
Is anyone getting news on the outstanding senate races? Forgive my cynicism but the silence is deafening.
Is anyone getting news on the outstanding senate races? Forgive my cynicism but the silence is deafening.

Both GA races going to Jan 5 runoff..NC should know later this week and i suspect Alaska should know early in the week.

Agreed about the silence......
Trump fired Sec of Defense Mark Esper via Twitter. I am going to wildling speculate that the transition will be ugly.
I keep trying to tell you a tax boycott is the nuclear option) In the meantime, Trump fired Esper because he would not let Trump use troops to put down violent protests--and there will be plenty if the legal actions result in an overturn.
Trump failed only because of himself.
Are you asserting Trump failed to get re-elected due to a failed Administration? LMFAO! Any perceived "success" or "failure" of his Administration is a subjective viewpoint based on whether or not you agreed with Trump's agenda along with the belief in the US Constitution, it's founding principles, and the rule of law. From that perspective, 70 million Americans, including myself, would argue that 4 years of the Trump Administration was the most successful and productive Presidential Administration in our county's history despite 4 years of unprecedented, non-stop obstruction from the left.
a little more consideration for fallen soldiers, whom he called losers and jerks.
As already pointed out, this is pure bullshit...! More fake news from the biased media that had been debunked by dozens of officials that were in the room at the time that stated for the record this never occurred. These are the types of false narratives that are constantly being perpetuated by the left which have caused so much of the divisiveness.
But here, so many members deny these behaviours and even appreciate them.
I have never heard anybody here deny Trump's character. I, along with many who have posted on this thread since the beginning, have stated that we knew exactly what we were getting with Trump. 70 million American's didn't vote for his personality. They voted for a no bullshit, non-apologist, non-politician who recognized the enormous disconnect both parties had with the forgotten middle-class of America. If you find it mysterious to have admiration and appreciation for a POTUS that finally had the balls to put American interests first, then you would probably have been a Biden voter....
And of course only the others are corrupt,dishonest and hypocritical.

LOL... I assume you have not been paying attention the the last decade or so of American politics? If you had been, you would have recognized that the dems have exclusively dominated the corruption, dishonesty, and hypocrisy for quite a while, now.
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Nevada GOP sent a voter fraud criminal referral to the Justice Department for review. If Barr doesnt get things rolling, Trump should fire him also. If Biden does take over, they all will lose their jobs anyway.

Have seen this. There are other videos like this going around. Not sure if there is a technical explanation for this or not, but there needs to be.

A lot going on at multiple levels in multiple places.

There seem to be statistical abnormalities that need to be explained. There may be computer system communications on systems that are supposed to be stand a lone during the election.

At the end of this week, we may be amazed at how little we knew today.

We live in interesting times.
Have seen this. There are other videos like this going around. Not sure if there is a technical explanation for this or not, but there needs to be.

A lot going on at multiple levels in multiple places.

There seem to be statistical abnormalities that need to be explained. There may be computer system communications on systems that are supposed to be stand a lone during the election.

At the end of this week, we may be amazed at how little we knew today.

We live in interesting times.
I would be cautious about hanging much on the "out of state" Nevada voters as well. You will find quite a few such ballots also in other states with no state income tax and large military populations. For instance, the same would be true in Texas and Florida were one to look. The largest Army "home state" is Texas. Nevada is the home state for many Air Force personnel because of Nellis AFB and the less well known training and testing facilities.

They should be fairly easy to identify on a case-by-case basis, but likely would not on an address-based screening.

All these various examples also need to add up to a meaningful number - in enough states to matter. Unlike a criminal case, Trump isn't president until it is proven he is not. Instead, he will have to overcome state counts that say he isn't with extraordinarily compelling evidence.

I am glad he apparently has decided not to do his post election rallies.
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I can think of a dozen other, and likely far more compelling, technical reasons for that vote correction than a super secret CIA vote manipulation operation.

We'll see what is actually found, but within the Agency, Trump has a lot of support in the same way that he does in DOD. That doesn't mean that Comrade Brennan's remaining acolytes might not be willing to attempt some rogue operation, but it does mean that it would hard to keep it secret.

All that said, it is imperative that any of these irregularities need to have full public scrutiny and review. Legislatures would then have the opportunity to fix them (assuming they wish to do so in places like PA). I just wouldn't get too much hope up that enough will be found and adjudicated to matter decisively in the elector count.
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I would be cautious about hanging much on the "out of state" Nevada voters as well. You will find quite a few such ballots also in states with no state income tax and large military populations. For instance, the same would be true in Texas and Florida were one to look. The largest Army "home state" is Texas. Nevada is the home state for many Air Force personnel because of Nellis AFB and the less well known training and testing facilities.

They should be fairly easy to identify on a case-by-case basis, but likely would not on an address-based screening.

All these various examples also need to add up to a meaningful number - in enough states to matter. Unlike a criminal case, Trump isn't president until it is proven he is not. Instead, he will have to overcome state counts that say he isn't with extraordinarily compelling evidence.

I am glad he apparently has decided not to do his post election rallies.

Good point regarding Nellis and out of state military.

As in the Hoas video, the technical side of things is what I would like to see more about. If it is easily explained then great. I would just like it explained. I am not a technical person and may need the information dumbed way down.

I have a rudimentary understanding of statistics and auditing. That's why simplistic breakdowns like this make me want to understand better what caused the anomalies.

Probably easier to read here as the above thread looks to have been broken up by twitter.

Agree with you completely regarding meaningful numbers need to be shown. With 5-6 states in question, the only way this happens imo, is if something was done electronically. ie: It might be interesting to see what an audit of the Dominion software shows. If there is nothing wrong, then an audit should be agreeable to everyone.
Just been reading lately, not posting. President Trumps legal team is on this, so don't loose hope. Giuliani is saying they have over a thousand witnesses throughout the states that are willing to testify of the fraudulent processes. Besides, it's NOT the media that gets to announce the 2020 President, its the electoral. Until they say, Trump is still President. Hold strong brothers.
Republican Riot

If this is provable, then it probably gives Trump standing in PA.

"productive Presidential Administration in our county's history despite 4 years of unprecedented, non-stop obstruction from the left."

take his resignation list to your chest.
You're really from yesterday
Both GA races going to Jan 5 runoff..NC should know later this week and i suspect Alaska should know early in the week.

Agreed about the silence......
For the senate race in Alaska, the Democrat challenger (Gross) currently has 32% of the vote to the incumbent Republican's 62%. To turn the race around, Gross would need to take 70% of the remaining ballots. Gross appears to be pretty universally disliked around the state (ol' Joe has already gotten more votes in Alaska, which means even some people who voted for Biden/Harris couldn't stomach him!) which makes the odds of him winning and the Republicans losing a Senate seat in Alaska very long. Of course, I did say something very similar to that about the presidential race in several of the swing states before I went to bed on election night. . . .
"productive Presidential Administration in our county's history despite 4 years of unprecedented, non-stop obstruction from the left."

take his resignation list to your chest.
You're really from yesterday
LOL... I assume this reply is for me?

Please enlighten us as to what Trump's "resignation list" has to do with anything beyond TDS? The only list of any importance to the American people is the VERY LONG LIST which includes his execution of policies and accomplishments that have bettered the lives of every single American whether they choose to acknowledge it or not..

I'm not sure what "you're really from yesterday" is supposed to mean? Maybe a reference lost in translation from a non-US citizen whose opinion doesn't count to Americans anyway...?

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?