Trump Reaches Out to Outdoor Enthusiasts

Do you really believe that Robert??? There is a big difference between what is going on now and an outright ban of hunting, which will not happen.

Gizmo, no way. You're both giving any dem way too much credit for how much power they have and how much they care about the issue.

Might as well say that if a dem is elected that the oil industry will be eliminated and replaced with wind in four years.
Big difference between oil industry and hunting industry. I'm being a realist and they've all said they want our guns. Policy has shown they're stance on hunting. Plus the next two possibly three Supreme Court justices will be nominated by the next pres. Then all the sudden it will become legal for them to do it.
Only a fool will say, "they can't or won't do that" and believes it. It's the government and they will take every right away little by little if given the opportunity. What is to stop them; the law, the constitution? Democrats have proven a few things over the years, 1) the law only applies when they want it to and it is easily bendable if they want and 2) the constitution is nothing more than just another piece of paper in a museum. Proof is in all the executive actions Obama has done which are both illegal and unconstitutional.
The thought of an armed citizenry scares the shit out of them and history has proven the first thing a dictatorship does when taking over a country is to disarm them.
Furthermore, the Jewish people in Germany and Europe said in the 1930's, "they can't do that". I think history proved them wrong.
We are on the brink of loosing everything we hold dear and many people are standing back saying, oh they can't/won't do that. Every time people were foolish enough to believe that it was gone before they could do anything about it.
Ah now I have access to a real keyboard and not a cell phone. I can express myself better. Again Robert, thanks for bringing this interview with Trump Jr. to this forum. I would not have been aware of his hunting and fishing background. I will point out that the people in Czech Republic take their hunting seriously. I knew I was going to like the place when I saw all the deer blinds in the fields. I had to make sure I was driving into Pilzen, Czech Republic and not Enos, Texas.

Next week (I am on Spring Break right now) in my Outdoor Adventure Class we will spend several days discussing the 2nd Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. This is the one that gives us the right to keep and bear arms. I make a point to tell my students that the writers of the U.S. Constitution did not ensure our right to keep and bear arms so that we could hunt. The writers of our constitution wanted to make sure we could defend ourselves from our government. Today, in the U.S. this seems to be an odd concept but in the days of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and Madison it was a big deal to make sure the federal government was very limited (U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights). It was also very important to give the people the ability to defend themselves. Oddly enough the first line of defense against a government is the right to speak against the government (1st Amendment). It should be enough to shine the light of truth on darkness by the written and spoken word to stop a despot. However, if speaking freely does not work then individuals must come together and with arms force that despotic government from power (2nd Amendment) Please note I am on spring break and I have just left Franklin, TN. PB and I stayed in a lovely B&B and had I stood in the front yard of that B&B on Dec. 1, 1864 I would have gazed upon 7,000 dead bodies (Battle of Franklin, American Civil War). Fully exercising our 2nd Amendment rights should not be engaged lightly.

The danger, though, lies in whether our politicians can marginalize or even do away with one of the first 10 amendments. If they can throw out one them the rest can follow. Right now the 2nd Amendment is the most likely candidate. It is the 10%, 80%, 10% concept. 10% of our population owns and uses firearms. 80% of the population has no opinion either way and 10% want to do away with guns. So if the 2nd amendment and hunting are closely connected then the 80% that don't own guns also don't hunt. So those people will connect guns with hunting. Then they think, "Well, we can get our food from Wal-Mart so we don't need to hunt so we don't need guns and if we don't have guns then gun crime will stop. I am going to vote for the candidate that will get rid of guns." Thus the 2nd Amendment is removed and now it doesn't take much effort to get rid of the 1st Amendment. Now you can list all of your despotic goverments from history and we will look like them.

So, I tell my students that when they have to defend the 2nd amendment don't tell people its so you can hunt. You tell people the 2nd amendment keeps us U.S. from being late 1930's Germany or 2016 North Korea. People that have no feelings about guns quickly start to think properly when approached in this manner.

