Woke is marxism evolved to take on the West

The tribalism and easy fear mongering. It’s a red herring meant to get conservatives worked up into a lather.

To “be woke” is simply to be aware that social inequalities exist. Now what a person chooses to do and say with this knowledge is up to the individual. Just because being white has made some things easier for me doesn’t mean I’m running out to give away all of my worldly possessions.

Painting people you disagree with as the enemy doesn’t exactly promote the free exchange of ideas, debate, or understanding. Mapping out tenuous parallels between any idea and Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Nazi-ism, Barney the Dinosaur-ism, etc ain’t that hard. Eventually the little angry YouTube channel will find its audience. Whatever bias we may have, there’s a confirmation just waitin’ to be Googled up.

And no, there’s no need for “Godliness” in leadership. This is a big world with lots of different invisible men people are scared of. Forced hijabs, no eating cows, eat cows but not with cheese or milk, stone the adulterers, redistribute the pedo priests; I don’t want any of that nonsense near a bill on Capitol Hill. Let’s just try getting a few more honest public servants up there. No church has cornered the market on honesty yet.
So what you are saying is that you’re woke?
Thank you. Thank you for taking the opportunity to move the conversation forward, to dig deep and really make a difference. Gold star.
Tell me, what good would it do to engage in discussion with a bunch of racist people who believe in killing babies, mutilating children, engaging in all sorts of sexual deviancy, robbing the deserving to give to the undeserving and a plethora of other evil pursuits? The woke movement is an abomination and a cancer in our society. It is post modernism and Neo-Marxism combined
Tell me, what good would it do to engage in discussion with a bunch of racist people who believe in killing babies, mutilating children, engaging in all sorts of sexual deviancy, robbing the deserving to give to the undeserving and a plethora of other evil pursuits? The woke movement is an abomination and a cancer in our society. It is post modernism and Neo-Marxism combined
:E Ok:
The tribalism and easy fear mongering. It’s a red herring meant to get conservatives worked up into a lather.

To “be woke” is simply to be aware that social inequalities exist. Now what a person chooses to do and say with this knowledge is up to the individual. Just because being white has made some things easier for me doesn’t mean I’m running out to give away all of my worldly possessions.

Painting people you disagree with as the enemy doesn’t exactly promote the free exchange of ideas, debate, or understanding. Mapping out tenuous parallels between any idea and Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Nazi-ism, Barney the Dinosaur-ism, etc ain’t that hard. Eventually the little angry YouTube channel will find its audience. Whatever bias we may have, there’s a confirmation just waitin’ to be Googled up.

And no, there’s no need for “Godliness” in leadership. This is a big world with lots of different invisible men people are scared of. Forced hijabs, no eating cows, eat cows but not with cheese or milk, stone the adulterers, redistribute the pedo priests; I don’t want any of that nonsense near a bill on Capitol Hill. Let’s just try getting a few more honest public servants up there. No church has cornered the market on honesty yet.
People who see themselves as "woke" want change. Change at any cost. Change even if that change is destructive to the majority. Change even if their solutions actually help no one. Everyone starts out equal but what they do with it is up to them. The mentally ill, felons, the drug addicted, etc. are not equal to the average human and should not be treated as such. An inability to make good choices should have consequences, especially if those choices hurt society as a whole. People should not be placed into positions of authority based on which minority "boxes" they check off while talent and ability is disregarded.
Hunting, which is the point of this web site, should be regulated by science and not the "feelings" of the Woke, weepy and generally white liberals that want equality and change even for animals. That is something that is not even possible. Lions never ask zebras if they would like to.be eaten.
It’s absolutely sad what’s become of today’s youngsters. I was recently invited to a public university as a guest lecturer (since I was the former Chief Conservator of Forests) to conduct a seminar on forest resource management. Outside the university walls, I saw perhaps 3 dozen murals painted by students advocating for communism (including a 12 foot painting of Karl Marx).

I just wish I could open their eyes and show them firsthand the fates of all the countries destroyed by communism throughout history. These kids think that they have politics all figured out, and keep saying things like “Communism has never been tried the right way.” Well, I just wish they could see what happened (or is still happening) in Vietnam, China, Mozambique, Venezuela, Cuba & the Soviet Union. Communism doesn’t have a right way.

