Woke is marxism evolved to take on the West

Last Sunday at church, our minister cited an Old Testament bible verse, Isaiah 5-20 and I was really WOWED by it and how applicable it is for today.

Isaiah 5:20

Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.​

Excellent explanatory video of Wokism and its marxist roots.

I don’t even need to watch the video to like the statement that woke = Marxism = the devil’s teaching

What exactly does this guy “get”?
Seriously? He understands that those that value freedom and independence are under attack by the Left. If someone wants to keep what he earns fairly and not have it taken and "redistributed" to those that didn't earn it, Then he or she becomes the enemy of the Woke.

All people may be created equal, but they do.not stay that way. Talent, ability and good sense to make wise choices should make a difference. The Woke want to end this.
Woke is not only Marxist but also a religion and against God Himself.
How many cities have to burn and how many regular people, including children, have to be killed before the Woke realize they've been backing the wrong side?

What exactly does this guy “get”?
Link from the SPL Center hahahaha
SPL - where anyone we don’t like is RACIST or XPhobic or anything else we can throw at them and hope it sticks to cancel them.
Might actually read his books or listen to his own words to figure that out instead of copying and pasting links that confirm your bias.

Nine posts since joining a month prior. All responses in topics of a political nature. All in the vein of leftist thought. Doubtful "WTNR" joined to talk Africa nor hunting. Certainly wouldn't know "right" if it was a mamba that bit "them" in the ass.
Nine posts since joining a month prior. All responses in topics of a political nature. All in the vein of leftist thought. Doubtful "WTNR" joined to talk Africa nor hunting. Certainly wouldn't know "right" if it was a mamba that bit "them" in the ass.
Just pointing out nonsense when I see it. There are quite a few people on this site who drink up conspiracy theories and ultra right-wing rhetoric like mother’s milk.

There was a time that the tribe wouldn’t throw you out when you pointed out when a member was off their rocker. How critical of sources does a body need to be to see this ding-dong is not reputable? Is this the nonsense that is filling the Tucker void?
Just pointing out nonsense when I see it. There are quite a few people on this site who drink up conspiracy theories and ultra right-wing rhetoric like mother’s milk.

There was a time that the tribe wouldn’t throw you out when you pointed out when a member was off their rocker. How critical of sources does a body need to be to see this ding-dong is not reputable? Is this the nonsense that is filling the Tucker void?
What quote or belief does he have that is highlighted in that article do you have an issue with?
Woke does not aim for fair debate or to make sense, there is no point trying to rationalise with these people, they are simply beyond that. One should counter it head on, and hard. This is not the time for the silent majority to shrug it's shoulders as the very foundations of right and decent are being attacked. This is the time for strong, normal, wise and Godly leadership.
Conservatism is a synonym for normal, and liberalism is the breeding ground for woke. Soros and his likes are driving woke. It is a movement organised and coordinated at high level, there is no coincidence in this. It suits the objectives of the woke to have a weak, gullible and honestly mentally deficient leader in the White House who can be easily manipulated. They have pulled it off. That is why Trump had to be destroyed at all cost, he was totally uncontrolable.
What is truly frightening are the ideologues who cannot carry on a logical conversation. They not only call good evil and evil good per the verse from Is., they believe it. They have truly lost the ability to think critically and discern good and evil. What is more, they seek to destroy anyone who disagrees with them.
How many cities have to burn and how many regular people, including children, have to be killed before the Woke realize they've been backing the wrong side?
The woke that have the ability to process logic and reason have already realized, the remaining woke will never realize. I digress!
What quote or belief does he have that is highlighted in that article do you have an issue with?
The tribalism and easy fear mongering. It’s a red herring meant to get conservatives worked up into a lather.

To “be woke” is simply to be aware that social inequalities exist. Now what a person chooses to do and say with this knowledge is up to the individual. Just because being white has made some things easier for me doesn’t mean I’m running out to give away all of my worldly possessions.

Painting people you disagree with as the enemy doesn’t exactly promote the free exchange of ideas, debate, or understanding. Mapping out tenuous parallels between any idea and Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Nazi-ism, Barney the Dinosaur-ism, etc ain’t that hard. Eventually the little angry YouTube channel will find its audience. Whatever bias we may have, there’s a confirmation just waitin’ to be Googled up.

And no, there’s no need for “Godliness” in leadership. This is a big world with lots of different invisible men people are scared of. Forced hijabs, no eating cows, eat cows but not with cheese or milk, stone the adulterers, redistribute the pedo priests; I don’t want any of that nonsense near a bill on Capitol Hill. Let’s just try getting a few more honest public servants up there. No church has cornered the market on honesty yet.

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