AH legend
Good point would this even be a question if Hillary was president. Im pretty sure we would be fighting to keep leopard and giraffe imports by now. He appointed Zinke and Zinke has quietly been pushing a hunter friendly agenda. If he has to tweet no more elephants while Zinke pushes a prohunting agenda, we gain in the long run.
Also, look at Trump and DACA he got rid of it so Congress could do something. If the SAVES Act passes, he will not veto it and go well I tried, do his Trump shrug, and say but Congress did their job.
In the mean time a liberal talking head called Trump a man of reason...I think that is the real story here.
As sportsman, our job needs to hold our congressmen and women accountable. The President has more important things on his plate then elephant imports from a handful of countries.
However, if anyone would like to petition to make me the ambassador of Zimbabwe, I will work tirelessly to get this ban lifted as a way of growing economic relationship with a natural resource rich country and to minimize Chinese influcence .
Also, look at Trump and DACA he got rid of it so Congress could do something. If the SAVES Act passes, he will not veto it and go well I tried, do his Trump shrug, and say but Congress did their job.
In the mean time a liberal talking head called Trump a man of reason...I think that is the real story here.
As sportsman, our job needs to hold our congressmen and women accountable. The President has more important things on his plate then elephant imports from a handful of countries.
However, if anyone would like to petition to make me the ambassador of Zimbabwe, I will work tirelessly to get this ban lifted as a way of growing economic relationship with a natural resource rich country and to minimize Chinese influcence .