Karl Marx is probably the world’s greatest criminal for creating such a dangerous and one dimensional philosophy.
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So let's move the conversation forward deeply and appropriately more is the point - so where do you hunt @WellThatsNotRight ? What rifles do you have? When was your last safari?
My bonifides are in hunting primarily in the Southern United States. I hunt deer and small game because everyone has given up on small game here and I get to be the only one in the woods.

If I need to prove my gun-guy-ness, I use quite a few different calibers/cartridges because I like variety. For deer I use .243 Winchester through .375 H&H. I prefer the humble .22 for small game and like a 20 gauge over a 12 for dove and quail. Ducks kinda require a 12 to get anywhere near the density and volume needed with steel.

I like my CRF rifles, but since Bambi doesn’t bite an all-weather push feed Sako ain’t bad. My falling block low wall is a favorite as well.

Eventually I would like to go to Africa for plains game and maybe a buffalo, but I’m not wealthy and Africa is part of the five-year plan.

Any other secret handshakes I’m missing?
"And no, there’s no need for “Godliness” in leadership. ... I don’t want any of that nonsense near a bill on Capitol Hill."

In response, let's run it back to the beginning: "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." ~ George Washington. For myself, I don't want anything happening on Capitol Hill being done without prayerful consideration.

"Let’s just try getting a few more honest public servants up there."

I agree with you on this one. And at this juncture - at the risk of being cynical - it seems like a pipe dream to think we can ever get enough honest people to make a difference. I'm going to go with Washington again, a man who believed in God and the power of prayer. “I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” I wish politicians had to take an oath to pursue that sentiment.

Note: I do appreciate your humor - secret handshakes. I about spit out my pancake.
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Marxism has long been lingering, festering and growing in many colleges and universities. Possibly most teacher’s colleges are fully engaged now. Teachers unions are advocating Marxism. Sadly, may require a major reset and extended period of pain before any meaningful correction can be realized.
My bonifides are in hunting primarily in the Southern United States. I hunt deer and small game because everyone has given up on small game here and I get to be the only one in the woods.

If I need to prove my gun-guy-ness, I use quite a few different calibers/cartridges because I like variety. For deer I use .243 Winchester through .375 H&H. I prefer the humble .22 for small game and like a 20 gauge over a 12 for dove and quail. Ducks kinda require a 12 to get anywhere near the density and volume needed with steel.

I like my CRF rifles, but since Bambi doesn’t bite an all-weather push feed Sako ain’t bad. My falling block low wall is a favorite as well.

Eventually I would like to go to Africa for plains game and maybe a buffalo, but I’m not wealthy and Africa is part of the five-year plan.

Any other secret handshakes I’m missing?
No need to prove anything. Africa is there and waiting for your visit and I believe hunting has and will increase playing a very important role in economic as well as conservation efforts. We need the critical mass of the US and European hunting community to pull that off.
"And no, there’s no need for “Godliness” in leadership. ... I don’t want any of that nonsense near a bill on Capitol Hill."

In response, let's run it back to the beginning: "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." ~ George Washington. For myself, I don't want anything happening on Capitol Hill being done without prayerful consideration.

"Let’s just try getting a few more honest public servants up there."

I agree with you on this one. And at this juncture - at the risk of being cynical - it seems like a pipe dream to think we can ever get enough honest people to make a difference. I'm going to go with Washington again, a man who believed in God and the power of prayer. “I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” I wish politicians had to take an oath to pursue that sentiment.

Note: I do appreciate your humor - secret handshakes. I about spit out my pancake.

Thank you TT, I could not have said it as well.

One point, lost on many on the left, is that our system of government assumes an underpinning of Judeo-Christian values. Take God out of the equation and nothing adds up, the constitution, the judicial system, you name it. At its core, that is why the constitution is under attack, it is the antithesis of the belief system of the woke left.

I, like you, hope that many in our government are prayerfully considering their decisions. I was encouraged a few years ago when attending the National Prayer Breakfast in DC. There are some Godly people left in our government, despite what our media tells you.
I 100 % agree with the others. I am a Muslim, but America was built by Christian God fearing men. And a religious Christian component is fundamental for upholding American values. And I would hate to see it any other way.

There are no evil religions. Only evil people. Christianity is no different.
For instance, Spanish conquistadors like Hernando Cortez and Francisco Pizzaro decimated the Aztec and Inca empires in the 16th century and massacred the South American natives in most genocidal manners. They cited Christianity as a reason for killing the “Heathen worshipping pagans”.

