
What is the red flag thing?..
When someone/anyone that knows you have firearms, approaches a judge and claims you are a threat to yourself or others. The judge can then order your firearms confiscated by local Law Enforcement. There's been a few fatalities in the states that have adopted this law.
I have already alluded to the fact that any conflict would not be organized armies facing off across battlefields. The future violence and conflict that I fear is inevitable will be a "war" of small, sporadic conflicts at the community level. For the time being, these anarchists and the common criminals that have become their opportunistic fellow travelers, have been isolated to the liberal-controlled cities and communities that have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness. We have seen escalation of the violence and destruction only because we have political leaders that have either condoned or actually encouraged the behavior as legitimate responses to perceived social injustice. That ideology is madness. Anyone wiling to overlook the insanity of that rationalization doesn't deserve the freedoms bestowed upon them by the Constitution. Just the fact that we have elected political officials in this country who ascribe to this is ideology is an alarm bell of epic proportions that should scare the shit out of all of us, but I digress..

There has already been numerous instances where communities have banned together to show a united front against these "protesters" who have attempted to take their act on the road. We've already seen the suburban couple in their front yard with an AR-15. We've already seen the kid arrested and charged with murder for shooting armed mob members who descended upon him. What do you suppose will happen when these anarchists and criminals are emboldened to the point where they feel comfortable taking their violence outside of these liberally dominated strongholds as both Antifa and BLM have repeatedly threatened?

It's been quiet for the most part with the coronavirus and the election controversy providing ample distraction, but what will happen the next time a police officer uses force to subdue a suspect? It doesn't even have to be a white officer and a black suspect anymore. As a society, we have gone way past requiring such minor details such as investigation of the facts being necessary before rioting ensues. Are days, weeks, and months of violence, destruction, and occupations the new normal every time the mob perceives injustice...? How long do you think the average law-abiding, hard working American is going to peacefully tolerate this bullshit when it is their own communities being set aflame? How will you react when the next protesting mob blocks the highway on your way into work? How will you react when they take bats to your windshield and fenders? What will you do when they attempt to pull you from your vehicle?

My issue with your theoretical analysis of "what if" is that it is really not a "what if" scenario. We have already seen a one-sided preview of what actually happens in communities all across the nation. The only "what if" is to what extent the violence will escalate when the dems have all the power.

I assume you are being hyperbolic to make your point, and realize that I do not actually believe that we should be proactive against our political enemies to the extent that we initiate Gestapo-like raids and assassinations? At this point, I am only condoning self-defense, but that could change...

Ironically, I would point out to that suppression of free and independent thought is exactly what the left is doing at the highest level through their complete and total control of the media, big tech, and the universities. So how do you address the propaganda? Obviously none of these outlets are being held legally accountable for what they broadcast, print, or profess so how do you win the propaganda war if not with counter-propaganda thus increasing the divisions?

The suppression of freedoms and eradication of opposing points of view that you suggest above is exactly what the left is already actively doing. When did conservatives start encouraging fellow conservatives to publically confront, shout down, and assault if necessary those with opposing political or social views? When did conservatives begin to use their media outlets to suppress, or delete opposing thoughts? Where have violent groups of conservatives rioted, looted, and burned communities in "protest?" When have conservatives demanded the need for re-education of those who oppose their narratives? The war that was started by the left is not only a political war, it's a war on our culture which makes it personal for the vast majority of Americans who are tired of being told they are racists, rednecks, deplorables etc., for not embracing progressive ideologies and fake narratives that support them. I agree that is is not as simple as red and blue. It's capitalism versus socialism. It's also God versus secularism. It's pro-life versus pro-murder. It's personal freedoms at every level versus government control.

