From the Namibia Professional Hunting Association - NAPHA Newsflash
Dear NAPHA members and friends,
I feel the need to urgently communicate with you all regarding the recent turmoil, questions and uncertainty regarding the statement made by our Minister of MET, as well as myself in the capacity of NAPHA President.
Firstly, I want to stress the following points:
- Social media is the collective of online communication channels dedicated to community based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Some prominent examples of social media are: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedln, Reddit, Instagram, Pinterest.
- The Minister made it clear that his restriction does not apply to websites, brochures, and marketing material used for advertising. Although I will confirm this with the Minister, the statement made by me representing NAPHA, was done so with this in mind.
- So far two public statements were made by NAPHA. One by myself via telephone communication from various newspapers on the day of the release by the minister after having laid eyes on it moments before, and not having all the facts at hand. Secondly as an official NAPHA press release that was sent out to all members, media and stakeholders. This press release was also quoted in today’s newspapers.
- Both statements have the same message of which the latter is more explanatory.
- No legislation has been passed yet. Even though permit conditions might be enforced, the legality of the imposition of such restriction is, failing any amendment to the current legislation, challengeable. Whether the directives of the ministry are unlawful or not, this presents us with another challenge which we will pursue in consultation with the ministry to see whether this can be solved on an amicable and constructive basis. I want to stress that we have to respect that the Minister launched this statement in the spirit of safeguarding the industry, which was my opinion from the start, but which might have been misunderstood or misinterpreted by some.
Herewith I would again like to reiterate the points made and emphasise the following in order to neutralise any possible misinterpretations:
The NAPHA Constitution 1.3.6 refers;
Protecting and promoting all hunting sectors, hunting traditions, training and upgrading of members and their employees or other interested persons.
This writing mandates NAPHA to PROMOTE all hunting sectors and traditions. I have made it clear in both statements that hunting in Namibia should be advertised and promoted responsibly.
Furthermore 1.3.6 of the Constitution reads;
Preventing all forms of illegal or unprofessional hunting ethics as well as destructive practices undermining wildlife habitats and vegetation.
This writing mandates NAPHA to prevent destructive practices. It is a fact that irresponsible and insensitive marketing is destructive to the hunting community and therefore to our wildlife and habitat. Please note the wording irresponsible. As duly noted by various members through their correspondence the last couple of days, ethics and morals are crucial to our hunting community, but the opinions and level of this varies greatly from person to person. NAPHA’s Code of Conduct clearly states our intent to
secure the industry for current and future generations, as well as to ensure sound and ethical social, business, hunting and environmental practices at all times. With the age of social media, no clear guidelines regarding this type of marketing have been provided by either the ministry or NAPHA as of yet, and therefore we have to respect each person’s view on what responsible marketing is. Please note that although NAPHA was in the process of compiling a chapter on responsible social media marketing in the Best Practice Hunting Guide, we will prioritise a clearly defined guideline list as to this and propose this to the members, to be able to ensure a risk-free freedom of advertising by NAPHA members.
Adding to this, NAPHA’s Code of Conduct also reads as follows:
To promote hunting as a recognised and sustainable form of the utilisation of renewable natural resources. As stated in NAPHA’s press release, we will never agree to not be able to market our sustainable practices through hunting.
This is where I want to clarify to our members that we will never succumb to pressure from anyone to stop advertising our services. But we will reprimand anyone for doing so in a way that destructs it. The point is not whether a certain photo is moral or ethical, because again this can be argued. What is important to note is that we are
exposing ourselves, hunting, and our country to a world of people. Some of them are at the outset against it, some have no opinion to it, and some welcome it. We have to be aware of all of these sectors, take responsibility for how we expose ourselves, and be absolutely and
without a doubt convinced that by doing so, we are securing our industry for current and future generations. It is with this motivation that I have supported the minister on a qualified basis, as NAPHA president, in his request to ban all photos of dead animals on social media.
With reference to the NAPHA Constitution 1.3.7;
Consolidating members to protect and represent the objectives and duties stipulated in the Constitution with reference to state and society. In particular, the Association offers support and advisory services for the initiation of new laws and regulations in the field of hunting and nature conservation. The Association will assist to honour existing laws and regulations. At the same time, the Association will monitor that no laws and administrative regulations be accepted which are not in the interest of members.
We have made it clear that we will advise our ministry as we have done so in the past, and I trust that we will succeed again, in that pictures of our trophies should still feature on our marketing platforms, with certain restrictions which I am sure our members will agree to.
I feel the need to remind our members that for the last couple of years, NAPHA has effortlessly worked together with our MET in order to protect the constitutional rights of us as a hunting collective in a world where the attack on hunting as become more and more to the fore-front, and to such an extent that some governments banned hunting in total. Many outfitters and hunters have ignored the warnings communicated by the ministry as well as our office against irresponsible social media marketing.
For those who have expressed reservations about myself and my Executive Committee, I want to assure you that we respect and accept all viewpoints, whether received in an honourable manner or not, and that we will communicate and relay all comments to our ministry, and will undertake to “
protect and promote the interests of its members and the harmonious cooperation between all members and the staff. The Association serves as a forum for the exchange of information, trying to find a solution for problems and differences, which may arise.”, as per our Constitution.
I hope that this communication will find yourselves more clear as to our objective, but even more so, regain trust in the unity that makes this Association great, but also the example that we as fellow Namibians and proud NAPHA members have always set for the world as well as the rest of our fellow Namibians to be proud of…
Danene van der Westhuyzen