I assume this is some sort of retort to previous comments I’ve made in regards to potential Chinese investment in future oil projects yet I don’t see it.
If a Canadian leader well use trudeaus name as a place holder although we all know he would never have the fortitude to do it were to completely shut off Canadian oil exports while simultaneously causing blackouts to 1.5 million households in Michigan, Minnesota, and New York and stopping potash with the potential for crop shortages next fall. Trump would most likely consider it an act of aggression and attempt to retaliate with military force. How that would play out is unclear it would depend on how strong of a hold he has on the upper echelons of the military wether or not they would invade an allied nation that has not taken military action against the U.S.
@Red Leg would have a better perspective on that.
Worst case scenario
Militarily the U.S. runs over Canada securing vital sectors Alberta oil potash in Saskatchewan major hydro electric damns in Quebec and Labrador. The rest of the world turns on America as a trading partner and ally. Most likely china makes large territorial gains in the pacific while that is going on. The only small consolation I can see is Russia is currently a spent force so mainland Europe might remain relatively unscathed depending if they bother to come to our aid or not.