As I stated, I realize that the reindeer are domesticated. And I see your point. At the same time, outside of Sweden, many won't think of the reindeer as cattle or hogs. The point that Jim may make in the episode is that the Sami people have kept a reindeer population alive and what seems well in Sweden, to me that's conservation. And to that extent and the work it involves, the Sami people have made a business out of it. And thus sustainable use conservation.
Yes, that may be a stretch. But again I'll refrain from forming any firm conclusions or opinions about this until I've at least seen the show. That seems fair and reasonable.
Ironically over on the other forum there is a thread going on right now about a large elephant that was taken in Zimbabwe. The elephant had been collared and under study. But the bull had wandered out of the national park it had been residing in and into a hunting area and was taken by a Russian hunter. The whole situation could blow up into another Cecil episode. This fueled in fact by other hunters immediately criticizing the PH based on little knowledge and some incorrect information. So once again we have a situation of hunters turning on other hunters without actually having the facts. And now that those facts have been brought to light, those attacking the PH look pretty foolish.
I prefer not to jump to hasty conclusions generally speaking, but especially when it comes to one of our own, whether it be Jim Shockey or a Swedish gentleman on AH that I've never met. And I sure don't want to make a fool of myself knowing that there may be more to the story.