
Let me tell you something. I don't have anything against the Brit's, or Australian's. I've met very fine people from both countries. But when a foreigner invades American politics by calling those of us who are Republicans, "Repugnant", that's when the gloves come off.
The Republican party may need an overhaul in some regards, but I would rather die as a Republican, then live as a Democrat.
Yet republicans are ok with calling the opposition "demonrats" but get upset when labelled a supporter of the "repugnant" party? As someone replied earlier: "You know that is simply not done in polite society" - so sorry, but if you can't take it - don't dish it out. QED.
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Has anyone heard about the swoop in Germany where President Trumps Guys confiscated the Dominion Server? Proof of voter fraud has been uncovered in that blocks of up to 8000 votes per tranch were transferred from Trump to Biden. Apparently 6 people were killed in the shootout, Director of CIA who was present is now in Guantanamo Bay. Biden has made a deal with Trump to concede to stay out of jail. All evidence is being held until the Supreme Court hearing.
I got out a chart showing successions of Democrat and Republican presidents over time, and hey, it switches back and forth a lot. The Founding Fathers were pretty smart, they not only set an election every four years for the president, but a pressure reliever half way too. It is like perpetual chances. Why do I care? Because that great nation affects the whole world, my country too. We need that huge market or our hunting dies. It is very hard to reconcile diametric opposites, but what they can do is agree on co-existance. So just say "I promise not to piss on your parade if you promise not to try to destroy me". That seems from all I have gleaned from this election from afar is probably about as good as it is going to get.
Yet republicans are ok with calling the opposition "demonrats" but get upset when labelled a supporter of the "repugnant" party? As someone replied earlier: "You know that is simply not done in polite society" - so sorry, but if you can't take it - don't dish it out. QED.
We aren't the ones that bent over for government gun confiscation, cupcake.
Has anyone heard about the swoop in Germany where President Trumps Guys confiscated the Dominion Server? Proof of voter fraud has been uncovered in that blocks of up to 8000 votes per tranch were transferred from Trump to Biden. Apparently 6 people were killed in the shootout, Director of CIA who was present is now in Guantanamo Bay. Biden has made a deal with Trump to concede to stay out of jail. All evidence is being held until the Supreme Court hearing.
Sounds like more fake propaganda
Has anyone heard about the swoop in Germany where President Trumps Guys confiscated the Dominion Server? Proof of voter fraud has been uncovered in that blocks of up to 8000 votes per tranch were transferred from Trump to Biden. Apparently 6 people were killed in the shootout, Director of CIA who was present is now in Guantanamo Bay. Biden has made a deal with Trump to concede to stay out of jail. All evidence is being held until the Supreme Court hearing.
Oh dear God. I am trusting you are typing with tongue placed firmly in cheek! :oops: :ROFLMAO:
I particularly like the part about the Director of CIA. :cool:

The really sad thing is that there are people on our side who do seriously believe American armed forces or law enforcement carried out such an operation in Germany (though not personally led by Gina Haspel - again, nice touch). They obviously are totally, completely ignorant of how relations work between NATO partners, and some may simply be batshit crazy. But if an allegation appears on a conservative site, it must be true. Rather like CNN on the other side.

Even Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell don't seem to be peddling this one.
I don’t know Brent, I’m getting fairly pissed at both parties. I prefer to call myself a patriot and just wish there was a party with the balls to stand for our constitution. We have a fight on our hands, and the first fight is to get our own house in order. The democrats may have stolen the election, but it looks like much of the chicanery may have been legal, enabled by the sheer ineptitude of republican leadership at the state level. Rather than get upset with an Aussie whose opinion is irrelevant in our country, let’s figure out how to right our own ship.
I am a Patriot, and staunch supporter of the Constitution. Unfortunately, we have to choose sides, or be a spectator. There are some fighters in the GOP, but a majority of them are part of the spineless status quo.
Trump got many of them reelected. Trump installed 3 SCOTUS Judges, and many at the Federal level.

