AH ambassador
Alabama.... and agree with Royal, the only interference one will encounter here regarding legal activity is from other ignorant or misguided citizens. As far as free speech goes, we do in fact have it, certainly more so than other country on earth, its a Constitutional guarantee, enumerated in the Bill of Rights. And please don't anyone say, "you cant yell fire in a movie theater". Of course I can. There may be consequences for it, but I can sure say it! And so called "hate" speech that seems to have become a hot button issue here in the last 10 or so years, is protected speech. It may take time to wend its way thru the courts, but that is exactly the kind of speech that is meant to be protected, and it is. What would be the need for Freedom of speech if no one ever said anything disagreeable?
By the way, beautiful eland and a very good photo!