Please don't rub any more salt and alcohol in my wounds. Your absolutely killing me.
Growing up it was about knowing what is in season;. what animals can be legally hunted during the time of year. Most any farmer would let a person hunt on their property, so long as the person asked before trespassing to hunt. If the farmer knew the person, or once he got to know the person, then he might allow the person to spend/ camp out on his property a night or 2. If the person helped the farmer with a few farm chores the farmer might even feed the person; meaning usually an invite to supper.
Nowadays, as pretty much worldwide, if a person could get permission from a farmer it would be either through long established family acquaintances or by opening up one's bank account. Even then there is still no guarantee a farmer will give his permission.
(Eastern US) Farms are generally 20 to 500 acres in size. So anytime we could get the parents' permission to ask certain farmers for hunting permission and everyone (adults) said, yes. We were elated (that's world class understatement).
Only animals available to hunt: in the fall and winter: cotton tail rabbits, squirrels, maybe quail, and rarely seen pheasant. In spring and summer groundhogs.
Comparatively for us youngsters hunting on 100 plus acres is like you hunting 200,000 acres. As an adult I've come to enjoy hunting and camping on designated public lands. But nothing, to me anyways, would compare to being able to freely roam and hunt a 1000, 10,000, 100,000, plus acres in Africa.