Were is the support for our President from these people, that he supported?

Anyone want to bet that SCOTUS will probably punt this case?
Oh dear God. I am trusting you are typing with tongue placed firmly in cheek! :oops: :ROFLMAO:
I particularly like the part about the Director of CIA. :cool:

The really sad thing is that there are people on our side who do seriously believe American armed forces or law enforcement carried out such an operation in Germany (though not personally led by Gina Haspel - again, nice touch). They obviously are totally, completely ignorant of how relations work between NATO partners, and some may simply be batshit crazy. But if an allegation appears on a conservative site, it must be true. Rather like CNN on the other side.

Even Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell don't seem to be peddling this one.

It is out there though. Truly. I've seen it.

And you nailed it. People will believe, or hope it's true, just out of pure desperation. Critical thinking may not be dead, but it's on life support in many places.
But as for my name calling? That's laughable!! You called me a "limey" (which is a totally wrong assumption of yours btw) that is by definition xenophobic. Just as calling you a "septic" (septic = septic tank = yank) in rhyming slang would be too. But I didn't, I just identified your slur for what it was. In response I just threw back the "demonrat" tag everyone loves using, with one of my own for the republican party. Your, drippping vitriolic comments/judgements in reply just proves IMO you're thin skinned and upset that someone has an opinion that opposes yours - and who has "the round onjects" to express it.

I don't call people names. It's my opinion that those who resort to name calling are demonstrating that they have already forfeited any attempt at intellectual debate and therefore, personal slights are all they have left to attempt to make their arguments which are, by and large, based solely in emotion void of any facts.

I advise you to go back and read what I actually said to the many who have replied on this thread who have opinions that have differed with my own. I merely make observations of character based on the content an individual's posts. If you actually refer to the correct post, you will see that I made the general observation that arrogance and cluelessness is a common combination found in many that subscribe to liberal ideologies. I also stated that I have no idea what your exact political ideologies are, and that I really didn't care because a foreigner's opinion of American politics means less than nothing to me. Again, not name calling, merely observational...

Nobody here is claiming that you can't express your opinions, but in doing so, you can expect to be called out when you make ridiculous statements or nonsensical assertions that you cannot substantiate. You may deny it, but you are throwing bombs to get a reaction. Then, when somebody does call you on it, you call them "triggered"? LMFAO... This is exactly why nobody takes liberals seriously. I suggest you harden your own skin up a bit before accusing others of dishing out but not being able to take it..
I am a Patriot, and staunch supporter of the Constitution. Unfortunately, we have to choose sides, or be a spectator. There are some fighters in the GOP, but a majority of them are part of the spineless status quo.
Trump got many of them reelected. Trump installed 3 SCOTUS Judges, and many at the Federal level.

Were is the support for our President from these people, that he supported?

Anyone want to bet that SCOTUS will probably punt this case?
Brent, I understand what you are saying. I share your frustration. But alleging tens of thousands of fraudulent votes with Sean Hannity and offering compelling evidence in a court are two very different things. And a few hundred won't do it, because the typical remedy would be to throw out those votes. The federal appeals court that reviewed one of the PA lawsuits was as friendly and "pro-Trump" as any his legal team is likely to face short of SCOTUS. Heck, the presiding judge was appointed by Trump and is a member of the Federalist Society.

It is also beyond my comprehension why the President chose Rudy to lead his effort. And Sydney Powell is largely a criminal trial attorney. There are legal firms of national standing who specialize in this field of law. Giuliani is not exactly at the top of his game, and because of his partisanship, would never get a fair media hearing with respect to any allegation - nor probably should he.

Trump isn't stupid and it makes me wonder if he didn't decide on this course of action for its publicity rather than legal impact. Who knows.

In any case, Alito essentially and quietly pretty much put a stake into the heart of the PA effort. He is about as stalwart a conservative judge as we have. Georgia is certified. The newly filed lawsuit will have to overturn that certification - from a republican led state. Good luck with that. But, we'll see.

