
What is your problem? They upheld their UN obligation, fought bravely for what was essentially a US national interest - certainly not a Turkish one, and suffered significant casualties. I honor that sacrifice. Maybe you should attempt to make jokes about the Australian and Korean soldiers who sacrificed so much in Vietnam?

In addition to what @Red Leg’s post. For those of us who have been stationed in Korea, there is boulevard in Seoul that has signs on the side walks with a map of the countries that fought in Korea, with the words “thank you” in Korean and the language of that country. If my memory serves me well, the number of troops who fought and died was also listed . It was beautifully done, and the Koreans I met while there were very appreciative for what the US and those countries did to protect them.
Wow, very clear and concise update from the Sec of Def. Can't imagine the previous Sec of Def given such a a clear and concise update to the American people of what his priorities were. Why? Because they knew that the American people would not support them.
Sounded great. I am more worried about what he is actually doing. He has ordered defense spending gutted by 40% over five years. That is almost cutting our defense investments in half. To get there, he will cut an enormous amount of muscle and capability. He makes Clinton's cuts look like a light trim.
Yes, the ATF screwed up a lot of things.

But the "follow on tactical response to ATF's failures" is where this specific problem lies. The ROE at Ruby Ridge allowed for engaging males carrying weapons who left the cabin. It did not allow for shooting through doors at unarmed, infant carrying females. Nevertheless, the shot was fired. Not only were there no repercussions, the same team was then sent to Waco.

As far as "two completely different issues", well, maybe. But consider this: Above is a blurb about the skipper of the USS Truman being relieved. That particular relief has very little to do with other reliefs, but the point is that there is a cause and effect. The dots I am connecting in the case of the FBI is the FBI has a history of no effects. It's not about Ruby Ridge, and it's not about Waco. There are many causes, all different. But there never seems to be a rebuke, which means with no real accountability, they seem to find new ways to create problems. And they seem to be very creative.

You don’t have to convince me that the FBI is broken… I worked closely with them on numerous occasions 20 years ago… and they were broken then… things haven’t gotten better… my observations come from first hand experience…

I would say that in the 90’s most of the agents I worked with were good people, and most were pretty good at their jobs…

The problem then was largely with the leadership at both the FBI and the Attorney Generals office.. I was convinced back then that once an agent made GS14 they were given a forced lobotomy.. they no longer made rational decisions and were far more motivated by politics (internal and external) than they were enforcing the law…

People that I know that have left the Bu in recent years that were in senior leadership positions (one sits on my advisory board) confirm things have been bad for a long time.. and got significantly worse in recent years…

The agency needs to be shaken up… they need a reboot..

I’m just a firm believer that we hold people accountable for what they are responsible for.. and maintain focus on what is currently wrong rather than lamenting what was wrong in the past…
You don’t have to convince me that the FBI is broken… I worked closely with them on numerous occasions 20 years ago… and they were broken then… things haven’t gotten better… my observations come from first hand experience…

I would say that in the 90’s most of the agents I worked with were good people, and most were pretty good at their jobs…

The problem then was largely with the leadership at both the FBI and the Attorney Generals office.. I was convinced back then that once an agent made GS14 they were given a forced lobotomy.. they no longer made rational decisions and were far more motivated by politics (internal and external) than they were enforcing the law…

People that I know that have left the Bu in recent years that were in senior leadership positions (one sits on my advisory board) confirm things have been bad for a long time.. and got significantly worse in recent years…

The agency needs to be shaken up… they need a reboot..

I’m just a firm believer that we hold people accountable for what they are responsible for.. and maintain focus on what is currently wrong rather than lamenting what was wrong in the past…
If we don’t learn from the past we will continue the endless cycle of continuous corruption. People have to be held accountable for their actions especially when they continue to violate the very laws they are entrusted to enforce equally and without bias.
You don’t have to convince me that the FBI is broken… I worked closely with them on numerous occasions 20 years ago… and they were broken then… things haven’t gotten better… my observations come from first hand experience…

I would say that in the 90’s most of the agents I worked with were good people, and most were pretty good at their jobs…

The problem then was largely with the leadership at both the FBI and the Attorney Generals office.. I was convinced back then that once an agent made GS14 they were given a forced lobotomy.. they no longer made rational decisions and were far more motivated by politics (internal and external) than they were enforcing the law…

People that I know that have left the Bu in recent years that were in senior leadership positions (one sits on my advisory board) confirm things have been bad for a long time.. and got significantly worse in recent years…

The agency needs to be shaken up… they need a reboot..

