Ted Nugent

Howdy all, Please accept my sincerest apolologies for adding to this thread. It really doesn't matter I deeply regret my comments. Lets call it water under the bridge and go back to the topic of some great hunting stories. So sorry all. Jane crying with regret and sorrow. I have such a deep respect for all my friends here and I hate to know I've upset anyone. Funny thing is I haven't been able to be online for a few weeks. Stupid me.. Let's forget this stuff you guys, again, I am sorry I caused any trouble.
So what about those damn Ice dancers at the Olympics?? I think there's some controversy going on there!!

God Bless everyone!!

Stop apologizing. You said what you said and I assume you meant it. You dont have to apologize, I dont, unless I am wrong and that seldom happens:rolleyes: but when it does I apologize. We disagree, so what? You rant, I rant, we all rant. Lets have beans for every meal!:cool:
I as in I I I I have NO NO NO NO respect for this ass clown you call the President! He is certainly the most lawless pres since Nixon and when Nixon was about to get impeached he had the good graces to resign and not put the country thru all that. This ass Obama and he is an ASS, should have been impeached long ago, in fact not elected ever to dog catcher! The worst, know nothing, narcissistic, liar to ever get elected! Dont you listen to anything besides NPR or MSNBC? You know about all the ACA lies right? Fast and Furious?, IRS scandal?, NSA scandal?, the new FCC scandal?, Benghazi scandal? or are these all just as he calls them, "phoney scandals"? You respect this SOB?! NOT ME!! I'll stand behind him allright, as I am kicking his sorry ass out of the door!! You can have him!! Good enough rant for ya?!?!

You bucking for a spot on Ted's show or what?
Okay, okay..:rolleyes:

I'm emailing him to get him to jump in and see what he has to say about the audition. :)

Just invited him to join up, through Toby. Maybe he'll come and play with us.
Although he apparently has a forum section of his own.

Contact : TedNugent.com
I as in I I I I have NO NO NO NO respect for this ass clown you call the President! He is certainly the most lawless pres since Nixon and when Nixon was about to get impeached he had the good graces to resign and not put the country thru all that. This ass Obama and he is an ASS, should have been impeached long ago, in fact not elected ever to dog catcher! The worst, know nothing, narcissistic, liar to ever get elected! Dont you listen to anything besides NPR or MSNBC? You know about all the ACA lies right? Fast and Furious?, IRS scandal?, NSA scandal?, the new FCC scandal?, Benghazi scandal? or are these all just as he calls them, "phoney scandals"? You respect this SOB?! NOT ME!! I'll stand behind him allright, as I am kicking his sorry ass out of the door!! You can have him!! Good enough rant for ya?!?!

Ses not too bad a rant ;) gonna have to crank mine up a notch or two...:D
It isn't really necessary for you to remind us again and again of your military service, we get it OK? Some serve, some do not, so what? If makes your opinion no more or less valuable or important than anyone else's, period. When I was of draft age, I was classified 1-H due to being deaf in one ear. So what? Was I interested in serving in SE Asia? NO! Would I have if called to do so and was eligible for the draft? Yes! So what?

As to Uncle Ted, I like the guy. I have called this moron, jerkface president of ours a lot worse than what Ted did! No one cares because I am not a public figure, probably a good thing.:rolleyes: You seem to be riding rather high on this idea of military service etc. Ted was a "draft dodger"!, You dont know that! You just read that somewhere and are pissed at him so use it here. You can do so if you like. I am not going to condemn him for avoiding likely service in Vietnam, if he did I assume it was legal. I don't assume as you do that he did it illegally, which is what a draft dodger would be. There were all sorts of reasons one could avoid the draft legally. Some took that route, others didn't. So what? Its called choice. So yeah Jane, your post does sort of piss me off. Get off your high, ex-Army, (I served and I'm special) horse and come back to earth. Your opinion is worth the same as everyone else's, period.