Its time to go back to Spring Break. I will be fly fishing on the White River in Arkansas over the next two days if it will just rain. Thunder, lightening, and tornados tend to turn the fish off.(y)
Ah now I have access to a real keyboard and not a cell phone. I can express myself better. Again Robert, thanks for bringing this interview with Trump Jr. to this forum. I would not have been aware of his hunting and fishing background. I will point out that the people in Czech Republic take their hunting seriously. I knew I was going to like the place when I saw all the deer blinds in the fields. I had to make sure I was driving into Pilzen, Czech Republic and not Enos, Texas.

Next week (I am on Spring Break right now) in my Outdoor Adventure Class we will spend several days discussing the 2nd Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. This is the one that gives us the right to keep and bear arms. I make a point to tell my students that the writers of the U.S. Constitution did not ensure our right to keep and bear arms so that we could hunt. The writers of our constitution wanted to make sure we could defend ourselves from our government. Today, in the U.S. this seems to be an odd concept but in the days of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and Madison it was a big deal to make sure the federal government was very limited (U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights). It was also very important to give the people the ability to defend themselves. Oddly enough the first line of defense against a government is the right to speak against the government (1st Amendment). It should be enough to shine the light of truth on darkness by the written and spoken word to stop a despot. However, if speaking freely does not work then individuals must come together and with arms force that despotic government from power (2nd Amendment) Please note I am on spring break and I have just left Franklin, TN. PB and I stayed in a lovely B&B and had I stood in the front yard of that B&B on Dec. 1, 1864 I would have gazed upon 7,000 dead bodies (Battle of Franklin, American Civil War). Fully exercising our 2nd Amendment rights should not be engaged lightly.

The danger, though, lies in whether our politicians can marginalize or even do away with one of the first 10 amendments. If they can throw out one them the rest can follow. Right now the 2nd Amendment is the most likely candidate. It is the 10%, 80%, 10% concept. 10% of our population owns and uses firearms. 80% of the population has no opinion either way and 10% want to do away with guns. So if the 2nd amendment and hunting are closely connected then the 80% that don't own guns also don't hunt. So those people will connect guns with hunting. Then they think, "Well, we can get our food from Wal-Mart so we don't need to hunt so we don't need guns and if we don't have guns then gun crime will stop. I am going to vote for the candidate that will get rid of guns." Thus the 2nd Amendment is removed and now it doesn't take much effort to get rid of the 1st Amendment. Now you can list all of your despotic goverments from history and we will look like them.

So, I tell my students that when they have to defend the 2nd amendment don't tell people its so you can hunt. You tell people the 2nd amendment keeps us U.S. from being late 1930's Germany or 2016 North Korea. People that have no feelings about guns quickly start to think properly when approached in this manner.

Its time to go back to Spring Break. I will be fly fishing on the White River in Arkansas over the next two days if it will just rain. Thunder, lightening, and tornados tend to turn the fish off.(y)
Jeff extremely well said and furthermore you must be the greatest teacher of any school in the country
Jeff extremely well said and furthermore you must be the greatest teacher of any school in the country

Now I have to raise the BS Flag(y) ...but thank you for your kind comment.

Like you it is easy to teach when one speaks logically from the heart.:D
Code4, you see what is happening in the hunting industry and it is not getting better.
If trump does not get in say GOOD BY TO HUNTING.......

Would that be 'goodbye' ?
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Our biggest nightmare, in my opinion, will come in November when our choice for POTUS is either Trump or Hillary. I might not move back to the US when I retire.

If Hillary is elected, she will be good for the gun manufacturing industry, just like Obama. There will be another run on ARs and ammo and shortages will occur again due to hoarding.
I'll repeat what I've been saying for a while. I'll endorse Donald, if he wins the Republican spot. Hey, they laughed at Regan, I remember that and he was the best thus far. Just want to point out that Ted is my first choice then Paul.

It's all become a circus.

Hillary cannot win, I disagree that gun sales will skyrocket. If she wins I'm guessing the USwill become the next 3Rd world country. I think if she gets in or does not get in she needs to answer for Benghazi . She was the ultimate authority at the time.
I have been absorbing all that is being said and appreciate the lively participation of different opinions. This diversity makes the world go round, however, we can't be short sighted and must look at the hard facts because we are in drastic times and drastic times requires drastic change for survival both in our personal and business lives.

