Regulation question


AH enthusiast
Apr 19, 2020
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Member of
BASC, British Deer Society
RSA, Zimbabwe
This may sound like a strange question but perhaps you could indulge me.
I have come across a double rifle that is part finished. Sadly the gunsmith has passed away so cannot be asked.
The rifle is reported to be finished externally with the exception of the rear sights requiring filing and blueing. Am I safe in the assumption that regulation will have been done whilst the barrels were in the white or is regulation done after blueing the barrels?
My original thought was that regulation would occur before blueing as the finish would be badly affected by heating the barrels.
Generally correct, although in the case of an unfinished rifle I’d be careful to make sure you know what you are buying before you purchase it. Make sure you budget for any work that may need completing, and don’t assume that everything else is finished. There are details such as ejector timing etc, that are critical and would require someone with the proper expertise to do.

From experience I can tell you that even reputable companies don’t always know much about double rifles…. They may be honest but lack expertise in some areas and they do get things wrong on the details.

If you happen to know a qualified gunsmith that you would trust to finish a double rifle or three for a reasonable price then it may be worth it… but you’ll only know for sure once it’s finished.
This may sound like a strange question but perhaps you could indulge me.
I have come across a double rifle that is part finished. Sadly the gunsmith has passed away so cannot be asked.
The rifle is reported to be finished externally with the exception of the rear sights requiring filing and blueing. Am I safe in the assumption that regulation will have been done whilst the barrels were in the white or is regulation done after blueing the barrels?
My original thought was that regulation would occur before blueing as the finish would be badly affected by heating the barrels.

I suspect you are talking about the same rifle I inspected last week; the staff claimed it had been regulated but I was dubious for the same reasons as yourself. It also didn't have a third bite or cross bolt.

I called Paul Roberts of J. Roberts and Son, who gave me a pretty good rundown on the issues that one might expect with such a rifle. If you can get it at the bottom end of the recommended price range, you'll have more dry powder to throw at it if it turns out to require extra work.

Keep us updated if you go ahead with the purchase. It was a lovely rifle to handle, and I'd be fascinated to see how it turns out.

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