Nope, what I NEED is have my surgeon remove his last stitches tomorrow so I can hunt more!
I deserve (not need) an ATTABOY! for being able to mow, harrow, and seed Rye in our horse pastures with those stitches still in. Just finished seeding today and a cold front with rain is due tomorrow.
And I NEED to have another big BBQ for my hunting friends (and maybe a couple relatives) to eat some of the game in our freezers so I have an excuse to shoot more.
I NEED to use a few more of my rifles to kill feral hogs so all of them can say they have done that.
I NEED to take my .405 and .458 doubles to Africa, Australia, etc just for the fun of it.
I NEED to kill some black bears with those doubles too. Two such hunts have fallen through , but another is now booked. Wife says she wants a bear rug, so,,,.
I NEED to HUNT more!!!
CEH, you got me there, it is all photo shopped by my wife! She also did this nice Simson Co Trade Label for the Simson DR gun case: