Woke is marxism evolved to take on the West

Raised in the south, but unaffiliated with any church, a very concerned woman asked my father how he expected to raise a decent child who would know right from wrong. He answered that he would tell me what was morally right and wrong based on general decency. She was utterly befuddled.

I don’t think a reasonable person needs to consult a book, a preacher, or a politician to judge right from wrong. Not to be confused with things that just make ya feel weird when you see ‘em.

There are some good parables in most every religious book, but truth is supported by facts, not good stories. History does show religion to be the underpinning of law and government, but history can inform the future without dictating it. “Because it’s always been that way” doesn’t do it for me.

If religion works for you then good; everyone deserves comfort and hope. Religion does not work for me though. I would prefer the state to keep any imposition of religion off of me. There are a lot of folks who do not want laws whose only basis is in religion imposed on them. Blue laws are a simple example.
What is ironic to me is that it was the religious beliefs and morals of men in governance that secured the freedom and safety for you to voice your conflicting views, yet the violent organization you self inscribe too that Prescribes to tolerance and inclusion is the antithesis of what they claim to promote. I would conclude that makes them the most intolerant group in society at present. How in your opinion is it acceptable to persecute us for our beliefs and hold yours up as justification?
Why do you feel it is either your part or your right to change our minds? You said your dad raised you to respect decency, so is it decent to impose your views on others? And I am talking as much about the woke movement in general as you yourself. Why are you on this group expounding clearly non-hunting topics when you are fully aware that the good and decent folks here are here to enjoy their hunting subject because it pleases them, makes them happy? Are you on a mission? A cause? Who sent you?
I think, as it is my right to make an assessment, that you are a lonely person looking for interaction and fulfilment. May I suggest in all sincerity and goodwill that you take up that 375 of yours and come to Africa on safari. You will find folks of all walks of life working extremely hard on your behalf, none of whom will preech their views to you. But they laugh a lot and get a great kick out of making you happy.
Well that took a turn fast.

I do believe I answered a question that was politely put to me by Jeff505. In my answer I think I specifically stated I do not think I’m changing any minds here. So let’s back that horse up.

The topic of this thread was started by a longtime member of this site and is presumably part of normal discussion here. It looks that pretty much everyone here agrees with the initial post. If the echo chamber of agreement is sacred, would you prefer I bow out? If not, then a dissenting opinion should be an opportunity to express your views to someone who doesn’t share them.

Since you are curious why I’m here in the first place I’ll tell you. Rather than being a lonely guy (I checked today and my wife and children believe I’m reasonably well satisfied in life) I was looking for experts on European scopes, quality hunting rifles with walnut and blued steel, and the pitfalls of traveling Africa. After lurking a bit I noticed that people who otherwise appeared to understand these topics occasionally expressed opinions so far from my own that I questioned how trustworthy their comments on other topics were. If a fella just explained how I should fix my truck, then turned around and claimed to have invented the question mark, it would give me pause.

Though you and I don’t appear to agree on some fundamental issues, we’ve nonetheless managed to debate in a reasonably civilized way, I think. Several other folks have contributed in a similar way. I feel that if you had advice on how to fix my truck, the chances of my truck blowing up are slim. At least one other contributor, however, appears to have claim on the question mark and I may weigh his advice accordingly.

If the consensus is that I should leave and not return, I will go merrily on my way. Let me know.

Paranoid schizophrenics can be prone to self harm and strong delusional beliefs. gender dysfunctional people exhibited similar symptoms both in willingness to do self harm and disassociation with reality, yet the laws as they stand now allow one group the governmental protection to legally dictate how they can be described ( atleast in Canada ) where as the other group is often hospitalized and offered a verity of treatment for there mental health and welfare.
I would argue the schizophrenic atleast as strongly believes he’s a purple spider beast as the transsexual believes there of an inverse gender yet the rest of society can plainly see he is not. That is because we can recognize the signs that he/she is delusional and we try to help them to not harm them selfs. Likewise there is no law in place that forces one to address the schizophrenic as king of the earth bound lizard warriors no matter how strongly they believe it to be true.
Well that took a turn fast.

I do believe I answered a question that was politely put to me by Jeff505. In my answer I think I specifically stated I do not think I’m changing any minds here. So let’s back that horse up.

The topic of this thread was started by a longtime member of this site and is presumably part of normal discussion here. It looks that pretty much everyone here agrees with the initial post. If the echo chamber of agreement is sacred, would you prefer I bow out? If not, then a dissenting opinion should be an opportunity to express your views to someone who doesn’t share them.

Since you are curious why I’m here in the first place I’ll tell you. Rather than being a lonely guy (I checked today and my wife and children believe I’m reasonably well satisfied in life) I was looking for experts on European scopes, quality hunting rifles with walnut and blued steel, and the pitfalls of traveling Africa. After lurking a bit I noticed that people who otherwise appeared to understand these topics occasionally expressed opinions so far from my own that I questioned how trustworthy their comments on other topics were. If a fella just explained how I should fix my truck, then turned around and claimed to have invented the question mark, it would give me pause.

