sir on acquiring a fine rifle and caliber! I feel the 300 Win Mag is one of the most versatile calibers there is. I’ve used one (Winchester M70 Fwt All Terrain) on a variety of African plains game including Eland to elk, black bear and Alaskan grizzly. I admit I was a little...
  17. BJH65


    Yes, from my wife more than once. :ROFLMAO:
  18. BJH65


    Tanks, I must admit you cause me to use the dictionary often. :)
  19. BJH65


    Sure…pretty please with sugar on top? C‘mon, I sincerely hope no one needs a tissue over this…I seemed to have misjudged some…Gee…I can’t be part of the group anymore?
  20. BJH65

    Favorite Reticle

    Exact same on my Leupold VX3 1.5-5 Illuminated duplex reticle mounted to CZ 416 Rigby but it doesn’t bother me.
  21. BJH65


    lol…Excellent….I‘m more a craft beer and wine guy when I do drink.
  22. BJH65

    Favorite Reticle

    For long range hunting I’ve successfully used different dial up scopes with standard duplex reticle but I like the simplicity and simpleness of the Leupold Boone & Crockett BDC, Vortex BDC and Nikon BDC. This for ranges out to 600 yards. For DG or anything under 300 yards I like a standard...
  23. BJH65


    lol it’s a joke
  24. BJH65


    Now…as the challenged party, let us settle this feud…perhaps a duel with KA-BAR knives in 6 feet of water….hint..I will still be able to breathe….:)
  25. BJH65


    Thank you for that, I feel I am a pretty decent guy. Well, yes if I was inappropriate and out of line, I’ll certainly apologize. What I’ve learned in life… if you’re wrong admit it, learn from it and move on….just offering opinions based on my observations in life….some members have taken...
  26. BJH65


    Good grief man, you seem to be wound a little tight? You seem to display a linear thought process, do you have a sense of humor? The last statement was clearly stated facetiously. You clearly believe everything is personally directed at you but I have not named a single person on AH in a...
  27. BJH65


    Not a dilemma…..Just vote for Trump and the Republican ticket…:)
  28. BJH65

    For Sale Sako 85XL .500 Jeffery $4,000

    GLWS that is an excellent price for an excellent rifle and excellent caliber.
  29. BJH65

    Which Buffalo Would You shoot?

    Either would be fine!
  30. BJH65


    Hmmm… perhaps I’m just not conveying my thoughts adequately…of course they can be good salt of the earth wonderful people…nobody said they weren't…the point I was trying to make unsuccessfully was a certain amount of wealth may create a detachment, something I have observed…which the original...
  31. BJH65

    In memoriam - Mark Hampton of GSCO & SCI RIP

    RIP. Died doing what he loved. Condolences to his family and friends.
  32. BJH65


    Just back from my trip and have a little time to respond. I think, at least for me it’s difficult to really convey all of one’s thoughts in writing without for me at least, writing an extensive amount which I try to avoid doing on this site. I try to keep it as short and concise as I can so...
  33. BJH65


    Clearly I have struck a nerve with more than a few AH members. As I write this, I’m flying cross country to attend a funeral and just don’t have the time to thoughtfully respond to each of those who’ve taken exception at this time. The topic was detractors of Trump and his followers, the...
  34. BJH65


    As I stated in my closing, it is only my opinion. I’ve known many with a humble past that are no longer in touch with working class folks. You take this as pure criticism when this is simply reality. Moreover, am I really wrong? Nothing you have stated dissuades what I brought up. Yes, I do...
  35. BJH65


    I believe I have detected a theme among the more voracious detractors of Trump and his constituents on the AH forum. I suspect they are in the top 1% income bracket and perhaps no less than the top 5%. I suspect they have an advanced educational background, Masters degree or higher. I believe...
  36. BJH65


    One could say a cultural invasion has/is taking place. Those not willing to assimilate should not be welcome. A great past president, Theodore Roosevelt strongly believed in this.
  37. BJH65

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    Is this more a recommendation by SA PH’s only to use premium SP on buffalo and not solids as opposed to the non fenced areas like in the Caprivi strip, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, etc? Or is this a more universal recommendation?
  38. BJH65

    Solid bullets for Buffalo? Yes or No?

    Interesting post with some excellent technical information and practical experience from very experienced members. 27 years ago on our first African Safari to SA and Mozambique for buffalo and hippo, I was told to bring quality premium soft points and solids, I brought a 416 Rem Mag using 400...
  39. BJH65


    Trump is an interesting study, it seems he blurts out whatever his thoughts are, irrespective of the consequences. I don’t believe him to be inherently evil. Petty, egotistical and vindictive at times, yes. I believe he honestly means well and have reason to believe he has good inside him. I...
  40. BJH65


    Astute observation, agreed, very much intertwined. Trump does have a track record of economic success from his previous time as president so perhaps not all a disaster on foreign policy?
  41. BJH65


    Like I stated to Red Leg, I don’t think Trump has enough information to offer a specific detailed plan on brokering an end to the war nor do I believe he’ll offer specifics on how it will be accomplished during this upcoming election other than general statements. And if competent military...
  42. BJH65


    I forgot to mention maintaining good overall health and fitness throughout your life. There are exceptions regarding age. My old friend, master gunsmith Dennis Olson from Western Montana comes to mind. I recall going on a brutal 12 mile backcountry hike with Dennis, fording a river over a 50...
  43. BJH65


    I am in agreement, perhaps prioritize which hunts you will do first by level of difficulty and one’s age and fitness level. I went on a BC mountain goat hunt at 53 and Bob Marshal Wilderness elk at 54 and both were extremely physically demanding, even though I trained, I felt like I should have...
  44. BJH65


    I believe that Trump will have a better rapport with Putin than Biden. I believe and freely admit I have no proof or intimate knowledge, but feel Trump and his administration will have a better chance at negotiating a peaceful end to the war, I believe that will be the #1 priority. Hopefully...
  45. BJH65


    I don’t disagree. Only Trump knows. Many of his spontaneous statements and responses have been detrimental to him nor does he speak with the calculated careful precision of a skillful politician. I believe for this very reason he garners support from the American people, he doesn’t behave...
  46. BJH65


    Perhaps I’m just jaded but I can’t think of any presidential candidate and/or politician that’s been completely honest in recent memory, maybe Carter? I don’t think you can be successful in politics in this day and age by being completely honest to the American people, too detrimental to...
  47. BJH65


    Having had an opportunity to read your response, clearly you have a vast amount of knowledge on this subject. However, regarding Trumps rhetoric, and this is something I believe almost impossible to ask of his detractors, it must simply be dismissed. One can in my opinion only look at Trump’s...
  48. BJH65


    Correct, this is widespread IMO. When DA’s aren’t prosecuting, police no longer policing, crime is therefore not being reported, what for? The only accurate statistic is homicide. Crime is down in SF, yeah right. Your eyes and being there tell you differently.
  49. BJH65

    New to Forum… went on my 1st safari a few weeks ago and can’t stop thinking about how to make it back!!

    Welcome, congratulations and thanks for sharing! You got some great trophies!
  50. BJH65


    Thanks Saul. Yes, I have many! My wife used to live in Key West. Someday I’d like to visit and try some conch chowder!