
I think the issue is Dems see Biden as a moderate.. and therefore the moderate dems may turn out in large numbers to support him..

I hope you're wrong but if that's the case, hopefully the leftist, progressives will act like the children they are and not vote.
I hope you're wrong but if that's the case, hopefully the leftist, progressives will act like the children they are and not vote.
Have no fear, they cost Hillary the election in 2016 and there is a good chance they will do the same for Biden. If Trump is such an existential threat to democracy, you would think they would put minor party squabbles aside for the good of the country. I understand the attitude of the younger voters, who have a right to be idealistic. However, the older Bernie crowd do not have a leg to stand on.
I am against the racism shown by all sides....and they all exhibit racial bias in some form or another.

Anyone who won't vote for Trump because of this, but will vote for Biden despite all his obvious racism, is being selectively outraged, I think.

So for me, it comes down to babies and guns.

Clear choice for me.

Everyone has to decide which issues differentiate the candidates.

Racism, as commonly defined, does not differentiate them, in my mind.
Certainly could be a possibility. I would not put it passed an inattentive staffer. Yet where is is Trump's strong condemnation of the tweet and of white power? Why must the sole black republican senator speak out for him to take it down? What I see is an intentional dog whistle to a certain segment of his base. He knows that he is not going to win any black support against Biden so his best chance will be to fire up more support from certain white voters instead.

Regardless, can we all just forget the whataboutism that runs rampant in politics today? Enough of the "Biden said this" or "Trump said that" garbage when faced with abhorrent behavior from anyone. I will be the first to hold anyone to account for their words and actions. I expect others to do the same. You may decide that you will still vote for Trump for whatever reason, and that is your prerogative, but do not let him forget that his supporters will still hold him to a high standard if he is to earn their votes. We are all to eager to give a free pass to our own side.

On a side note, it seems that I do not have a place left in this world. Gone are they days when gentleman could hold civil discussion of policy without name calling. If we are to have any hope of survival as a nation, we must resist every attempt to divide us, to make our neighbors the enemy. People were not "alt-right fascists" or "leftist marxists" or whatever other name you want to use. We were all Americans. We may hold differing views in how we want to solve the problems facing the nation, but we recognize the humanity in one other. When faced with uncomfortable realities, we all too often retreat into our respective camps. Right vs Left. If we could just sit down and talk, forget the political labels, we would see that we are all so alike in what we want for this nation. I have tried to do my part on here to approach every discussion with civility, to avoid name-calling, and to appeal to reason, and I appreciate that many have done the same. Still, that is not the trend in political discourse. Ultimately, a man must have a guiding set of principles and vote his conscience.
I’m a little late reading your post. I do have a few questions for you.

1) What do you think of Biden’s support for Strom Thurmond in the past?

2). What do you think of Biden’s strong friendship with Robert Byrd (Member of the KKK)?

3) What about Biden’s past support for segregation?

When you call out Trump for what a very few of his members support, you should call out Biden too.
I’m a little late reading your post. I do have a few questions for you.

1) What do you think of Biden’s support for Strom Thurmond in the past?

2). What do you think of Biden’s strong friendship with Robert Byrd (Member of the KKK)?

3) What about Biden’s past support for segregation?

When you call out Trump for what a very few of his members support, you should call out Biden too.

I do not support Strom Thurmond or Robert Byrd and I do not support Biden's support of them. Not only is it extremely offensive for him to do so considering that he was the VP for President Obama, but also is just a poor judge of character on Biden's part. However, I must take it in the context of the time at which they started in politics and the political landscape at the time. It is very easy to judge history through a modern lens. The same is true for Biden's past support for some "segregationist" policies, though I would still side with his opposition to busing. Once again, many of his actions and past statements are despicable and should be condemned, and they rightly have been; however, what is most important is how he responds now. Biden has worked to undo a lot of the racist policies of the past and I respect that, even if one might think that he is not genuine in his evolving views, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that people can learn to be better.

To re-emphasize the point I made earlier, I have and will continue to call out racism from any politician, regardless of party and I expect the same from any American. What most disturbs me about the repeated instances of Trump seemingly dog whistling racists is the silence from his supporters. He should be a servant to his voters and to all Americans. If we are to hold our elected officials accountable, we all must call out racism whether intentional or not when we see it.
I do not support Strom Thurmond or Robert Byrd and I do not support Biden's support of them. Not only is it extremely offensive for him to do so considering that he was the VP for President Obama, but also is just a poor judge of character on Biden's part. However, I must take it in the context of the time at which they started in politics and the political landscape at the time. It is very easy to judge history through a modern lens. The same is true for Biden's past support for some "segregationist" policies, though I would still side with his opposition to busing. Once again, many of his actions and past statements are despicable and should be condemned, and they rightly have been; however, what is most important is how he responds now. Biden has worked to undo a lot of the racist policies of the past and I respect that, even if one might think that he is not genuine in his evolving views, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that people can learn to be better.