"Winning" would ensure the restoration of those very freedoms. I understand that your proposed solution is to win politically, and restore conservatism thought the legislative process. Okay, fine, but what if we continue to lose politically? When our borders become open and 20 million illegals become citizens overnight, and the political landscape in America is changed forever, what then? Do you then suggest that we concede our freedoms, and accept the new normal? I personally don't think I'm ready, willing, or able to capitulate that easily.
TOTAL war is probably not a commitment either side wants to make. If a substantial number of antifa rioters are shot, they will likely quit, being the cowardly bullies I believe they are. And antifa rioters richly deserve to be shot, when seen dashing in and out with Molotov cocktails, or shooting it up themselves. The government should only need a demonstration of what "might" happen if they push us too far? Trouble is, while the corrupt FBI cannot find time to investigate FISA misuse, it will LOVE to trounce on anything conservative....but if we are as compliant with our own destruction as the Jews were with Nazi attacks, the attacks are not only emboldened, but the Nazis begin to despise us for being impotent, especially when our own children are the undefended collateral damage--which they already are to the extent we lose them to academic Stockholm syndrome. I still say TAKE AWAY THE MONEY--nobody goes to your door to disarm you if nobody is getting paid to do so. And 30 million don't go to jail anymore than 30 million illegal aliens get rounded up! A shot across the bow would be the announcement that 30 million will file late in Aug--all legal, but a test of how many will commit. Tell Newsmax to keep up with that statistic and report it. In the meantime, instead of watching the news, WATCH THE SPONSORS OF THE MSM, contact them to express intent of boycott, and do it. Same with corporate donors to the Democrat Party. Send them a receipt from another vendor to prove it. (pick on Target, perhaps). It is really too bad there is no way to respond to media companies--AFAIK they have no complaint lines. Let 70 million disenfranchised Trump voters boycott Facebook! Nobody deserves to lose business more than motherzuckerberg.
If someone tries to drag you out of your car, honestly, kill them all unless you want to be the innocent guy dragged out of a truck during the Rodney King riots--you'll be hospitalized at the least ANYWAY, if not killed outright. Jeff Cooper said, "If the criminal is to be taught to fear, it is only the victim who can do it."
And for God's sake, push for Soros and other funders of sedition to be investigated!
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Red Leg, unbeknownst to you, you have become somewhat the voice of reason over the course of this thread. However, if you don't think that ANTIFA has taken up arms, do a simple Google search. John Brown gun club or simply look up ANTIFA firearms training. As far as the question of the location of "the enemy" brother, they would be all around us. So my question is this, to those of you that don't know/deny that we are being set up for attack, what if this "war" is brought to you? I disagree whole heartedly with you when you say the war everyone is wanting. Been there, done that, it's the last thing anyone should have to see in their country. For me I don't want to see it here in the US. HOWEVER, if its forced upon me because these political figures we have put so much faith into can't do their friggin job, then I guess bring it. Hopefully they will do their job.
I have already alluded to the fact that any conflict would not be organized armies facing off across battlefields. The future violence and conflict that I fear is inevitable will be a "war" of small, sporadic conflicts at the community level. For the time being, these anarchists and the common criminals that have become their opportunistic fellow travelers, have been isolated to the liberal-controlled cities and communities that have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness. We have seen escalation of the violence and destruction only because we have political leaders that have either condoned or actually encouraged the behavior as legitimate responses to perceived social injustice. That ideology is madness. Anyone wiling to overlook the insanity of that rationalization doesn't deserve the freedoms bestowed upon them by the Constitution. Just the fact that we have elected political officials in this country who ascribe to this is ideology is an alarm bell of epic proportions that should scare the shit out of all of us, but I digress..

There has already been numerous instances where communities have banned together to show a united front against these "protesters" who have attempted to take their act on the road. We've already seen the suburban couple in their front yard with an AR-15. We've already seen the kid arrested and charged with murder for shooting armed mob members who descended upon him. What do you suppose will happen when these anarchists and criminals are emboldened to the point where they feel comfortable taking their violence outside of these liberally dominated strongholds as both Antifa and BLM have repeatedly threatened?

It's been quiet for the most part with the coronavirus and the election controversy providing ample distraction, but what will happen the next time a police officer uses force to subdue a suspect? It doesn't even have to be a white officer and a black suspect anymore. As a society, we have gone way past requiring such minor details such as investigation of the facts being necessary before rioting ensues. Are days, weeks, and months of violence, destruction, and occupations the new normal every time the mob perceives injustice...? How long do you think the average law-abiding, hard working American is going to peacefully tolerate this bullshit when it is their own communities being set aflame? How will you react when the next protesting mob blocks the highway on your way into work? How will you react when they take bats to your windshield and fenders? What will you do when they attempt to pull you from your vehicle?

