Hmmm. So I guess the less than 25 caliber nonsense goes for 22-250 and 6mm as well? I'm just not a fan of what I consider boutique or hard to find calibers for hunting. Instead, for hunting, I get readily available calibers that will do the job like the .243, 30-06, .300 WM etc...
I've tried the 25-06 using a friend's rifle. It's a great flat shooting round and a great deer cartridge. But I can't see any compelling reason to get a 25-06 or the 257 whats-its-name given what I already have.
Since my nighttime hog hunt I've really wanted to do night time hunting again.
So I've been thinking of putting together a Coyote rig. Perhaps one of the the thumb-hole R8 Ultimate rifles with a thermal scope and threaded for a suppressor.
Of course the barrel would HAVE to be in .243.