Though you and I don’t appear to agree on some fundamental issues, we’ve nonetheless managed to debate in a reasonably civilized way, I think. Several other folks have contributed in a similar way. I feel that if you had advice on how to fix my truck, the chances of my truck blowing up are slim. At least one other contributor, however, appears to have claim on the question mark and I may weigh his advice accordingly.

If the consensus is that I should leave and not return, I will go merrily on my way. Let me know.

View attachment 532565[/

No need to leave, most have stopped paying attention to your posts anyway, and I’ve certainly read the last one I will subject myself to.
What is ironic to me is that it was the religious beliefs and morals of men in governance that secured the freedom and safety for you to voice your conflicting views, yet the violent organization you self inscribe too that Prescribes to tolerance and inclusion is the antithesis of what they claim to promote. I would conclude that makes them the most intolerant group in society at present. How in your opinion is it acceptable to persecute us for our beliefs and hold yours up as justification?
Don’t recall persecuting anyone here or elsewhere.

My beliefs have little to nothing to do with “wokeness”. Rather, I am pointing out how silly it is to be so triggered by the buzzword of the moment. There is no a la carte ideology anymore. If you’re on the left you have to be all the way to the left, if you’re on the right you have to be all the way to the right. There is no room for a continuum of thought and opinion.

The people who secured my right to dissent also had the ability to empathize with people with whom they didn’t agree or necessarily understand.
Well that took a turn fast.

I do believe I answered a question that was politely put to me by Jeff505. In my answer I think I specifically stated I do not think I’m changing any minds here. So let’s back that horse up.

The topic of this thread was started by a longtime member of this site and is presumably part of normal discussion here. It looks that pretty much everyone here agrees with the initial post. If the echo chamber of agreement is sacred, would you prefer I bow out? If not, then a dissenting opinion should be an opportunity to express your views to someone who doesn’t share them.

Since you are curious why I’m here in the first place I’ll tell you. Rather than being a lonely guy (I checked today and my wife and children believe I’m reasonably well satisfied in life) I was looking for experts on European scopes, quality hunting rifles with walnut and blued steel, and the pitfalls of traveling Africa. After lurking a bit I noticed that people who otherwise appeared to understand these topics occasionally expressed opinions so far from my own that I questioned how trustworthy their comments on other topics were. If a fella just explained how I should fix my truck, then turned around and claimed to have invented the question mark, it would give me pause.

Though you and I don’t appear to agree on some fundamental issues, we’ve nonetheless managed to debate in a reasonably civilized way, I think. Several other folks have contributed in a similar way. I feel that if you had advice on how to fix my truck, the chances of my truck blowing up are slim. At least one other contributor, however, appears to have claim on the question mark and I may weigh his advice accordingly.

If the consensus is that I should leave and not return, I will go merrily on my way. Let me know.

View attachment 532565
@WellThatsNotRight i find the use of the term echo chamber interesting. It is true many of the gentleman on this fine site are rather right leaning and share similar beliefs and views Yet I would argue all are individuals and are views differ slightly.
where as I believe true echo chambers where the birth place of wokeism. A who generation ( unfortunately mine ) hiding out in there parents basements communicating increasingly dangerous belief electronically spawned a dangerous political movement that has swallowed up the liberal platform.

as to if it is in fact us on this site whom are stuck in an echo chamber as you believe or it is the leftist rabble whom are stuck in there’s only time will tell. Although if it is us on the right atleast we can console ourselves to the fact our echo chamber would be decorated in rich leathers fine mahogany and smell of cigars and wiskey. We’re as evidently the chamber the woke movement seems to be burning cities looting and deficating in the streets.
Well that took a turn fast.
I do believe I answered a question that was politely put to me by Jeff505. In my answer I think I specifically stated I do not think I’m changing any minds here. So let’s back that horse up.

The topic of this thread was started by a longtime member of this site and is presumably part of normal discussion here. It looks that pretty much everyone here agrees with the initial post. If the echo chamber of agreement is sacred, would you prefer I bow out? If not, then a dissenting opinion should be an opportunity to express your views to someone who doesn’t share them.

Since you are curious why I’m here in the first place I’ll tell you. Rather than being a lonely guy (I checked today and my wife and children believe I’m reasonably well satisfied in life) I was looking for experts on European scopes, quality hunting rifles with walnut and blued steel, and the pitfalls of traveling Africa. After lurking a bit I noticed that people who otherwise appeared to understand these topics occasionally expressed opinions so far from my own that I questioned how trustworthy their comments on other topics were. If a fella just explained how I should fix my truck, then turned around and claimed to have invented the question mark, it would give me pause.

Though you and I don’t appear to agree on some fundamental issues, we’ve nonetheless managed to debate in a reasonably civilized way, I think. Several other folks have contributed in a similar way. I feel that if you had advice on how to fix my truck, the chances of my truck blowing up are slim. At least one other contributor, however, appears to have claim on the question mark and I may weigh his advice accordingly.