I think Trump lost this election. He didn't lose it through a mysterious algorithm. He lost it through a mail-in ballot change to election procedures in key states that impowered the traditional democrat urban organizations to collect and "harvest" those ballots for Biden. Some of that harvesting activity was indeed likely illegal, though much wasn't. Those procedures also made it possible for every middle and upper middle class white female suburbanite to vote against the evil orange man months ago while still cowering from Covid in their homes. I am frustrated that almost nothing was done on the national level to attempt to thwart that strategy.

Trump has the opportunity at tonight's rally to appear defiant, noble, and set up 2024. I am very much afraid he will be merely petulant. Whatever he says about himself, he needs to give as ringing an endorsement and call to voting action as possible for those two senate candidates. Those two seats are the only thing protecting this country from a potential tidal wave of destructive leftwing economic and social legislation over the next two years.
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Brent, I understand what you are saying. I share your frustration. But alleging tens of thousands of fraudulent votes with Sean Hannity and offering compelling evidence in a court are two very different things. And a few hundred won't do it, because the typical remedy would be to throw out those votes. The federal appeals court that reviewed one of the PA lawsuits was as friendly and "pro-Trump" as any his legal team is likely to face short of SCOTUS. Heck, the presiding judge was appointed by Trump and is a member of the Federalist Society.

It is also beyond my comprehension why the President chose Rudy to lead his effort. And Sydney Powell is largely a criminal trial attorney. There are legal firms of national standing who specialize in this field of law. Giuliani is not exactly at the top of his game, and because of his partisanship, would never get a fair media hearing with respect to any allegation - nor probably should he.

Trump isn't stupid and it makes me wonder if he didn't decide on this course of action for its publicity rather than legal impact. Who knows.

In any case, Alito essentially and quietly pretty much put a stake into the heart of the PA effort. He is about as stalwart a conservative judge as we have. Georgia is certified. The newly filed lawsuit will have to overturn that certification - from a republican led state. Good luck with that. But, we'll see.

I think Trump lost this election. He didn't lose it through a mysterious algorithm. He lost it through a mail-in ballot change to election procedures in key states that impowered the traditional democrat urban organizations to collect and "harvest" those ballots for Biden. Some of that harvesting activity was indeed likely illegal, though much wasn't. Those procedures also made it possible for every middle and upper middle class white female suburbanite to vote against the evil orange man months ago while still cowering from Covid in their homes. I am frustrated that almost nothing was done on the national level to attempt to thwart that strategy.

Trump has the opportunity at tonight's rally to appear defiant, noble, and set up 2024. I am very much afraid he will be merely petulant. Whatever he says about himself, he needs to give as ringing an endorsement and call to voting action as possible for those two senate candidates. Those two seats are the only thing protecting this country from a potential tidal wave of destructive leftwing economic and social legislation over the next two years.

The more and more I back away from this emotionally, the more and more I begrudgingly agree.

Was there cheating ? Yes. Was at least some of allowed by Republicans? Yes. Has institutional cheating that would hold up in a court of law been proven out? Not that I've seen on the scale it will need to be.

The election was stolen. No doubt. Shame we didn't lock the damn front door, or hell, even close it.

This election also proved that the Uniparty is alive and well I'm afraid.
Has anyone heard about the swoop in Germany where President Trumps Guys confiscated the Dominion Server? Proof of voter fraud has been uncovered in that blocks of up to 8000 votes per tranch were transferred from Trump to Biden. Apparently 6 people were killed in the shootout, Director of CIA who was present is now in Guantanamo Bay. Biden has made a deal with Trump to concede to stay out of jail. All evidence is being held until the Supreme Court hearing.
I'm just going to say, this seems pretty far out there. This is the type of noise that takes away from the actual legal challenges that really happening.
Excellent point on Rudy Giuliani. He was a good mayor for NYC. Perhaps it should have stopped there. He has made a complete shambles of this ‘investigation’. If there is anything there, of which I am skeptical, his handling of the situation has killed the credibility of any substantive claims. We need to focus all resources on the GA senate races and stop the sideshow distraction.
There is a lot of shenanigans with this election, the issue is the Republican state legislature could have killed so many of these loop holes legally months before the election, but didnt want to be seen as endangering their constitutes making them vote in person during a pandemic. They would have received death threats, so would their family and maybe even been voted out.