There is an old Indian saying: "A bird has a right wing and a left wing but it is still a bird". This is just like our government. We have a right wing and a left wing but it is still the same government. There is little difference between a Democrat and a Republican and for those who do not believe it, then why has Obama not been impeached? Why hasn't Hilary been brought to justice too? Why isn't Republican party standing up for the people who voted them in. Because if they 'clip the right wing' the bird no longer can fly and the gravy train of money stops to line everyone's pocket except for we, the People.

Hunting will stop if drastic measures are not taken NOW....the writing has been on the wall for a while:

a) Botswana has been over;

b) Zimbabwe will be next due to the weak and greedy government as reflected in their immediate banning of the lion and elephant only fueling the anti's;

c) Zambia still has the hippo ban with no evidence of remedy in the immediate future;

d) Mozambique still has the elephant ban......shall I go on?

e) South Africa will be next...106 leopard permits approved by the government but none will be issued for 2016 so no leopard hunting this year. Just look at the sudden change in exchange rate and greedy government....slowly they are choking their people's livelihood and the airlines are not helping. I will not go into the details here but it has been brewing for years, thanks to the unification of the Anti's who continue to threaten us all and influence USFWL. Where do you think the Anti's get their money? Just like the Black Lives Matter group and the Occupy Wall Street group....Yes, they are discreetly paid off by the government from the money that they have stolen right from under our noses.

f) If the government wanted Poaching to stop, it would have happened already. The poaching of animals for bush-meat, ivory and rhino horns will diminish the species and be classified as endangered which means eventually no more hunting.

We need to put our feelings aside and think logically. What does being Presidential mean? A President is not super human. A President is human like all of us and humans make mistakes. What counts is the character of the individual as President.

The reason I am voting for Donald Trump is because his boys have skin in the game and stand to lose just like the rest of us. Donald Trump is self funded, self made and the only business man that can get our country financially back on track. His record proves it. If you're being attacked by your opponents, the Democrats, your own Republican party and still the front runner, what does that tell you? People are reacting without thinking or studying the facts. Being Politically correct is a ploy that started with the Democratic party and has snow balled into being an excuse for everything and anything.

I would like to ask everyone that is not voting for Trump to ask themselves: "what has my candidate truly accomplished that is a benchmark from which to build?" You will find there is a lot of propaganda and half stories out there and only if you dig on your own, will you find the true facts out yourself.

This is truly the most important election.....the reason I stole Gizmos' soapbox (sorry Gizmo) is because it is my livelihood and my sport....I have hunted for 57 years and not about to stand by and watch the industry be destroyed while our Rights be stripped away.

Thank you for listening....I hope this all makes sense. I've had a very long's almost 8pm but wanted to reply because I care.

Robert, I too appreciate the post. If you have ever done any reading of Donald Trump, you would know that lying to you and getting you to believe it is TOTALLY justified and perhaps the best kind of WINNING! So, I don't believe anything that he says!

He also talks about "skin in the game" and we know how passionate he is about his kids so I do think that his son's passion for the outdoor sports would bode well.