To re-emphasize the point I made earlier, I have and will continue to call out racism from any politician, regardless of party and I expect the same from any American. What most disturbs me about the repeated instances of Trump seemingly dog whistling racists is the silence from his supporters. He should be a servant to his voters and to all Americans. If we are to hold our elected officials accountable, we all must call out racism whether intentional or not when we see it.
I am against racism of any kind too. There are many forms of racism that exist today. We need to condemn any and all racism against any group of people.
I am against racism of any kind too. There are many forms of racism that exist today. We need to condemn any and all racism against any group of people.
Then do you condemn Trump's tweet?
Interesting set of casualty statistics - these are killings (suicides didn't count) vice combat related deaths (accidents typically) and KIA . There is a typo on the chart - those numbers are thru 2020 rather than 2017. Life in the Democratic paradise that is Chicago is truly special - a place where black lives really matter .................. very little.

One would think someone in the MSM - maybe just one - would find this at least problematic.

Refresh my memory on the tweet you are referring.
Trump tweeted a video of one of his supporters saying "white power" and did not take it down until Republican Senator Tim Scott told him to.
Interesting set of casualty statistics - these are killings (suicides didn't count) vice combat related deaths (accidents typically) and KIA . There is a typo on the chart - those numbers are thru 2020 rather than 2017. Life in the Democratic paradise that is Chicago is truly special - a place where black lives really matter .................. very little.

One would think someone in the MSM - maybe just one - would find this at least problematic.

View attachment 355835
I live a sizable amount of the year in Chicago, and while I still consider it to be the best city on earth from a cultural and architectural standpoint, the violence in poor communities is out of control. To be clear, 99% of the city is perfectly safe. The violence is concentrated in extremely poor minority communities, out of sight and out of mind of the general populace and that is the real tragedy.
Trump tweeted a video of one of his supporters saying "white power" and did not take it down until Republican Senator Tim Scott told him to.
I certainly condemn that message. However, did Trump realize it was said? Or was he made aware by Senator Scott? He did take down the message.
I live a sizable amount of the year in Chicago, and while I still consider it to be the best city on earth from a cultural and architectural standpoint, the violence in poor communities is out of control. To be clear, 99% of the city is perfectly safe. The violence is concentrated in extremely poor minority communities, out of sight and out of mind of the general populace and that is the real tragedy.

HUH? Safe is hardly the word to describe Chicago. It is the most corrupt city in America and close to being the most violent.
Add in a third of the city is below the poverty line and less than half is white, I fail to see where the 99% is arrived.
HUH? Safe is hardly the word to describe Chicago. It is the most corrupt city in America and close to being the most violent.
Add in a third of the city is below the poverty line and less than half is white, I fail to see where the 99% is arrived.
Corrupt? Yes. Dangerous for the general populous? No. And why do you throw in "less than half is white" as if that somehow makes the city that much more dangerous? Do you live in Chicago?
I certainly condemn that message. However, did Trump realize it was said? Or was he made aware by Senator Scott? He did take down the message.
Having seen the video, it would certainly be difficult for Trump to miss, and Tim Scott was not the first person to call for its removal. The delay in removal and the lack of condemnation of the "white power" slogan by one of his supporters speaks volumes to me. I do not expect that Trump is personally responsible for every bit of media posted to his official accounts. However, I would not be so upset if he had just offered a swift and strong rebuke of the message.
According to this chart, it doesn't look like a being can escape violent crime anywhere in Chicago. And this is just "violent" crime. That excludes a lot of other types. You may just be lucky.


It's like Mike Tyson's famous quote, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".
According to this chart, it doesn't look like a being can escape violent crime anywhere in Chicago. You may just be lucky.


It's like Mike Tyson's famous quote, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".
I have lived in Chicago at least part time for my entire life. I have lived and worked all over the city, including West Garfield Park. I have never once been a victim of violent crime in the city. Just like anywhere else, if you do not live in a seedy area and do not associate with seedy people, you will most likely be fine.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.