What can be done

I don't know what went on but Australia are slowly being updated by media.

My comment is more in general, if police can use their authority or use lethal force (if appropriate ) they might have acted sooner.

I feel for the nut jobs family, but he was always going to be taken down. Sadly he is not here to answer for his crime but he killed. Innocent people before he was stopped that's a dozen families left to suffer.

They're fully authorized to use lethal force and "go to the gun" as they say in an active shooter situation. They didn't and nobody can figure out why. 911 calls were being made and shots were being fired and they apparently did nothing for at least the length of a sitcom. They'll say that the officers were following orders being given at the moment or following some sort of protocol but it isn't going to wash with most folks. If someone is in a building shooting kids you just rush in. Break down doors. Take a bullet or six if you have to. There are worse ways and reasons for dying.

Frankly I think it's better when these monsters get killed right away. It saves a lot of heartache and I don't believe you ever get a satisfactory answer as to why they did it.
Odds are if the creep isn't killed right off he will cop out on a insanity plea and if he does get prison time they'll usually be out in 20 or so years when some Dr claims that he is cured
They're fully authorized to use lethal force and "go to the gun" as they say in an active shooter situation. They didn't and nobody can figure out why. 911 calls were being made and shots were being fired and they apparently did nothing for at least the length of a sitcom. They'll say that the officers were following orders being given at the moment or following some sort of protocol but it isn't going to wash with most folks. If someone is in a building shooting kids you just rush in. Break down doors. Take a bullet or six if you have to. There are worse ways and reasons for dying.

Frankly I think it's better when these monsters get killed right away. It saves a lot of heartache and I don't believe you ever get a satisfactory answer as to why they did it.
Starting shortly after columbine we started spending no less than four days a year in service training on active shooters. The way it is supposed to work is every peace officer in Texas, and other states also I believe, with every one being trained the same there is no guess work. You don’t hesitate, you don’t wait for swat you hopefully have a minimum of 3 officers responding, you form up and you seek out, close with and destroy the shooter(s) with as much lethal force as you can muster. There is no negotiation there is no other option. These guys Screwed Up as bad as you can screw up and many many more lives were lost because of it. Didn’t have a key to the class room, use the freaking shotgun and bLow it off its hinges.
Actually, I have been pretty impressed with his kids.

Me too.

For someone to say the Trump's kids are screwed up and ignore Biden's offspring is disingenuous and a cry for attention.
Trump's been divorced twice and his kids are screwed up.

Donald Trump Jr.


Hunter Biden...



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Starting shortly after columbine we started spending no less than four days a year in service training on active shooters. The way it is supposed to work is every peace officer in Texas, and other states also I believe, with every one being trained the same there is no guess work. You don’t hesitate, you don’t wait for swat you hopefully have a minimum of 3 officers responding, you form up and you seek out, close with and destroy the shooter(s) with as much lethal force as you can muster. There is no negotiation there is no other option. These guys Screwed Up as bad as you can screw up and many many more lives were lost because of it. Didn’t have a key to the class room, use the freaking shotgun and bLow it off its hinges.

Totally agree, how could you not go in???
We have a culture of selfishness.
I don't agree with this part of your statement. Not as a culture in the parts of this great country I live and travel. Individuals and even segments of society, yes. But I can't believe it is our culture, just the opposite.

The rest of what you said is sadly correct.
Totally agree, how could you not go in???
Just boggles my mind that they didn’t do anything. Our local community that has family in Uvalde are livid and are calling for this chief of police to resign. What has people pissed off the most is the cops that were there went in and saved their own kids while this guy was shooting someone else’s. To do nothing is to show the world what a coward you really are.
Fear of the shooter?

And one doesn't need to speculate to know that, it has been made clear in public statements.

The training those city LEOs received is very clear, even if solo your first priority is immediate interdiction of the shooter. The training documents say that a responsing LEO will likely be placed in harm's way and be required to "display uncommon acts of courage to save the innocent".

Those kids calling 911 asking their heroes to save them rightly expected far more of those men than they received.
We have a culture of selfishness. Isolation from government lock downs has made the mental crisis even larger. To answer your question there is absolutely nothing we can do about evil but pray that God keeps it away from us.

I won't agree or disagree with your statement on selfishness but I've always found the beauty of capitalism is that we can be totally selfish and still create jobs for and provide value to our fellow man. I don't begrudge a billionaire who buys a $50 million yacht because the yacht was designed and built by salt-of-the-earth middle class folks, some of whom may use the money to go to Africa. Middle class folks will work on the yacht. Greed and selfishness, in the right economic system are still a good thing.

I do agree, that evil just wants to hurt God. Hurting innocent kids seems to be evil's favorite way to do that.
there are some questions about how the shooter gained entry and why the first police on the scene didn't enter and engage the shooter.
A teacher went out that door to get their phone from their car. Then propped the door open on the way back in!!! Unclear but sounded like the door was propped open before the teacher went out and back in. Total disregard for the school's protocol and common sense.
I wonder how many School Safety Officers could be hired with the 53,000,000,000 we sent to Ukraine, and no, I do not oppose helping Ukraine.
Just the "Big Guy's" cut could probably fund school security.
He was 18 and legally bought to rifles and that is apparently what he used in the shooting. Whether he had a pistol or used one is a bit irrelevant.
If he obtained it illegally, that would be well, illegal. It sort of happens all the time....
The story has changed so much in the MSM I give up but it seems we've had a few problem children under 21 in recent times... Perhaps it's time to up the law to 21 to save a few lives and or have a witness and or elder family member certify at the time of purchase as well.
The story has changed so much in the MSM I give up but it seems we've had a few problem children under 21 in recent times... Perhaps it's time to up the law to 21 to save a few lives and or have a witness and or elder family member certify at the time of purchase as well.
I expect thats where we are headed. If only that would satiate the gun grabbers, but it wont.
What needs to be done is for parents to raise their boys into GOOD MEN, not pussies who take the easy way out of everything. However it normally takes a good man to raise one.
If you read the constitution it says that it will only work on a moral and religious people. In my opinion the lack of morals, character, religion, honor, and pride, will and/or have ruined America.
It will take a lot of tough, hard times to turn these pussies back into men.
There are forces in the USA that have led and are leading to unacceptable results. The first was the government stepping in to provide for those in need and doing so in such a manner that being in need was incentivized. Second was the origin of national level union representation combined with risk management. Third is the need for allegiance to counter culture.

Any result that has been shown to be detrimental to individuals/ families/society can be traced back to one or more of the above forces, Address those forces and you will correct the anti-social behavior.

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