
The land was given to them by Lord Balfour after the Second World War. The Palestinians had nothing to do with that war. How is it fair to take their land and give it away?

There was never a nation of Palestine, though. The British had authority over it after it was taken from the Turks.

So when someone says “their land” it’s kind of complicated. I respect personal property and argument for redress could be made for that but there was no nation the Arabs in the Palestinian mandate could lay claim to.
There was never a nation of Palestine, though. The British had authority over it after it was taken from the Turks.

So when someone says “their land” it’s kind of complicated. I respect personal property and argument for redress could be made for that but there was no nation the Arabs in the Palestinian mandate could lay claim to.

If you are talking redress then a great many muslim nations owe their ex Jewish citizens redress for when they forced them out with only the clothes on thier back. Far more Jews were thrown out of muslim nation than the muslim arabs who VOLUNTARILY left Israel with the idea that they would return after the muslim nations had destroyed the Israeli nation and killed all the Jews.
Add to that all of North Africa which was taken by slaughter by the Muslims (many other areas as well). The Palestinians are not an historical nation. They were to be assimilated by Jordan, or elsewhere if they chose. I have no sympathy for them, and frankly think that anyone who does will suffer for their liberal clap-trap, as we are all suffering for the liberal/socialist teachings which have given us BLM and antifa. The Palestinians will never agree to any peace plan which acknowledges the legitimate existence of Israel, or suffers them not to be "driven into the sea." Muslims will lie till their dying day, and only retreat until they have the upper hand to do, murderously, what they have always done for 1400 years. NOTHING will moderate that, since their highest leaders are given to that original, religious mandate. Ask Egypt what they do to a president who tries to make peace otherwise--they have assassinated one of their own presidents. (by the way, "assassin" IS a muslim word)
If you are talking redress then a great many muslim nations owe their ex Jewish citizens redress for when they forced them out with only the clothes on thier back. Far more Jews were thrown out of muslim nation than the muslim arabs who VOLUNTARILY left Israel with the idea that they would return after the muslim nations had destroyed the Israeli nation and killed all the Jews.

The intention of my comment was only to point out that the idea of a state of Palestine is a fantasy.

You and I are in agreement about pretty much everything related to Israel.
And another thing--the Jews didn't just conquer to get Israel's land--THEY BOUGHT IT. And at the exorbitant price of $200 and acre--more than the very best land in Iowa was going for at the time. They began to come back in the late 1800s. Mark Twain, in 1867, visited Palestine and found it to be dried up and forgotten. The turks had cut all the trees to fuel the railroad, the land was desert and rocky, with a fraction of the rainfall it enjoys today. The locals claimed that the rains came back with the Jews, along with what is an annual 9 in. of dew. They made something out of nothing. But what they really did was fulfill prophesies of the only God of heaven. If that bothers you, the take it up with Him, and good luck with that. The Palestinians were allowed concrete to built a hospital--instead they used it to line tunnels from Gaza into Israel for sneak attacks. They are scorpions.
Moreover, I am not sure we are "all Americans" any longer. I feel no sense of shared purpose with any ignorant child who believes that the men like Jefferson and Washington created a failed country based upon "white privilege or superiority." Instead, what we have allowed to happen is the emergence of a failed, ignorant and fundamentally uneducated generation. In no other place in the world, including anywhere in Western Europe could anyone, regardless of race or place of birth find greater opportunity than here.

This exactly...! :S Agree: Extremely well put...
This black lives matter is all political. They will probably get some benefits if Biden wins. It kind of a last chance grasp before the Hispanics become the majority.
Old Joe Biden, the loyal Democratic soldier, and his female running mate are this election's sacrificial lambs. The Dems have done nothing the last four years but mount a sore loser's campaign to unseat Trump. The latest fake news is Russian bounties on U.S. soldiers. Funny that the more they keep trying, the more they keep alienating their potential voters. Add in the mob rule insanity and his political career is all but over. YMMV.
Yes, obviously it is a long and complex history. That does not mean I will ever side with the muslims against my people.

The democrats have let the progressive wing of the party be infiltrated by antisemites. When the republicans tolerated the presence of far right antisemites within their ranks, they lost Jewish support. Now, the shoe is on the other foot. If the far left had captured the nomination, I would be voting for Trump without a second thought.