Trump had a legal case in PA, he absolutely did. His lawyers focused on fraud in Philly which everyone knows happens every year and statistically speaking this year was not much different than previous years. The new fraud was in the surrounding counties (statistically speaking). However, he had a legal case on the date of mail in ballots. That should have been 100% the legal effort and it should have started before the election. He did a piss poor job of managing that.

GA to me seems like legally Stacy Abrams pulled a fast one and was able to legally harvest ballots. Even if the suitcases appeared you have to prove they were illegally harvested. GA has republicans that could have addressed this legally and stopped it. They didn't and the blame should be placed squarely on them.

WI there is probably a legal case to be made as well but given Wisonsin allows same day voter registration, good luck running that to ground. There is probably a legal case to be made.

MI there is fraud I doubt enough to over the results, republicans again can clean this up legally through state legislation. I dont see a legal path in Michigan. Blame the state legislature here.

Arizona there is a legal path around cured ballots as the sample size the judge allowed showed there were errors and a full audit should be done. Probably not enough time. But I do think Trump won.

Nevada - the amount of votes for democrats defy the statistics. Legally speaking they could target the computer signature verification which is outside of the law. Legal action could have started sooner. The Non-Resident voting is a legal gray area based on how Nevada defines a resident (not enough time in my opinion to run to ground). I truly believe based on data Trump won this state legally.

In summary, Republican legislature didn't stop this sooner, we are reaping what we sow. Trump focused on the TV aspects of dead voters, multiple voters, double ballots that is red meat to the base but legally is about as stupid a route to go as it takes a ton of evidence and it is looking at every single vote in a small amount of time. The legal battle was made for TV and not the court room.

Legally, through a lot of fuckery, Biden won. Republicans need to learn, clean it up at the state level, and keep on with Trumps policies with a better messager. Nikki Haley or Kristi Noem will slaughter Kamala in 4 years, but republicans at the state level need to take action now!
Yeah, sure. . Biden won fair and square.
Never mind the ballot dumps in the wee hours of the morning, boxes of ballots pulled out from under the tables, duplicate votes, illegal votes, Cemetery votes.......

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Nothing to see here folks. The COMMUNIST masters of the political universe said so.

Mcarthyism? I think we are all in more danger of the company store than communist. The more urban our country becomes the more we will look like Europe. Do I like it? No but it is what it is.
Viewing the recent actions of the DemonRat party it appears they are following the directives and patterns as set by their masters, primarily in China but also a few other totalitarian states. These actions are very predictable since there is a long historical record of them being used in other countries. The most common example being presently used by the Demonrat subjugants is to compare all resistance to their plan as being Neo-Nazi. This is clear projection, for the tactics and strategies of the DemonRats because what they are accusing the resistance of is exactly what they are doing. Left at its present course it won't be long until China is the dominate economic and military power in the world. A lot of DemonRats will accept this relinquishment of position with joy since they see it as an opportunity to retire, relax and enjoy their wealth. But history has shown that these enablers are not spared. The danger to the free world is the tendency of those organizing a defense to think in terms of the last war. Generals are always using the tactics and weapons from a previous war to fight a present one and as such, the defender is at a disadvantage, It is clear that China is preparing for a war, not necessarily of weapons developed fifty to a hundred years ago, but also Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and internet related options for which there is very little defense.

So what does the US do? It allows the DemonRat party to elect a president who will go down in history as an ostrich. One can only hope that there will be enough resistance to prevent the forces of evil from eliminating the remnant of freedom until such a time that it can once again regain its rightful place in the world.

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