My issue with your theoretical analysis of "what if" is that it is really not a "what if" scenario. We have already seen a one-sided preview of what actually happens in communities all across the nation. The only "what if" is to what extent the violence will escalate when the dems have all the power.

I assume you are being hyperbolic to make your point, and realize that I do not actually believe that we should be proactive against our political enemies to the extent that we initiate Gestapo-like raids and assassinations? At this point, I am only condoning self-defense, but that could change...

Ironically, I would point out to that suppression of free and independent thought is exactly what the left is doing at the highest level through their complete and total control of the media, big tech, and the universities. So how do you address the propaganda? Obviously none of these outlets are being held legally accountable for what they broadcast, print, or profess so how do you win the propaganda war if not with counter-propaganda thus increasing the divisions?

The suppression of freedoms and eradication of opposing points of view that you suggest above is exactly what the left is already actively doing. When did conservatives start encouraging fellow conservatives to publically confront, shout down, and assault if necessary those with opposing political or social views? When did conservatives begin to use their media outlets to suppress, or delete opposing thoughts? Where have violent groups of conservatives rioted, looted, and burned communities in "protest?" When have conservatives demanded the need for re-education of those who oppose their narratives? The war that was started by the left is not only a political war, it's a war on our culture which makes it personal for the vast majority of Americans who are tired of being told they are racists, rednecks, deplorables etc., for not embracing progressive ideologies and fake narratives that support them. I agree that is is not as simple as red and blue. It's capitalism versus socialism. It's also God versus secularism. It's pro-life versus pro-murder. It's personal freedoms at every level versus government control.

"Winning" would ensure the restoration of those very freedoms. I understand that your proposed solution is to win politically, and restore conservatism thought the legislative process. Okay, fine, but what if we continue to lose politically? When our borders become open and 20 million illegals become citizens overnight, and the political landscape in America is changed forever, what then? Do you then suggest that we concede our freedoms, and accept the new normal? I personally don't think I'm ready, willing, or able to capitulate that easily.

I think we are actually saying much the same thing.

Clearly, some Antifa members have "armed" themselves, but it would be a stretch to call them a true armed wing of the progressive movement. Yes they have created havoc in places where local government has tolerated it, and they have been quickly cowed where it hasn't. I would suggest fully half of them are middle to upper middle class delinquents behaving badly for a socialist lark as opposed to any real commitment to some ideology. They are able to do it because parents underwrite them and bail them out of trouble just as they did when they were 12. Where they don't, sympathetic government all too often has done so.

The looters are who they have always been. The urban mob seizing the opportunity for early Christmas.

ANTIFA will not attack private homes in localities where citizens still have the right to defend themselves and their property - at least not more than once. And I fully agree a single trained infantry veteran can easily see off a small mob of these adult children. We had a pathetic little riot in Austin. An ANTIFA acolyte threatened a man in a car with an AK. The man in the car (an active duty Army NCO) but three rounds fatally into the punk's chest and didn't even spend a night in jail even in progressive Austin. All that is a long way around to say that they will continue to mainly terrorize democrat run cities.

Corporations, government and individuals have been bullied through twitter and other social media. Unfortunately, most of the elected officer's, owners, and managers of those entities are not particularly tech savvy, and have yet to learn the virtue of ignoring the noise. The virtual mob always moves quickly on to the next outrage. The online thugs threatening boycotts don't have any money anyway.

We can either look at this as part of a long slide into Marxist oblivion, or as a call to "arms" - political and social. "When the political landscape in America is changed forever ....." it is already way to late. It also pointless to dream of an America where nothing changes. The country will continue to evolve as it has over the last 250 years. However, the forces arrayed to accelerate that change are indeed greater than ever. We must fight back and we must do it now or it won't matter how many thirty-round magazines we have to be confiscated.