With regard to Chicago, you are entirely correct. As I said before, 99% of the city is completely safe. Democratic leadership in Chicago has concentrated the violence to a select few neighborhoods, isolated from the rest of the population. All of the cities resources goes to maintaining the "nice" parts of the city. Not only is this a failure of governance, it is a failure of morality.
Saul, with all the posts from you I've read, it seems like you are OBVIOUSLY a gun owner. You obviously love the country, and the people in it. You obviously want the best for all of us. So I'll reflect back to a meme,(which I friggin loved) voting for biden because you don't want Trumpto be president, is like eating a dog turd because you don't like broccoli. Best analogy I think.
So, either your f**king with us, trying to keep intellectual conversation going, or your lost. I really am hoping your just F**king with us.
I was at the last pro life March in DC, I saw folks from every race, religion, and multiple countries at that march. Even if the potential elimination of "Assault Riles"/2nd ammendment, and the madness that would ensue. So gun issues aside, I cannot possibly believe anyone with even a little religious respect/responsibly could vote for biden.
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Saul, with all the posts from you I've read, it seems like you are OBVIOUSLY a gun owner. You obviously love the country, and the people in it. You obviously want the best for all of us. So I'll reflect back to a meme,(which I friggin loved) voting for biden because you don't want Trumpto be president, is like eating a dog turd because you don't like broccoli. Best analogy I think.
So, either your f**king with us, trying to keep intellectual conversation going, or your lost. I really am hoping your just F**king with us.
I was at the last pro life March in DC, I saw folks from every race, religion, and multiple countries at that march. Even if the potential elimination of "Assault Riles"/2nd ammendment, and the madness that would ensue. So gun issues aside, I cannot possibly believe anyone with even a little religious respect/responsibly could vote for biden.
I'm guessing Saul is more in the group with my coworker and myself. She recently got a phone survey that asked her who she'd vote for right now if the choices were Trump and Biden. She said "give me a third choice". They couldn't/wouldn't. She hung up.
A public service message.
@Bushpig4Ever ,

I see you constantly post these anti-Trump memes and videos with no comments. There are a few others on here who are obviously not supporters of Trump, but when they offer a reply, they at least provide substantive comments to attempt to support their reasoning. You post nothing but fake news from known biased media sources which reduces the credibility of your posts to pretty much less than zero.

I would encourage you challenge yourself to make an intellectual argument if you have one. I for one, don't believe that you do, otherwise you would not limit your participation to just the posting of derogatory memes and video clips. From your avatar, can I assume that you are not an American citizen? If that's the case, I would also remind you that your opinion of our POTUS doesn't even count.
As on other forums, I would like to have an ignore button. That way, the perp's post never shows.

Edit: Can do! Click on the member's picture. When the next window pops, hit ignore. Posts will never show. Just did it, reloaded the page, post is gone. Will never have to endure his waste of bandwidth posts.
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I just received another 30 day Facebook jail sentence, for calling one of those types an anti-American coward, with TDS.

They have a block function, which the Liberals use against me quite frequently.
As on other forums, I would like to have an ignore button. That way, the perp's post never shows.

Edit: Can do! Click on the member's picture. When the next window pops, hit ignore. Posts will never show.
Someone here called the Israeli "my people"....... I call all Americans "my people" and no others.

I don't care what any other country does with it's own people or what laws they choose to adhere to. I don't care what their opinion is about what we do. I have never flown any flag other than the one of the USA on my property and I will have nothing to do with anyone who flys any other flag on US soil.

This horse apple stuff with the negros has been started by the Democrats of that I am sure...... the same way I'm sure "OJ" was one speedy negro as well as a murderer.

I believe that this will all come to a head before the election and the negros will be duped into being slaves of the Democrats and targets for people who just aren't going to allow them to bring violence into their communities.

As of late the idea of buying a lot of ammo has taken on a new meaning. Instead of people wanting to purchase a case of ammo, some people are looking for drums of ammo and are not looking to pay with a check or a credit card...... cash and lots of it.

Maybe these people heard one of the riot leaders say, "give us what we want or we'll burn everything you have to the ground"?
What we now have in the U.S. is 2% of the population determining how the 98% should act. It's the tail wagging the dog.
Politicians have no moral compass. They only say what they need to say to get votes to keep A JOB. Love him or hate him, Trump is one of the few elected officials who says what he wants and lets the chips fall where they may.
I remembered to use the +quote feature this time ;)

Saul, with all the posts from you I've read, it seems like you are OBVIOUSLY a gun owner. You obviously love the country, and the people in it. You obviously want the best for all of us. So I'll reflect back to a meme,(which I friggin loved) voting for biden because you don't want Trumpto be president, is like eating a dog turd because you don't like broccoli. Best analogy I think.
So, either your f**king with us, trying to keep intellectual conversation going, or your lost. I really am hoping your just F**king with us.
I was at the last pro life March in DC, I saw folks from every race, religion, and multiple countries at that march. Even if the potential elimination of "Assault Riles"/2nd ammendment, and the madness that would ensue. So gun issues aside, I cannot possibly believe anyone with even a little religious respect/responsibly could vote for biden.

I will admit to occasionally playing the devil's advocate, or at least sometimes exaggerating a certain point, in order to stimulate discussion because I think it is healthy to have one's beliefs challenged from time to time, if only to sharpen one's reasoning. However, now is not one of those times. I sincerely believe that Trump has not demonstrated the temperament, intelligence, or leadership necessary to earn my vote again.

I would appreciate it if you could elaborate on your second paragraph. I might just be reading it wrong, but I cannot make sense of what the pro life march in DC has to do with elimination of assault rifles/2A.

I'm guessing Saul is more in the group with my coworker and myself. She recently got a phone survey that asked her who she'd vote for right now if the choices were Trump and Biden. She said "give me a third choice". They couldn't/wouldn't. She hung up.

This is correct. To be clear, I am not excited about voting for Biden. In fact, I do not want to vote for Biden. But I will not vote for Trump. I would choose any moderate/centrist (or even a reasonable libertarian) over either of these two.

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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
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Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.