But what I think is funnier than hell is all of the posters on this thread talking about him like he is a Republican. He is a life-time Democrat who is lying out his a$$ (see above ... the best WIN is the WIN earned through the BIGGEST lie!) to get elected. He is actually more likely to pivot more to the left than anyone running on the Democratic side. The DONALD is the best example that a politician is a politician is a politician as Robert said ... once elected they do whatever they can do to get elected. So I have no concerns that Hillary is going to end hunting or that Donald is going to be a boon for hunting.
I appreciate your thoughts and agree with all of it. Although Trump is not my first choice, if he is the Republican nominee I will hold my nose and support him. We can't have everything we want in a nominee, but he is better than anything the Dems are offering.
I joined the NRA to support their efforts to protect our 2nd Amendment rights. Those of you on this blog who are members of the NRA but don't believe our gun rights and ultimately our hunting heritage are slowly being taken away should reconsider why you joined. I would hope you are not in it just for the magazines.
Well he might not be a believer in hunting. But I don't believe in lacrosse but I go to my nephew's games. I'm not a believer in dance but I go to my niece's dance recitals. I don't understand why they do it. But I support them. I think this is the same thing with Trump. And I am not naive enough to believe he will do 25% of the stuff he says he will do, but he is gonna shake things up. Sportsmen have been ignored for way too long and every election we are told don't worry we will take care of you. And every year, the federal government adds a new law or a new this or a new tax. Even if he is neutral on hunting, that will be better then anything we have had in a long time. I think Cruz wouldn't be bad for us either. The bottom line though is any Democrat, Hillary or Bernie is going to be bad for us. They don't have family that hunt, heck they probably dont know anyone that does. And if you believe that they will be, I have a rich Nigerian uncle I would like you to talk to.
I have been absorbing all that is being said and appreciate the lively participation of different opinions. This diversity makes the world go round, however, we can't be short sighted and must look at the hard facts because we are in drastic times and drastic times requires drastic change for survival both in our personal and business lives.

There is an old Indian saying: "A bird has a right wing and a left wing but it is still a bird". This is just like our government. We have a right wing and a left wing but it is still the same government. There is little difference between a Democrat and a Republican and for those who do not believe it, then why has Obama not been impeached? Why hasn't Hilary been brought to justice too? Why isn't Republican party standing up for the people who voted them in. Because if they 'clip the right wing' the bird no longer can fly and the gravy train of money stops to line everyone's pocket except for we, the People.

Hunting will stop if drastic measures are not taken NOW....the writing has been on the wall for a while:

a) Botswana has been over;

b) Zimbabwe will be next due to the weak and greedy government as reflected in their immediate banning of the lion and elephant only fueling the anti's;

c) Zambia still has the hippo ban with no evidence of remedy in the immediate future;

d) Mozambique still has the elephant ban......shall I go on?

e) South Africa will be next...106 leopard permits approved by the government but none will be issued for 2016 so no leopard hunting this year. Just look at the sudden change in exchange rate and greedy government....slowly they are choking their people's livelihood and the airlines are not helping. I will not go into the details here but it has been brewing for years, thanks to the unification of the Anti's who continue to threaten us all and influence USFWL. Where do you think the Anti's get their money? Just like the Black Lives Matter group and the Occupy Wall Street group....Yes, they are discreetly paid off by the government from the money that they have stolen right from under our noses.

f) If the government wanted Poaching to stop, it would have happened already. The poaching of animals for bush-meat, ivory and rhino horns will diminish the species and be classified as endangered which means eventually no more hunting.

We need to put our feelings aside and think logically. What does being Presidential mean? A President is not super human. A President is human like all of us and humans make mistakes. What counts is the character of the individual as President.

The reason I am voting for Donald Trump is because his boys have skin in the game and stand to lose just like the rest of us. Donald Trump is self funded, self made and the only business man that can get our country financially back on track. His record proves it. If you're being attacked by your opponents, the Democrats, your own Republican party and still the front runner, what does that tell you? People are reacting without thinking or studying the facts. Being Politically correct is a ploy that started with the Democratic party and has snow balled into being an excuse for everything and anything.

I would like to ask everyone that is not voting for Trump to ask themselves: "what has my candidate truly accomplished that is a benchmark from which to build?" You will find there is a lot of propaganda and half stories out there and only if you dig on your own, will you find the true facts out yourself.

This is truly the most important election.....the reason I stole Gizmos' soapbox (sorry Gizmo) is because it is my livelihood and my sport....I have hunted for 57 years and not about to stand by and watch the industry be destroyed while our Rights be stripped away.

Thank you for listening....I hope this all makes sense. I've had a very long's almost 8pm but wanted to reply because I care.

No worries you didn't steal my thunder as stated I don't really support Trump ( Cruz, Rubio, then Trump. Kiasic is a democrat and a conservative by self proclamation only) but you can damn sure bet I'll vote for him if he gets the nomination.
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Robert, I too appreciate the post. If you have ever done any reading of Donald Trump, you would know that lying to you and getting you to believe it is TOTALLY justified and perhaps the best kind of WINNING! So, I don't believe anything that he says!

