Utter poppycock says I. Get out of here with that nonsense. If it stayed in the bedroom it wouldn’t be a big deal. It started with civil unions, then they wanted full marriage rights and adoption rights, fast forward to the present and little kids are getting mutilated and sterilized and grown men are twerking in front of 5 year olds in their underwear. Natural progression of sexual deviancy and complete breakdown of societal norms.That’s just it. I don’t really want religion guided mores to legally define a “pervert”. When religion steers public policy, law abiding citizens that do whatever adults do when adults are alone, can suddenly be branded a pervert because somebody’s religious rule book says so. Can’t for the life of me understand why anyone cares what goes on in other peoples bedrooms.
Sounds perverse to me.
The United States was indeed founded and run almost exclusively by Christians from the beginning. Some of these fellas had the good sense to understand the folly of pressing their religion on others though. That’s why they dictated there be no state religion in the Establishment Clause.
In spite of this the de facto religion was still Christianity for the next 200 years. Everyone got into a tizzy when Kennedy showed up as the wrong brand of Christian. Nobody who wasn’t Christian was getting elected until there was a normalization of “other”. Then the occasional Jew, Muslim, or Hindu could be elected if their district were similar or if the growing majority did not factor religion into the equation.
So until recently the rules were written almost exclusively by Christians. They did mark public buildings and state constitutions with their brand as well. That’s not so much proof of the need for such a thing as it is evidence of who did the thing. The salad bowl that is the U.S. is a lot more varied now than it was 200 or even 20 years ago though.