If the consensus is that I should leave and not return, I will go merrily on my way. Let me know.

View attachment 532565
I think most of us are just sick and tired of leftist ideology. There is literally no excuse for that level of ignorance in this day and age
Laborers in the US have been brainwashed by Soros and Marxism. They want EVERYTHING for free (labeled as "equality "), they don't want to work (the Havers owe it to them), and they are extreme bullies (hiding behind our Constitution, SPLC, NAACP, and current Whitehouse leaders), and are willing to destroy anything and anyone! The only way to change them is to bloody their nose, and take their sucker away!
Don’t recall persecuting anyone here or elsewhere.

My beliefs have little to nothing to do with “wokeness”. Rather, I am pointing out how silly it is to be so triggered by the buzzword of the moment. There is no a la carte ideology anymore. If you’re on the left you have to be all the way to the left, if you’re on the right you have to be all the way to the right. There is no room for a continuum of thought and opinion.

The people who secured my right to dissent also had the ability to empathize with people with whom they didn’t agree or necessarily understand.
When one side is in favor of murdering babies (60,000,000+) there’s not a whole lot of room left for discourse.
@WellThatsNotRight I think the reason that this you found a prickly reception here is that most of us come to this site to find refuge from the things in the world that we find distasteful and objectionable. We get pleasure out of talking guns and hunting and looking forward to a safari. There is a Politics site on AH which is perhaps where this thread should have been placed in the first place, or should be moved to (moderator?). Would it really matter? Well yes, you could debate as much as you like there and hopefully you would also post all your hunting questions and comment here on the general forum.
@WellThatsNotRight I think the reason that this you found a prickly reception here is that most of us come to this site to find refuge from the things in the world that we find distasteful and objectionable. We get pleasure out of talking guns and hunting and looking forward to a safari. There is a Politics site on AH which is perhaps where this thread should have been placed in the first place, or should be moved to (moderator?). Would it really matter? Well yes, you could debate as much as you like there and hopefully you would also post all your hunting questions and comment here on the general forum.

General chat​

Post thread
If something doesn't belong elsewhere, this is where you can put it. Anything your heart desires can be posted here (assuming of course there's not already an area for it). This does *not* mean you can put stuff here that isn't allowed.
It is very easy to scroll past any post or subject that a first perusal has shown to be something you would prefer not to read further or comment on. There are many threads I dont look into for one reason or another, part of which is the time it would take to read every post. I have to limit the time spent online, simply because I have other things I need to be doing.
That’s just it. I don’t really want religion guided mores to legally define a “pervert”. When religion steers public policy, law abiding citizens that do whatever adults do when adults are alone, can suddenly be branded a pervert because somebody’s religious rule book says so. Can’t for the life of me understand why anyone cares what goes on in other peoples bedrooms.

Sounds perverse to me.

The United States was indeed founded and run almost exclusively by Christians from the beginning. Some of these fellas had the good sense to understand the folly of pressing their religion on others though. That’s why they dictated there be no state religion in the Establishment Clause.

In spite of this the de facto religion was still Christianity for the next 200 years. Everyone got into a tizzy when Kennedy showed up as the wrong brand of Christian. Nobody who wasn’t Christian was getting elected until there was a normalization of “other”. Then the occasional Jew, Muslim, or Hindu could be elected if their district were similar or if the growing majority did not factor religion into the equation.

So until recently the rules were written almost exclusively by Christians. They did mark public buildings and state constitutions with their brand as well. That’s not so much proof of the need for such a thing as it is evidence of who did the thing. The salad bowl that is the U.S. is a lot more varied now than it was 200 or even 20 years ago though.
“The salad bowl that is the U.S. is a lot more varied now than it was 200 or even 20 years ago though.”

Yes and that’s a huge problem. Countries have borders for a reason. CONTROLLED, slow immigration is a good thing. Uncontrolled, illegal and instant immigration in modern times is bad and disruptive for any country. The country becomes unrecognizable and soon it loses the appeal and prosperity it had that attracted immigrants in the first place. The USA is on its way to being a third world country, or at the very least, seeing our quality of life much diminished. There is absolutely no way our cities, communities, schools, social programs, courts, medical facilities, etc… can handle this influx without lowering the quality of life and services that generations of the ACTUAL citizens were accustomed to enjoying. This is why countries around the world limit immigration.

And please don’t call these ideas racist. It has nothing to do with race/color. I don’t care what country/race people come from. I’m German, Danish and Norwegian and I wouldn’t want everyone from Germany, Denmark and Norway to suddenly all come here either.

As for your right to your own beliefs, I’m fine with your right to your beliefs and to state them on this site. It’s up to you but I wouldn’t get too wrapped up in it or all you will do here is respond and fight instead of learn about Africa.
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Hello @Wyatt Smith, this seems like a booklet with the constitution AND explanatory comments. Would you care to share how to acquire one of these? Amazon?
Yes it has few “Selected Quotations” before the constitution.
Acquiring one easy, place an order with Larue Tactical for some of their quality AR parts or targets and they drop one in the order when they ship it.

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