What can be done

How did this <21 y/o "loco monstruo" come to illegally obtain and carry a pistol? Again, there are others at fault here, too! (CT: Mother purchased kid guns to appease him; FL: Gov't. failure to report info. to puff up stats in order to gain school funding. Prior church shooter in TX shot by neighbor-Kudos!, etc.) That + mental health issues going untreated. Most come down to the failure of proper PARENTING. Statistics say that when 1+ guns are sold per capita, there will be a few mishaps...'Quite surprised a teacher in TX wasn't packing. 'Been to (stayed, fueled-up, shopped, ate in) Uvalde many times. Nice place. The big shopping district for those ranchers/hunters in the S. Hill Country/N. Brush Country. LOVE The Oasis.
He was 18 and legally bought to rifles and that is apparently what he used in the shooting. Whether he had a pistol or used one is a bit irrelevant.
If he obtained it illegally, that would be well, illegal. It sort of happens all the time....
I think politicians should give up there armed security for the schools across the country, the kids are far more important. There is a lot said on this thread that makes sense. Bottom line, we're down the rabbit hole in this grand experiment called the USA, and I'm afraid at some point in the not to distant future things will get resolved one way or another.
I blame the “zero tolerance” policies in schools. We used to have a certain amount of freedom to settle disputes. If it escalated to a physical fight, it was usually settled in 30 seconds and you became friends problem solved. If it ever got to the point that someone got in trouble, they figured out who was the aggressor and he’s the one who got in trouble. Now, if anything happens, both kids get suspended.

The schools used to model proportional response. Now they model a disproportionate response: any infraction is punished with the highest available penalty- doesn’t matter who is in the wrong, doesn’t matter if the offense was trivial. The kids have no avenue to settle differences are learning exactly what they are being taught.
"What can be done" is the title of this thread.... here is my take

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The Second amendment is a cornerstone of our constitution. Russia invading Ukraine is the world we live in today and no reasonably conscious American is going to surrender his guns, nor should we.

We also have a large part of the population who own guns with no training, realistic knowledge, or expectation of responsible ownership as it relates to the second amendment. In my opinion the majority of American gun owners (not all AH members) are simply a bunch of unorganized individuals who have no idea what a well regulated Militia is let alone how it is necessary to the security of a free State. The latest shooting in Texas appears a perfect example. 18 year buys guns with little or no training, expectation or affiliation to anyone or anything but himself let alone a "well regulated Militia".

We have no one to blame but ourselves... How many of us can say that our free STATE realistically maintains a well regulated Militia??

Militia definition from Merriam Webster-

1: a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency.
b: a body of citizens organized for military service
2: the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service
3: a private group of armed individuals that operates as a paramilitary force and is typically motivated by a political or religious ideologyspecifically : such a group that aims to defend individual rights against government authority that is perceived as oppressive

As citizens in the US get fed up with gun violence the 2A is going to get challenged whether we like it or not. And my opinion is that challenge will not be the individuals right to keep and bear arms. It will be based on the States failure to maintain well regulated militias. Here is a video of Justice Bergers's @A interview from 1991 for info...

Back to what can be done...In my opinion, WE as responsible American gun owners had better get organized politically and get our individual State Militia's formally recognized, organized, and regulated so that we can keep our rights as guarantee by the Constitution of the United States or we are going to lose them....
Yeah, he’s a piece of work.
You are a polite man.

"What can be done" is the title of this thread.... here is my take

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The Second amendment is a cornerstone of our constitution. Russia invading Ukraine is the world we live in today and no reasonably conscious American is going to surrender his guns, nor should we.

We also have a large part of the population who own guns with no training, realistic knowledge, or expectation of responsible ownership as it relates to the second amendment. In my opinion the majority of American gun owners (not all AH members) are simply a bunch of unorganized individuals who have no idea what a well regulated Militia is let alone how it is necessary to the security of a free State. The latest shooting in Texas appears a perfect example. 18 year buys guns with little or no training, expectation or affiliation to anyone or anything but himself let alone a "well regulated Militia".

We have no one to blame but ourselves... How many of us can say that our free STATE realistically maintains a well regulated Militia??

Militia definition from Merriam Webster-

1: a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency.
b: a body of citizens organized for military service
2: the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service
3: a private group of armed individuals that operates as a paramilitary force and is typically motivated by a political or religious ideologyspecifically : such a group that aims to defend individual rights against government authority that is perceived as oppressive

As citizens in the US get fed up with gun violence the 2A is going to get challenged whether we like it or not. And my opinion is that challenge will not be the individuals right to keep and bear arms. It will be based on the States failure to maintain well regulated militias. Here is a video of Justice Bergers's @A interview from 1991 for info...