These chaotic, dangerous cities should be seen as political opportunity. What resident really wants to live under such conditions - whatever their self-imposed white guilt may be. The congressional success in California, and the slow shift among working minorities to the republican party should be a bell weather for the future - particularly in a redistricting year. The republican party should be set for a 20 seat house majority in '22. The pendulum does swing and we had better be ready to exploit that swing. The senate is right before our noses next month.

Social change will be harder. After all. liberal academics have been working on our children and grandchildren for two generations. But we need coherent plans of action to take back curriculum from these ideologues. Coming out of Covid restrictions, Universities will be fiscally desperate. I have seen nothing from any conservative commentator, think tank, or political leader about leveraging that to achieve a more balanced social and historical courses of instruction. Now is the time to kick 1619 to the curb where it belongs, or to modify its mythology so that it reflects actual history.

This won't be easy. Right now the "vast majority" of Americans actually do not identify themselves with deplorables, red necks, racists, whatever. Based on the last election, they see us correctly as a minority. Now, we can either stay that way, nursing our outrage and awaiting the punks to show up at the door or we can go on the offensive. And I do not mean through some quixotic militia movement, but through hard nosed political effort and grassroots engagement with schools and local government. And while we are at it, we individually might pay as close attention as possible to those grandchildren.

I am simply saying, that for me, these are the battles and battlefield that truly matter.
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Misleading headline: Anderson Cooper was "called out" because of a "misleading comment about husband". I started to read the article to see just what he had said about his husband, but it turns out that he commented about someone else's husband. I hope his husband isn't jealous.
I think we are actually saying much the same thing.

Clearly, some Antifa members have "armed" themselves, but it would be a stretch to call them a true armed wing of the progressive movement. Yes they have created havoc in places where local government has tolerated it, and they have been quickly cowed where it hasn't. I would suggest fully half of them are middle to upper middle class delinquents behaving badly for a socialist lark as opposed to any real commitment to some ideology. They are able to do it because parents underwrite them and bail them out of trouble just as they did when they were 12. Where they don't, sympathetic government all too often has done so.

The looters are who they have always been. The urban mob seizing the opportunity for early Christmas.

ANTIFA will not attack private homes in localities where citizens still have the right to defend themselves and their property - at least not more than once. And I fully agree a single trained infantry veteran can easily see off a small mob of these adult children. We had a pathetic little riot in Austin. An ANTIFA acolyte threatened a man in a car with an AK. The man in the car (an active duty Army NCO) but three rounds fatally into the punk's chest and didn't even spend a night in jail even in progressive Austin. All that is a long way around to say that they will continue to mainly terrorize democrat run cities.

Corporations, government and individuals have been bullied through twitter and other social media. Unfortunately, most of the elected officer's, owners, and managers of those entities are not particularly tech savvy, and have yet to learn the virtue of ignoring the noise. The virtual mob always moves quickly on to the next outrage. The online thugs threatening boycotts don't have any money anyway.

We can either look at this as part of a long slide into Marxist oblivion, or as a call to "arms" - political and social. "When the political landscape in America is changed forever ....." it is already way to late. It also pointless to dream of an America where nothing changes. The country will continue to evolve as it has over the last 250 years. However, the forces arrayed to accelerate that change are indeed greater than ever. We must fight back and we must do it now or it won't matter how many thirty-round magazines we have to be confiscated.

These chaotic, dangerous cities should be seen as political opportunity. What resident really wants to live under such conditions - whatever their self-imposed white guilt may be. The congressional success in California, and the slow shift among working minorities to the republican party should be a bell weather for the future - particularly in a redistricting year. The republican party should be set for a 20 seat house majority in '22. The pendulum does swing and we had better be ready to exploit that swing. The senate is right before our noses next month.

Social change will be harder. After all. liberal academics have been working on our children and grandchildren for two generations. But we need coherent plans of action to take back curriculum from these ideologues. Coming out of Covid restrictions, Universities will be fiscally desperate. I have seen nothing from any conservative commentator, think tank, or political leader about leveraging that to achieve a more balanced social and historical courses of instruction. Now is the time to kick 1619 to the curb where it belongs, or to modify its mythology so that it reflects actual history.

