Have you not heard of the Armenian genocide in world war 1, when Turkey killed over 1 1/2 million Armenian Christians . Have you not heard of Erdogan, TURKEYS , dictator, who had his thugs in Washington DC attack Kurds within blocks of the capital May 2017.. the very day they were scheduled to talk to the president, a bloody brawl. I would post links, but the computer wont cooperate. THE genocide has never been apologized for or even given validity by Turkey .Have you not heard of TURKS attacks on US airman and navy sailors off base in Incirlik, turkey. Surely youve heard of the attacks on our allies the kurds in Iraq ,during the gulf war. That is my problem with the turks, a continual persecution of Christians. Recall the the military coup of 2016 that made an attempt to overthrow the corrupt dictatorship of Erdogan, Erdogan subsequently blamed a US general joe Votel as supporting and arrested many pentagon contacts and killed many of their citizens and many still sit in Prison,.
I have sat with a Turkish military man( training at the air base) in my house as my dinner guest and talked but received little but cold arrogance in return, so aside from the above maybe its just a personal "problem of mine"
YOU KNOW as well as I do that KOREAN military in Vietnam was top grade , well respected , and greatly feared by the NVA. they were dependable fierce, and no nva ever wanted to be captured by a Korean.
Aussies were also a worthy and admired allies who didn't hesitate to engage, they have histories respect and mine.
As far as the NATO support from Turkey, they weren't in NATO until 1952 ,so maybe it counts and maybe not.