Wanted Horse Excursion and a Warthog Hunt


AH senior member
Jun 22, 2022
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My dad enjoyed Africa more than expected during our safari in South Africa recently so now he wants to see more. He would like to see the nature in Namibia and the Victoria falls but the planning is still in its earlier stages so I´m very much open to suggestions about what to see in Namibia etc. My sister will be joining and she finds hunting to be totally uninteresting but she does like horse riding so we have agreed that I can do a short hunt if she can do a horse excursion to look at animals/nature in the meantime. If there is some hunting outfitter that has horses and could arrange both it would be perfect or if some outfitter happens to be close to some horse excursion operator that is reputable. The hunt would just be for the duration of the horse excursion and we´d like to stay just a night or 2. I´d need to borrow a rifle and am mainly interested in a nice trophy warthog. Whether or not this takes place in Namibia or Zimbabwe is not important to us and the general feel of the company/companies is way more important. We have not decided on dates and such yet so I am not looking to book anything just yet but it will most likely take place some time between june and august 2025 or 2026.
Call Khomas Highland Safari. Phillip is a sponsor of this site. He has horse riding, game drives, and excellent hunting. Good luck.
That sounds perfect, I'll have to give them a look. Thank you very much for your reply.
As above contact philip at khomas highland hunting my wife would to go riding while i went hunting. They also have some nice warthog
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As above contact philip at khomas highland hunting my wife would to go riding while i went hunting. They also have some nice warthogView attachment 617829
That seems excactly like what I want to do. I´ll definetely contact them when we have decided on dates etc. Really impressive warthog as well, I´d be ecstatic if I got one like that.

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expoB wrote on BushPig1963's profile.
Btw .. he has physically beat, abused verbally, mentally, financially abused women and in every way imaginable. Fact check, background check. He is HORRIBLE!!!
I am tired of him blowing up lives and walking off into the sunset leaving destruction in his wake. Over here in the US... Not in Africa...just so you know. I was not his victim but know some of them.
expoB wrote on BushPig1963's profile.
Senga Senga MZ . US rep Brad Joseph Clemens is involved! Con artist, owes people money. Pathological liar. Lies w/out remorse and convincingly.Doesn't reside in Oregon, he is FROM Oregon. Was living in Great falls MT til mid march... Disappeared recently.Believe a word he says & be played a fool! 1st hand knowledge. He is convicted felon. This is why he bow hunts. can't own a gun! background chk! MONSTER
expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Btw.... Brad Clemens took deposit money from Dy
. Brad was living in Great Falls as of a few months ago. He keeps running and hiding. Sound familiar. None of you posting have any idea what is really going on. Brad is a pathological liar. Don't believe any quote or anything that comes out of his mouth. He is a horrible person...1st hand knowledge and his name is toxic to many in the hunting world.
We have been very busy hunting! Lots of pictures and videos in process!