This won't be easy. Right now the "vast majority" of Americans actually do not identify themselves with deplorables, red necks, racists, whatever. Based on the last election, they see us correctly as a minority. Now, we can either stay that way, nursing our outrage and awaiting the punks to show up at the door or we can go on the offensive. And I do not mean through some quixotic militia movement, but through hard nosed political effort and grassroots engagement with schools and local government. And while we are at it, we individually might pay as close attention as possible to those grandchildren.

I am simply saying, that for me, these are the battles and battlefield that truly matter.
This was not intended to be an attack on and I hope you didn't take it that way. In my opinion, you are a voice of reason because we're all pissed off and trying to figure it this crap out together. All I was getting at is that anyone that has seen it, doesn't want to again, no matter how badass they are. However, we are the people trying to prevent it. A civil war in any country is never pretty but sometimes necessary to restore the values of said country. I'm with you I'll vote and pray for that balance. If the forces at work are determined to bring it to the countryside, then I guess we'll go from there. I know that it won't be "us" that get this call to arms started. Hell, most of "us" have been ready long before this was an issue. Thanks for making me think about things though. I mean that.

We all know what will happen if President Trumps legal team proves there was fraud. It is that point, that the MSM has to admit that Trump is still their president, the left will start this physical war.
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Interesting video.

Team Trump

WATCH: Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave room and 4 people stayed behind to keep counting votes


This claim about election fraud is disputed

Evidently this is the tranche that hit while the above video was taking place and the suit cases were being counted.



**BOMBSHELL Edison Analysis - BIDEN takes 98% of a 23,487 vote batch at 12:18AM - Impossible!** This analysis corresponds with the Georgia "98% FOR BIDEN" sworn affidavits

Remember the "pristine sheets, no creases, bubble selection perfectly made". Watch below



  • EoXbeKpXUAAfzeA.jpg
    49.8 KB · Views: 187
I thank thats exactly what would happen. Similar to Reagans last years.
The Biden's and their camp won't turn power over to Harris willingly. If Biden gets worse mentally, look for him to have fewer public appearances and Jill and those close to her to run things.
:E Lol:

Cari Kelemen


What was it you said? "On to Georgia?" Look at it, Chuck. LOOK at it.

Probably fair to show both sides. And Georgia just certified their vote.

I will admit that "Lead Stories" does not have a right of center viewership, but the story contains first person commentary, and not merely an attorney's speculation.

I would also have to assume the counters were fully aware of the security cameras.

Just saying.
Who am I supposed to believe, the Dems or my lying' eyes!
Who am I supposed to believe, the Dems or my lying' eyes!
It seems a bit improbable that the observers would all just leave without being told to. This being a highly charged event, and they having such a vested interest, can you see them all just leaving?
To date, none of the President's legal team's allegations have been sustained in a court of law. Could change tomorrow, but, to date none have. I suppose all the courts could be chaired by members of the "Deep State" cabal - but we already know several of those hearing appeals are actually Trump appointees.

Alleging something or showing a video without alternative explanation in a friendly press such as Revolver, Breitbart, or Red State is very different than providing real evidence to a judge in a court of law. I simply think part of being informed is showing a similar healthy skepticism whenever either side makes an allegation. In the military I learned long ago that the first report is almost always wrong.

Were he to follow Flynn's recommendation, something I pray he doesn't attempt (I deliberately did not use the term "do") I am fairly certain that history might well view this as the reaction of a potential despot rather than an aggrieved candidate.
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Probably fair to show both sides. And Georgia just certified their vote.

I will admit that "Lead Stories" does not have a right of center viewership, but the story contains first person commentary, and not merely an attorney's speculation.

I would also have to assume the counters were fully aware of the security cameras.

Just saying.

Ok, so to be fair, let's work at fact checking the fact checkers. Hopefully the video's attach. I often have problems getting Twitter videos to attach.

You mention the story contains first person commentary. It does. It came from the hearings in Augusta yesterday.

The media and party observers were never told to leave because counting was over for the night, but they apparently followed workers who left once their job of opening envelopes was completed, the chief investigator for the secretary of state told Lead Stories. The observers were free to return at anytime, she said. Georgia law allows observers, but does not require them to be there for ballots to be counted, she said.