She has a very good point Ses. Most who have served in the military have a high regard for the office of the President and Commander in Chief. Pretty much imprinted into the DNA. It is also something that about which most Americans should be glad. Because of that respect, what our citizens don't have to worry about is the CG of the 82d Airborne deciding to take the division swinging down Pennsylvania Ave because he disagrees with the latest Defense Department restructuring. Do I believe this guy is abetting some serious harm to what I believe are some important structural and cultural institutions of this country? Absolutely. But last election the majority of my fellow citizens disagreed with me. And he is still the president. So, Ted's comments flew all over me as well - just like Natalie Maines did a decade ago - Maybe even a little worse - Uncle Ted has become a recognizable face of my sport. And I am absolutely convinced that sort of thing serves only to undermine the very real arguments we need to make this fall.
Back on topic, I was watching Spirit of the Wild last night and once again TN said another stupid thing. He was talking about animal rights activists and he said that he would kill 100 more deer that year because of animals rights activists and another deer for every comment someone makes about animal rights. He then continued to say that every time he thinks of animal rights he is going to kill something. This is just the first situation in that episode like this. He also admitted that he would kill as many deer as he wanted if the show wasn't being filmed and people would see him breaking the law. As hunters, we know that he really legally can't kill that many deer, but are comments like this actually helping our cause? If some members here are also members of the NRA, then they should write to the president and ask them to stop promoted TN the way they do.
Back on topic, I was watching Spirit of the Wild last night and once again TN said another stupid thing. He was talking about animal rights activists and he said that he would kill 100 more deer that year because of animals rights activists and another deer for every comment someone makes about animal rights. He then continued to say that every time he thinks of animal rights he is going to kill something. This is just the first situation in that episode like this. He also admitted that he would kill as many deer as he wanted if the show wasn't being filmed and people would see him breaking the law. , but are comments like this actually helping our cause? If some members here are also members of the NRA, then they should write to the president and ask them to stop promoted TN the way they do.
As hunters, we know that he really legally can't kill that many deer

In Baltimore County, Maryland you can buy tag after tag after tag for doe. I know of one man who was able to harvest over 50 deer in a season. He only stopped because of health reasons. Could he have gotten to over 100? My money would be on yes. I'm sure there are other locales that have an overpopulation of deer and unlimited tags. And for the antis out there, the hunter I speak of never let one single of those deer go to waste. He kept what he needed for himself and his family, and those he personally knew who were in need. The rest of the meat he donated to food kitchens. Who were more than thankful.
I don't want to fuel things here but I feel I need to at least voice my very general opinion.

If we do not voice our opinion about our leaders, we lose the ability to shape decisions. As long as we are quiet, they will assume they are doing a great job. Just because they do not always heed our cries is no reason for silence.
I don't want to fuel things here but I feel I need to at least voice my very general opinion.

If we do not voice our opinion about our leaders, we lose the ability to shape decisions. As long as we are quiet, they will assume they are doing a great job. Just because they do not always heed our cries is no reason for silence.

Absolutely - critical debate is essential to a working democracy. Nugent is a public figure with stage - perceived by many as, among other things, a face of hunters - and he called the President a "Subhuman Mongrel" - I repeat in case you missed it - "Subhuman Mongrel." Sounds like the sort of slur one would have heard a SA Brown Shirt using in 1936. I would not exactly describe that as a "cry to be heeded."
Absolutely - critical debate is essential to a working democracy. Nugent is a public figure with stage - perceived by many as, among other things, a face of hunters - and he called the President a "Subhuman Mongrel" - I repeat in case you missed it - "Subhuman Mongrel." Sounds like the sort of slur one would have heard a SA Brown Shirt using in 1936. I would not exactly describe that as a "cry to be heeded."
I dont disagree with your comments at all. From my perspective, what matters most is not any respect for the office of President, but who occupies that office. The current occupant is almost on a daily basis, especially of late, doing his level best to circumvent if not shred the Constitution. The one you served under and swore to protect and defend. You did not swear an oath to serve any tyrant, but to the US Constitution. I respect fully those who served in our forces. I have ZERO respect for the current President. ZERO! An earlier post said we should stand behind our pres no matter what. Really?!?!?! I dont think so! Not while he continues to trash this country and as he once stated "fundamentally transform this country". Unfortunately too many idiots in this country thought that was a good idea.
I'm not apologizing for what I wrote regarding Mr. Nugent and the way I perceive him. My apology was for causing a headache for Jerome and Brickburn. Thanks for the concern. For now I just want to leave this conversation. All the best Sestoppelman. I can empathize with your frustration for sure.

