Robert, I am no fan of this administration, but we hurt ourselves when we sound like crazies to people leading normal lives out there. What law, specifically, has the President violated? I don't mean what law some fat rabble rouser on the radio, who is looking for ratings, says he broke. But what court, to date, has said that he has overstepped his power as Chief Executive? And don't tell me it is because "everyone in government is corrupt." They aren't. The vast majority of those judges in the federal courts, regardless of who appointed them, could be making a lot more money in private practice. That vast majority is dedicated to the law and its just application and correct interpretation. They aren't on the take - and because they aren't elected, they are immune from lobbying. The same is true of the vast majority of the people working in the various departments and federal agencies. They may interpret things differently than we would like sometimes, but the vast majority truly are doing their best. It is one reason why the bad apples make so much news when they come to light. Indeed, I would argue the most politicized court in the land is the Supreme Court. But if you look back to both Roosevelt administrations and the decade before the Civil War, it has always been so.
I pray that we can undo much of the damage that has been done our country, its culture, and its future prospects over the last seven years. That means a new set of political appointees need to redirect that federal bureaucracy (and maybe downsize it a bit). I just have very little confidence that a bloviating realty TV star with the demeanor of 16-year-old is the likely candidate to bring that about. I just have no idea what he intends. Take trade for instance. Are you supportive of tariffs and an ensuing trade war? You really want to pay 30-40% more for your next car or truck (I don't care where it was assembled - look under the hood and see where all those electronics were built)? He apparently intends no changes to entitlements, and talks about no meaningful cuts to federal spending. I don't know what he truly intends or believes.
And Robert, it is not that the Anti's have the government in their pocket through some vast conspiracy. How would they do that - exactly? The real problem is that most of our fellow citizens and most of that bureaucracy just don't consider our interests very much at all. We are too few and unlike our alter egos in the NRA, we are not truly organized.