He also talks about "skin in the game" and we know how passionate he is about his kids so I do think that his son's passion for the outdoor sports would bode well.

But what I think is funnier than hell is all of the posters on this thread talking about him like he is a Republican. He is a life-time Democrat who is lying out his a$$ (see above ... the best WIN is the WIN earned through the BIGGEST lie!) to get elected. He is actually more likely to pivot more to the left than anyone running on the Democratic side. The DONALD is the best example that a politician is a politician is a politician as Robert said ... once elected they do whatever they can do to get elected. So I have no concerns that Hillary is going to end hunting or that Donald is going to be a boon for hunting.
Uh Ronald Regan was the greatest president and conservative in US history and he was a registered democrat for the first 3/4 of his life ;)
It is risky for any non-american to get involved in a discussion of US politics, but here I go . . .

In our system of government - checks and balances - there's very little a President can do on their own to ban hunting or take away your guns, or whatever else the topic may be. If it weren't, well, don't you think the current President would have done that? Sure, he's made things harder, but if he had the power people seem to imply he (or the next one) has, then he'd have done a whole lot more. Even if the President's party controls one or both of the Senate and the House, there's no way to force legislators to vote the way the President wants. The reality is that without the Senate and House, there's little a President can do to fundamentally change current laws overnight. That's not the same as what can be accomplished in bits and pieces over time, but that takes time, and there are always intervening elections, and new court nominees to slow or change a trend.

So while you consider what may happen in the US, how about you spare a thought for us poor Canadians? Under our system of government - "responsible government" - the Prime Minister controls both the executive and legislative branches of government, and appoints all supreme court judges without any hearings at all. By definition, the PM can pass any law he wants - he can force elected legislators to vote his way (so long as his party has a majority, which they do), and he can enforce those laws any way he wants. What we have in Canada is intermittent democracy - every four years we get to elect a dictator for the next four. I would trade a Democrat nominee with your system for a Liberal with our system, any day.
Hank, you are correct.... but its not about hunting.
Hunting is the tool for gun control......
We (SSI) are having a very difficult time with trophies from all over.
Take the airlines, the ban of certain animals.....
The President can and will use an Executive order....
Hank, you are correct.... but its not about hunting.
Hunting is the tool for gun control......
We (SSI) are having a very difficult time with trophies from all over.
Take the airlines, the ban of certain animals.....
The President can and will use an Executive order....

An executive order to do just what exactly? Stop all hunting? In order to confiscate guns? How, exactly, would that be accomplished? Executive orders - yes even Obamas - are very narrowly written legal actions. Hank is absolutely correct, the legislative body, through the purse, has enormous power to limit the impact of any of those findings, even if they aren't eventually limited by an appellate court.

And our shared concern with imports has almost nothing to do with the president or this administration. This is a problem with the private and publically traded companies which provide that service. The publically traded ones, obviously, are particularly sensitive to public perception. If people - particularly institutional investors - dump their stock because the company is perceived to be profiting off of murdered Cecils, the stock value falls. If that happens, the CEO and senior officers get fired by the shareholders. And they are getting much larger doses of negative perception through emails, twitter, etc. than any counter engagement by a very limited number of sportsmen.

And I am not sure what we can do about it. Delta, for instance, has roughly 850 mil shares of stock supporting a 34 billion dollar company. Those shares are trading at around $40 a share. A 10% minority holder in Delta would have enough heft to force certain behaviors - like flying my buffalo home. Do the math - that would be somewhere north of a 300m dollar investment. Every sporting organization in this country could pool its resources and not buy up enough stock to force a behavior change in just one company. And our customer impact is equally marginal. It is one reason that SCI is going at this through the courts.

And somehow, electing a New York commercial real estate entrepreneur and reality TV star is going to fix all this? Only in America could we end up with a choice between that and an unindicted influence peddler who can't look after classified material.
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Get it right the 1st time - choose the Leopard specialists!
Finally! Been a month now, retired to Western Cape, SA! Living my best life!