I’m just a firm believer that we hold people accountable for what they are responsible for.. and maintain focus on what is currently wrong rather than lamenting what was wrong in the past…

Hearing many agents being resigned to field offices out of the DC HQ, numbers in the thousands.
You have all heard of the Peter Principle. Promote until failure. Unfortunately all too common in government work. It isn’t the rank and file workers fault. It’s a broken system. They are just doing the job they are asked to do.
Hopefully to do what they are supposed to and leave the innocent alone.
Hearing many agents being resigned to field offices out of the DC HQ, numbers in the thousands.

I’ve heard that as well.

I’m very much in agreement with that idea..

The HQ is bloated with people filling roles that could be executed anywhere.. there’s no need to have those guys collecting locality pay because they’re assigned to one of the highest cost of living areas in the country…

And DC is a breeding ground for bureaucracy…

Cops need to be doing cop stuff…

I’ve recently communicated with an agent that advised that he and others in his field office have been tasked with assisting ICE in locating violent criminal illegals… and that he and the other guys given that task are actually enjoying it… in years past they were all but prohibited from assisting ICE with anything…

I think taking a couple of thousand trained investigators out of DC and putting them in all of the “sanctuary” cities for the next two years, and putting them on a migrant apprehension task force would be a brilliant move..
You have all heard of the Peter Principle. Promote until failure. Unfortunately all too common in government work. It isn’t the rank and file workers fault. It’s a broken system. They are just doing the job they are asked to do.
It’s the rank and file agents that were carrying out the sins of the upper echelon,,,,,,,
If we don’t learn from the past we will continue the endless cycle of continuous corruption. People have to be held accountable for their actions especially when they continue to violate the very laws they are entrusted to enforce equally and without bias.

No one says you don’t learn from your past…

I’d offer that HRT learned a lot from their 90’s mistakes…

Their skills and capabilities are a hundred fold improved… most people have no idea how effective (and lethal) they were during the GWOT and how they assisted other Tier 1 units in hunting down some of the worst/hardest targets in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years…

As said multiple times already… hold people accountable for their actions..

Not the actions of others..

The corruption, weaponization, politicization, etc of the FBI that we are dealing with today isn’t the same problem as the HRT deploying twice in the 90’s making tactical decisions that resulted in disastrous loss of life… two very different problems…
I’ve heard that as well.

I’m very much in agreement with that idea..

The HQ is bloated with people filling roles that could be executed anywhere.. there’s no need to have those guys collecting locality pay because they’re assigned to one of the highest cost of living areas in the country…

And DC is a breeding ground for bureaucracy…

Cops need to be doing cop stuff…

I’ve recently communicated with an agent that advised that he and others in his field office have been tasked with assisting ICE in locating violent criminal illegals… and that he and the other guys given that task are actually enjoying it… in years past they were all but prohibited from assisting ICE with anything…

I think taking a couple of thousand trained investigators out of DC and putting them in all of the “sanctuary” cities for the next two years, and putting them on a migrant apprehension task force would be a brilliant move..

Although, some are going to get to spend the rest of the winter in the Fargo office.
The USA was in a huge mess, still is, but at least there is a different trajectory now. It affects us all. I am utterly shocked at the nit picking going on - give it a chance folks, look at the big picture. Surely the big items must be bringing you some satisfaction:
Securing of the southern (and northern) border.
Ejecting dangerous criminals.
Undoing woke policies.
Trimming down government.
Increasing energy independence.

How can you not be satisfied with this progress? It is not the final shape of things, there will be smoothing out as it progresses.

But against this on the international stage you have found cause to criticise utterances. Yes, things could and should have been said better, but it is towards change. On the Ukraine front the end game has not even begun. Who knows what the outcome will be, but without a change what would have been the end point of the current trajectory?

In the Middle East things are at last moving along an admittedly bumpy road, and in response to Trump's utterances about his Gaza plan the regional heads are at last taking the situation seriously and proposing a solution themselves. What more do you want.

Your President is anything but conventional, you knew he was this way, you voted for him. It may not be the smoothest of rides, but it will be far, far better than Biden or Harris. You very nearly lost everything under those two. Us also.
Well said Kevin, the leadership of the USA had taken a massive turn in the wrong direction under Biden with the embracing of every crazy anti-American concept. Liberalism always leads to a dead end. Turning away from woke garbage, securing our borders and restoring traditional values will help lead America in a positive direction. The person doing this does say mean things and has a big ego, I disagree with many things that Trump says but am very much behind and supportive of the direction he is taking us. There will be a lot of pain in the process but change is much needed. Thanks for your “Pithy” observation, no pun intended.
Well said Kevin, the leadership of the USA had taken a massive turn in the wrong direction under Biden with the embracing of every crazy anti-American concept. Liberalism always leads to a dead end. Turning away from woke garbage, securing our borders and restoring traditional values will help lead America in a positive direction. The person doing this does say mean things and has a big ego, I disagree with many things that Trump says but am very much behind and supportive of the direction he is taking us. There will be a lot of pain in the process but change is much needed. Thanks for your “Pithy” observation, no pun intended.