Back to what can be done...In my opinion, WE as responsible American gun owners had better get organized politically and get our individual State Militia's formally recognized, organized, and regulated so that we can keep our rights as guarantee by the Constitution of the United States or we are going to lose them....
You are more correct than people will want to give you credit. Our country is very divided right now. It is not getting any better, we are not healthy on many levels. We can go on and on about the reasons why we are here, we are here now. How do we fix it, when everyone is "right" and no one is willing to listen? We have lost the ability to have an intelligent conversation with real outcomes.

Laws are not broken by law abiding citizens, law abiding citizens are who get hurt. Hard to win a game when you are the only one that follows the rules. Think about that, this is directed at people who think banning something will fix this issue.
I’m admittedly not a shrink and I wouldn’t claim to know what the cause of or solution to all this is but I see a few common things in many of these.

Many of these young men come from broken, fatherless homes. But we’ve always had guns and broken homes in the US without shootings like this.

I suspect the digital culture and prevalence of social media must be a factor. Young people today have a “look at me” mindset and it shouldn’t surprise us that it bleeds into the psyche of the mentally disturbed. It makes it easy for the Macveigh types to spread their manifestos and capture the audience they desperately desire. It allows those who have a persecuted victim mentality to have a chance to “show them all.” Think of how easy technology has made it to look up and research mass shooters compared to 30 years ago. A disturbed young man can google videos, articles, and analysis of any and every psychopathic narcissist that’s achieved notoriety in the last century.

But I don’t see what can be done about that. The genie is out of the bottle. You could take the guns (and it would mean taking ALL guns) but if our society is still producing mentally ill, isolated, and violent young men who crave attention and some sort of pop culture immortality, I don’t see any reason to assume they won’t use their ability to research on the web to figure out how to make IEDs or the best way to burn an occupied public building. Gun control and security checks didn’t stop ISIS from sneaking a bomb onto that Russian airliner.
Add to that all the violent garbage on video and it's no wonder some weak minded twirp gets the idea to emulate it.
STUFF THE DRUG ADDICTED CHILDREN BEING intimidated. Put the fear of God into the little shits instead of pandering to them.
Oh johnny I know you have had a hard life and drugs ease your pain is their anything I c a n do for you approach.
Or a dose of reality. Johnny those drugs are screwing your brain. The world owes you nothing. Your not the only one that has a shit life. Drugs will only get you jail time and teach you all about anal see in the showers.
Your choice son get help or get used to watching your back while you shower.
Instead of catering to them, paddle their stupid asses like my parents did to me. A good stiff dose of reality works wonders and you do not forget it.
This doesn't occur on any sort of regular basis in any other country; and if it does, they make sure it never happens again.

The guns and the gun culture in this country are the problem, period. The sunsetting of the assault weapon ban 20 years ago directly has led to this. So many gun owners have been radicalized. The 2nd amendment has been so twisted around the past 30 years and exists today to give political cover to insurrectionists who can not accept the outcomes of free and fair elections.

Nothing was done the 1st time 20 kids were mowed down and nothing will happen this time...or the next time. 5% of the population are holding the other 95% hostage.

F the 2nd Amendment
F the NRA
F assault weapons
F the manufacturers who make and market them
F those who want to protect embryos and not school childen

I am not debating this and I certainly don't give a damn what anyone else thinks of this post.

Thoughts and prayers
You, sir, reek of hypocrisy. You are on a hunting forum, claim to have guns, purport to being a hunter, yet you spew this antigun, anti Constitution nonsense. When are you going to live up to what you preach and turn in all your guns? If you believe what you say, you should not have guns, nor should you pollute this forum with such rhetoric.

Do the right thing, turn in all your guns and accessories and BE SURE TO INFORM THE REST OF US WHEN YOU DO. Let's see some action instead of a lot of blathering.
Sadly this may be going sour today. Many stories and videos of the local LE standing around outside while the perp was in the school for close to an hour before the BP Tactical got there and went in to take him out.
If this is accurate, its going to get real ugly real quick.

If these videos are true. Ugly is an understatement to the media hurricane size sh*t storm followed by a spring shower of a sh*t storm by politicians that will be making headlines until something else in the MSM opinion can become bigger news. Like a tsunami or deadly fire that killed several people but a puppy was saved by rescue volunteers. Or LEOs kill Latino.....(they'll down play the Latino is an illegal alien, trying to carjack a white mother with her 8 month old baby in the car at knife point.)
Agreed, if true it’s horrible. How could you not go in?

Yeah, I can understand the first on scene LEOs not going in if this happened in Virginia, New York, Illinois, California, or Oregon...but Texas??. Texas??! Come on. The media frenzy should be about this dirtbag being shot not multiple times but he had more bullet holes in him than holes in swiss cheese or loopholes politicians use to keep from going to jail.