Stop apologizing. You said what you said and I assume you meant it. You dont have to apologize, I dont, unless I am wrong and that seldom happens:rolleyes: but when it does I apologize. We disagree, so what? You rant, I rant, we all rant. Lets have beans for every meal!:cool:
The title a person has in life even being the president should still earn the peoples respect.The respect was not earn but given by people looking for handouts and all they can get for free.Anyone who even thinks were better off now then 5 years ago needs to have there head looked at.Hate all you want on the last president but thank god that 9-11 and the katrina storm did not happen with the clown in office now.This country is going from the place everyone wanted to be like or part of to a joke in alot countries eyes.What was said by nugent might not have be nice but I think he stills has the right to say what he thinks.He just had the balls to say what so many think.Hate him or love him he does what he thinks is best in his eyes.Even the president does not get to pick who has the freedom of speech in this country yet.He may try and change that yet after he is done with all his free handouts though.
. . . what matters most is not any respect for the office of President, but who occupies that office. The current occupant is almost on a daily basis, especially of late, doing his level best to circumvent if not shred the Constitution . . . I have ZERO respect for the current President. ZERO! An earlier post said we should stand behind our pres no matter what. Really?!?!?! I dont think so! Not while he continues to trash this country and as he once stated "fundamentally transform this country". Unfortunately too many idiots in this country thought that was a good idea.

The title a person has in life even being the president should still earn the peoples respect.The respect was not earn but given by people looking for handouts and all they can get for free . . . Hate all you want on the last president but thank god that 9-11 and the katrina storm did not happen with the clown in office now.This country is going from the place everyone wanted to be like or part of to a joke in alot countries eyes.What was said by nugent might not have be nice but I think he stills has the right to say what he thinks . . . Even the president does not get to pick who has the freedom of speech in this country yet.

You both voiced my sentiments quite well.
I used to love TN and the way he often made mincemeat out of TV reporters and their guests who made the case to ban firearms. His main message was that their irresponsible parenting and lack of a solid family (who is the father?) was the cause of most violence, gun related or not.

However, he's lost me forever with the mongrel statement he made about our President. I don't agree with or like our President but he was duly elected and no man deserves to be called such a thing. If TN were some jerk in a bar I wouldn't feel so strongly. But this guy has a national stage and has been supported by organizations to which I belong. So I am therefore angered and offended by his remarks.

I'll be writing the NRA asking that they quickly put distance between themselves and TN.
I used to love TN and the way he often made mincemeat out of TV reporters and their guests who made the case to ban firearms. His main message was that their irresponsible parenting and lack of a solid family (who is the father?) was the cause of most violence, gun related or not.

However, he's lost me forever with the mongrel statement he made about our President. I don't agree with or like our President but he was duly elected and no man deserves to be called such a thing. If TN were some jerk in a bar I wouldn't feel so strongly. But this guy has a national stage and has been supported by organizations to which I belong. So I am therefore angered and offended by his remarks.

I'll be writing the NRA asking that they quickly put distance between themselves and TN.
Duly elected or not, Obama is an enemy of freedom and gets no respect from me! Just because someone is elected does not mean they deserve respect. Respect is earned and he has done very little to earn my respect. He was elected by morons who want to turn this country into some socialist utopia. Been tried and failed. So GO TED!
Is this where you got the urge to emulate your hero?
Now now Brickburn that was my Mick Jagger move, or my old Bobby Skinstatd imitation... !!! :)
How many deer can you legally kill?

Back on topic, I was watching Spirit of the Wild last night and once again TN said another stupid thing. He was talking about animal rights activists and he said that he would kill 100 more deer that year because of animals rights activists and another deer for every comment someone makes about animal rights. He then continued to say that every time he thinks of animal rights he is going to kill something. This is just the first situation in that episode like this. He also admitted that he would kill as many deer as he wanted if the show wasn't being filmed and people would see him breaking the law. As hunters, we know that he really legally can't kill that many deer, but are comments like this actually helping our cause? If some members here are also members of the NRA, then they should write to the president and ask them to stop promoted TN the way they do.

IN Loudoun County Virginina you can kill an unlimited number of does 6 days a week from Sept. 1 to April 1. I know many people who contribute over 100 deer a year to Hunters for the Hungry.

REspect for the Office is different than respecty for the Individual. Hitler and Mussolini were legal leaders of thier country, blind obedience to the "Leader" is the excuse when soldiers and others commit atrocities.
who want to turn this country into some socialist utopia. Been tried and failed. So GO TED!

it sure has, problem is these politicans/govnts have let so many people into the different countries they run, and now there are so many on the gravy train, it will become harder to unelect them or their parties as these people will always vote for them regardless!!!!!
it sure has, problem is these politicans/govnts have let so many people into the different countries they run, and now there are so many on the gravy train, it will become harder to unelect them or their parties as these people will always vote for them regardless!!!!!

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic" Benjamin Franklin

"When more Americans prefer freebies to freedom, these great United States will become fertile grounds for tryanny." Allen West

This country is experiencing an unprecedented cultural erosion. I truly fear for the future... I hope one day I can be rich enough to be liberal.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)