I generally agree with you on domestic policy. I am encouraged by the moves on the border and much of what DOGE is doing (not all, specifically the DOD cuts). However, I am alarmed by those who refuse to recognize or acknowledge what to me appear to be dangerous foreign policy blunders. He appears to be shifting our allegiance from Ukraine to Russia. I hope this is the bluster you speak of, but in foreign policy issues words matter, regardless of what those who believe that Trump can do no wrong may thing. This is a dangerous game to play, and one we may pay for dearly if he gets it wrong.
Sounded great. I am more worried about what he is actually doing. He has ordered defense spending gutted by 40% over five years. That is almost cutting our defense investments in half. To get there, he will cut an enormous amount of muscle and capability. He makes Clinton's cuts look like a light trim.
How much waste fraud and abuse do you think is in the military? How inefficient and top heavy has the military become? It may be tough for you to provide accurate estimates as it is always more difficult to see and recognize the full extent of it from the inside. Most, if not all, very large corporations in the US have over the course of their existence became bloated, extremely inefficient and have waste, abuse and fraud that needs to be dealt with. In the private sector corporations are forced to deal with this as they become less profitable or unprofitable and their shareholders and the market place demand or force the change. I suspect there is at least 30-40% waste, fraud and abuse in the DOD as well. It is always more than you think. I also suspect the military is top heavy. So I think they could make significant cuts if done properly and still be the most capable military on the planet and superior to what we have today.

Only time will tell how Secretary Hegseth does in the role. But I don't think I am going out on a limb to say he will do a much, much better job than the previous Secretary
I generally agree with you on domestic policy. I am encouraged by the moves on the border and much of what DOGE is doing (not all, specifically the DOD cuts). However, I am alarmed by those who refuse to recognize or acknowledge what to me appear to be dangerous foreign policy blunders. He appears to be shifting our allegiance from Ukraine to Russia. I hope this is the bluster you speak of, but in foreign policy issues words matter, regardless of what those who believe that Trump can do no wrong may thing. This is a dangerous game to play, and one we may pay for dearly if he gets it wrong.
I do not believe that Trump can do no wrong, I do see areas that I disagree with. Our country had been headed in the wrong direction, I cannot comment in any great length on foreign policy as I find myself ignorant of what is required here.
What is your problem? They upheld their UN obligation, fought bravely for what was essentially a US national interest - certainly not a Turkish one, and suffered significant casualties. I honor that sacrifice. Maybe you should attempt to make jokes about the Australian and Korean soldiers who sacrificed so much in Vietnam?
Have you not heard of the Armenian genocide in world war 1, when Turkey killed over 1 1/2 million Armenian Christians . Have you not heard of Erdogan, TURKEYS , dictator, who had his thugs in Washington DC attack Kurds within blocks of the capital May 2017.. the very day they were scheduled to talk to the president, a bloody brawl. I would post links, but the computer wont cooperate. THE genocide has never been apologized for or even given validity by Turkey .Have you not heard of TURKS attacks on US airman and navy sailors off base in Incirlik, turkey. Surely youve heard of the attacks on our allies the kurds in Iraq ,during the gulf war. That is my problem with the turks, a continual persecution of Christians. Recall the the military coup of 2016 that made an attempt to overthrow the corrupt dictatorship of Erdogan, Erdogan subsequently blamed a US general joe Votel as supporting and arrested many pentagon contacts and killed many of their citizens and many still sit in Prison,.
I have sat with a Turkish military man( training at the air base) in my house as my dinner guest and talked but received little but cold arrogance in return, so aside from the above maybe its just a personal "problem of mine"
YOU KNOW as well as I do that KOREAN military in Vietnam was top grade , well respected , and greatly feared by the NVA. they were dependable fierce, and no nva ever wanted to be captured by a Korean.
Aussies were also a worthy and admired allies who didn't hesitate to engage, they have histories respect and mine.
As far as the NATO support from Turkey, they weren't in NATO until 1952 ,so maybe it counts and maybe not.


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You have to educate yourself, Turks are not Arabs and actually they hate them.
They fought side by side with my grandfather who was a Marine officer in Korean War and he always talked how stupidly brave they were.
Consider me educated, now, however I still do not like them as a nation.

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Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.