Even better headline: Texas school teacher kills armed school intruder with 2 shot derringer. .....teacher said, 2nd shot was a follow up shot to confirm the suspect was already humanely killed by the first shot.....

Not meant to be funny but demoralizing sarcasm to those LEOs not reacting....guess they were waiting for Chuck Norris to handle the situation.
I am been through several active shooter response trainings. Even though they all had plenty of tactics covered, it is honestly about mindset, you have to buy into your role and your commitment to stopping the attack. You have to accept the fact that the gas pedal to the floor is the approach, worrying about normal things like cover, maximzing angles, paths for regress, etc are now far less important than time to contact.
I have been watching the news the last couple of days and it has been a lot said about this latest school shooting at an elementary school.
I am deeply saddened at this loss of 19 young school children and 2 teachers.
According to the news California has the highest gun ownership per capita and now Texas wants to beat California in this record.
I don't know what can be done to stop such tragedies. Gun ownership won't stop it nor will gun restrictions.
I would like to hear others thoughts on this. Is education the answer or is it just the way society is now. I don't have any answers.
May God be with all those who have suffered.
I think the school solution is obvious, especially with this most recent event and as the facts are coming out right now.

1. Harden school security within reason. This school had the resources and protocols in place but they were not being followed nor enforced.

Single entrance points to schools. Of course there needs to be multiple exits. But they can be one way and secured. Many buildings have them, ALARM WILL SOUND IF OPENED. A teacher propped the door open minutes before the shooter entered that door. That teacher has a heavy burden to live with....

2. Armed gaurd on duty. There was a school gaurd on the payroll but not there... Train them! He drove past the shooter kneeling behind a car, I'd probably have missed that too. But I'm not trained either.

3. Not only allow but encourage the teachers who want to carry, to carry a gun or at least have one quickly available. Biometric safes would keep students or anyone else from having access to it.

Provide intensive and continuing training for any teacher willing to be armed. And vet them properly.

4. The cops failed. They have a directive to go towards the fire and stop the shooter at all costs. Already there are excuses flying as to why there were 19 officers out in the hall waiting rather than doing something. Why a couple of them didn't go around to a window has yet to be explained.

Truth is the cops cannot get there quickly enough to stop it, but they can limit the carnage. It's what they signed on for. Sounds like the guy in charge on site will have a lot of explaining to do to everyone, himself, and God.

I can already feel big brother using this to further take away our freedoms. And totally missing the things that could work. Yes there appears to have been social media posts indicating a problem. I'm sure Biden will use this tragedy to further his liberal gun hating and freedom hating agenda. And totally miss the obvious solutions that can actually work.
Some things are clear in this,
1. American mental healthcare is as messed as the normal healthcare system.
2. You dont need to bring more imaginary friends into this discussion, if you talk to one maybe you should not own guns.
3. Hunters will throw other firearms owners under the bus.
There are two sides to this: 1) The shooter, and normally one would hope that he or she would be deterred by either conscience or consequence. It clearly appears from the number of incidents of these school shootings that conscience is non existent and they seem willing to lose their lives, so neither is consequence.
2) You are therefore left with hardening the target, and that means both access and response. I doubt if these agressors are shot whilst attempting an attack that it will deter others, it just means they won't get to kill anyone before they are taken out.
Some things are clear in this,

3. Hunters will throw other firearms owners under the bus.

This right here is a big one.

A lot of hunters think that just getting rid of the so called "BLACK RIFLE" will satisfy the gun grabbers and the gun grabbers say that is all that they want.

But what happens when the perps switch over to pump shotguns or lever action rifles, are they next on the list.

But who gets to write the definition of a black rifle? Right now you can take a standard semi automatic hunting rifle and with a couple of legal modifications you can turn it into a black rifle.
Stricter gun laws no matter how you slice or dice them...even making all guns illegal, will not stop shootings. We lost 108,000 Americans to fentanyl alone last year. That's just one drug...and drugs are illegal.

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Badboymelvin wrote on BlueFlyer's profile.
Hey mate,
How are you?
Have really enjoyed reading your thread on the 416WSM... really good stuff!
Hey, I noticed that you were at the SSAA Eagle Park range... where about in Australia are you?
Just asking because l'm based in Geelong and l frequent Eagle Park a bit too.
Next time your down, let me know if you want to catch up and say hi (y)
Take care bud
Hyde Hunter wrote on MissingAfrica's profile.
may I suggest Intaba Safaris in the East Cape by Port Elizabeth, Eugene is a great guy, 2 of us will be there April 6th to April 14th. he does cull hunts(that's what I am doing) and if you go to his web site he is and offering daily fees of 200.00 and good cull prices. Thanks Jim
Everyone always thinks about the worst thing that can happen, maybe ask yourself what's the best outcome that could happen?
Very inquisitive warthogs