Yet the Bible clearly teaches “Be kind to strangers (i.e people of other faiths) for you yourselves were strangers in Egypt”. So was it Christianity which drove the Aztecs and Incas into eradication ? Or was it the greed of man (the Spanish conquistadors and their lust for gold) masquerading behind Christianity ?

I think the latter.
I 100 % agree with the others. I am a Muslim, but America was built by Christian God fearing men. And a religious Christian component is fundamental for upholding American values. And I would hate to see it any other way.

There are no evil religions. Only evil people. Christianity is no different.
For instance, Spanish conquistadors like Hernando Cortez and Francisco Pizzaro decimated the Aztec and Inca empires in the 16th century and massacred the South American natives in most genocidal manners. They cited Christianity as a reason for killing the “Heathen worshipping pagans”.

Yet the Bible clearly teaches “Be kind to strangers (i.e people of other faiths) for you yourselves were strangers in Egypt”. So was it Christianity which drove the Aztecs and Incas into eradication ? Or was it the greed of man (the Spanish conquistadors and their lust for gold) masquerading behind Christianity ?

I think the latter.
Well said. If one looks at the Constitution of every state in the union you will note reference to God. It is also written on the facades of many public and govt buildings. This nation was founded under God and functions under His divine guidance in spite of what detractors attempt. Idiots and perverts come and go, don't last long, and this great nation survives very nicely.
Well said. If one looks at the Constitution of every state in the union you will note reference to God. It is also written on the facades of many public and govt buildings. This nation was founded under God and functions under His divine guidance in spite of what detractors attempt. Idiots and perverts come and go, don't last long, and this great nation survives very nicely.
That’s just it. I don’t really want religion guided mores to legally define a “pervert”. When religion steers public policy, law abiding citizens that do whatever adults do when adults are alone, can suddenly be branded a pervert because somebody’s religious rule book says so. Can’t for the life of me understand why anyone cares what goes on in other peoples bedrooms.

Sounds perverse to me.

The United States was indeed founded and run almost exclusively by Christians from the beginning. Some of these fellas had the good sense to understand the folly of pressing their religion on others though. That’s why they dictated there be no state religion in the Establishment Clause.

In spite of this the de facto religion was still Christianity for the next 200 years. Everyone got into a tizzy when Kennedy showed up as the wrong brand of Christian. Nobody who wasn’t Christian was getting elected until there was a normalization of “other”. Then the occasional Jew, Muslim, or Hindu could be elected if their district were similar or if the growing majority did not factor religion into the equation.

So until recently the rules were written almost exclusively by Christians. They did mark public buildings and state constitutions with their brand as well. That’s not so much proof of the need for such a thing as it is evidence of who did the thing. The salad bowl that is the U.S. is a lot more varied now than it was 200 or even 20 years ago though.
That’s just it. I don’t really want religion guided mores to legally define a “pervert”. When religion steers public policy, law abiding citizens that do whatever adults do when adults are alone, can suddenly be branded a pervert because somebody’s religious rule book says so. Can’t for the life of me understand why anyone cares what goes on in other peoples bedrooms.

Sounds perverse to me.

The United States was indeed founded and run almost exclusively by Christians from the beginning. Some of these fellas had the good sense to understand the folly of pressing their religion on others though. That’s why they dictated there be no state religion in the Establishment Clause.

In spite of this the de facto religion was still Christianity for the next 200 years. Everyone got into a tizzy when Kennedy showed up as the wrong brand of Christian. Nobody who wasn’t Christian was getting elected until there was a normalization of “other”. Then the occasional Jew, Muslim, or Hindu could be elected if their district were similar or if the growing majority did not factor religion into the equation.

So until recently the rules were written almost exclusively by Christians. They did mark public buildings and state constitutions with their brand as well. That’s not so much proof of the need for such a thing as it is evidence of who did the thing. The salad bowl that is the U.S. is a lot more varied now than it was 200 or even 20 years ago though.
And what about the transfillintheblanks that commit mass.murders or the Antifa radicals that commit arson and murder? Are they Christians? Or are they perverts? I think we can safely assume they are not Christians.

The.Left supports Communist ideals which are not Christian concepts. Communism is directly responsible for.more human deaths than any other doctrine in history. Now have people corrupted Christian ideals in order to gain control? Sure, but it is those concepts that eventually bring them under control. Even the ideas that people should be left to lead their lives and treated fairly is a Christian value nyala t found in other doctrines.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)