There are multiple news sources that quoted election officials in Fulton county that the election was stopped for the night and all workers were sent home. Here is one source. Start at the 1:25 mark.

Bad Kitty 真相


CNN proof! Fulton County Georgia just stopped counting at 10:30 PM. Lying
said the poll watchers were not told to leave. Shouldn’t liars in senate be punished? Watch at 1:25

PA and GA stop counting when Trump is up. WI and MI have issues
Title says it all. Watch to the end(starts @ 1:22)! As areas in PA and GA decided to stop counting mail-ins (oddly at around the same time), cities in WI and...

Also watchers were told that they were done for the day and to go home. The watcher's did. At some point a watcher was called and told that counting was still going on. The watcher got another person and ran down to have security guards tell them that everyone had just left at 1:00 am. (I don't have time to dig for this right now as I have other things to do)

The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases

If you watch the video I posted, you can see the ballots are in wheeled suit cases. Not in regular ballot containers.

If you watch the video of Ruby below, you will see her walk by ballots in boxes, trays and all kinds of containers. Not sure if anyone can say what a regular ballot container was.

Let's talk about Ruby Freeman. She is the brilliant vote counter that filmed herself a number of times and posted it all over the internet. The internet is trying to erase her history but it seems there are a few videos still floating around.

Ruby's daughter is evidently the person with the blond braids who is in charge of this counting site. The lady in the blond braids according to the hearing is the one that had the table placed at the location at 8:30 in the morning. Why are ballots continually brought into this room to be counted over the course of the day when you have four suitcases setting under a table for 14 hours that are not being counted.

At about the 3 second mark of the video you referred to, Ruby (blue/purple) comes up and stands by the table. Then she goes to set down at the left table. At the 23 second mark, her daughter who is running this site gets a suitcase and wheels it over to the table where Ruby is setting and places ballots on Ruby's table. This is all in the video I posted yesterday that you referenced.

Team Trump

Dec 3

WATCH: Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave room and 4 people stayed behind to keep counting votes

Embedded video


This claim about election fraud is disputed

This is one of the video's of Ruby showing off before the election. I could be wrong but I think this video is from October 19. Ruby has been given ballots to remove from envelopes and evidently record. The big question, why is Ruby alone in a cubicle counting votes. At a minimum she was supposed to have observers.

Anon +++

Ruby Freeman shows us all the Ballots!


0:01 / 2:20


Does security camera video show a Fulton County, Georgia, election supervisor suspiciously pulling suitcases filled with ballots from under a table after telling poll workers to leave the room? And did that election official continue to illegally count ballots without required monitors in a manner that calls into question Joe Biden's narrow win over Donald Trump in Georgia? No, those claim are not true

I will leave this for people to make their own determination. Does it make sense to have four suitcases of ballots setting under a table with a table cloth for fourteen hours while ballots are continually brought into the room to count. Then after the site coordinator tells everyone they are finished for the evening, (witnesses who were there) pull out the hidden suitcases and start counting ballots. Evidently there were 23,487 votes that were pristine, no creases, bubble selection perfectly made which were processed/recorded at 12:18 in the morning. If the ballots were pristine and not creased, I wonder how they were already removed from the envelope. Obviously I don't know, just curious.

I will place this back here as well. It was written on November 22, long before the video.



· Nov 22

**BOMBSHELL Edison Analysis - BIDEN takes 98% of a 23,487 vote batch at 12:18AM - Impossible!** This analysis corresponds with the Georgia "98% FOR BIDEN" sworn affidavits

Remember the "pristine sheets, no creases, bubble selection perfectly made". Watch below.

Show this thread





Sorry I can't get all the videos to post. Let me try this one another time.

Bad Kitty 真相



CNN proof! Fulton County Georgia just stopped counting at 10:30 PM. Lying
said the poll watchers were not told to leave. Shouldn’t liars in senate be punished? Watch at 1:25

PA and GA stop counting when Trump is up. WI and MI have issues
Title says it all. Watch to the end(starts @ 1:22)! As areas in PA and GA decided to stop counting mail-ins (oddly at around the same time), cities in WI and...

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