
I can understand the empathy, and I share it, but there has to be a firm reestablishing of order within the US immigration system, to include legal immigration. The United States should be treated like a Nation comprised of citizens again, not just an economic zone. Even if people view the US as one big Costco or Walmart, you can still be trespassed from those places.

I think something the Trump administration should explore is the option of beginning a grace period for illegal immigrants to return to their country of origin and apply for citizenship now. If they haven't by the time he enters office and they're caught, they lose the ability to legally do it in the future.

I also don't think we should be giving out as many work visas for certain sectors of our economy as we currently do, such as the tech sector, engineering (to include professors), mining, and energy production. There should be options for companies who can't fill roles with adequately educated Americans to tap into federal funding to train Americans for these positions. Exceptions could be made for immigrants coming from 5 eyes countries, but only if those individuals were citizens of said 5 eyes nation, and any money they send home should be taxed.

Programs like E-Verify should be mandatory, and companies employing non-citizens should be taxed at a higher rate, employers caught hiring illegal immigrants should face jail time.
The rate of legal immigration needs to be reduced, and quite drastically. As I pointed out a number of pages back, we've had nearly a 50% increase in population since 1980, and it's 100% due to immigration - legal and illegal. That isn't sustainable if we expect our culture to remain what made the US great.

We had a massive immigration of southern and eastern Europeans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and it caused no end of problems. It took the Great Depression and ultimately WWII to bring everybody together.
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@ one day.Emblematic ?Really? I hope not.
an armed gay boygruop defends his minority rights:rolleyes:
thats my impression.

Not something I would advise saying to their face. These lads were some of the toughest to carry a weapon into combat.
Not anymore! We digital scan ever member coming in and will not allow anyone but the card hold to shop…
Just saying, the BP and ICE love us :cool:
Uh yeah, not so. I went with my wife to Costco yesterday. They scanned her card while I just walked right in beside her. Nobody asked me for any verification.
On the immigration policy Trump should go for I tend to be in agreement with @Red Leg:

Assuming the 20M new illegal immigrants is a correct figure. And let’s say 5% of them are undesirable (drugs, crime, etc) that would still mean finding, catching, then transporting and delivering (to whom btw?) 1M people.

And although the vast majority are likely good people, these 5% are, a. all over the country and b. living with or around women and children.

If you want to see the fastest way Trump cannot accomplish anything, have four years worth of police/military worth of video circulating, breaching and entering to take criminals in custody while kids and women are in the cross fire. The entire world would come down on Trump. Look at the Israeli military going door to door in the Gaza Strip trying to get a few terrorists out of a larger population. Nothing good for Trump will come out of it.

Instead, make the inflows stop first. Then look at getting an ever increasing share of them official work permits and good jobs (no right to vote yet). Those that can prove after a few years that they have been contributing positively to the USA, can then eventually be granted citizenship. If however you get caught in crime, you get expelled immediately. No ifs or buts.

But by all means do not estrange these 20M people for life from the Republican Party. They are here now, you will not get them out anyway, so make sure they do not vote Democrat out of spite the next 40 years. Or this will be the last time you have had a republican president in your lifetime.

A good addition would also be a federal requirement to present ID when voting (which these immigrants should not have). That way only the positively contributing, tax paying immigrants who eventually are granted citizenship, will have a right to vote. As it should be.

I tend to agree with you on the visuals this would produce. Pull up a picture of the feds taking Elian Gonzales during Clinton's administration and multiply that by millions. Close the border, get rid of the criminals and go from there.
Not something I would advise saying to their face. These lads were some of the toughest to carry a weapon into combat.
Tough as nails. I agree with the Rhodesian Light Infantry ID. They have never received the press of the Selous Scouts, but they inflicted far more damage on the Soviet supplied insurgents than any other unit in the Rhodesian armed forces. Truly, one of the most effective infantry units ever created.

Dave Grossman, a well respected military theorist, described them in his 1990's work "On Killing."

... the highly trained Rhodesian Light Infantry achieved kill ratios ranging from 35-to-one to 50-to-one. The Rhodesians achieved this in an environment where they did not have close air and artillery support ... nor did they have any significant advantage over their Soviet-supported opponents. The only thing they had going for them was their superior training, and the advantage this gave them added up to nothing less than total tactical superiority.

And @Foxi my friend. At the time, the 1970's, they would have done very nearly the same to any European infantry unit and most American ones in that combat environment.
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On my first hunt in Mozambique the cook at the camp was former RLI, he was the toughest SOB I’ve ever come across. I don’t say that lightly, I’ve duck hunted with a guy who fought on Iwo Jima, swan hunted with a guy that was at Chosen Reservoir and duck/goose hunted with several Vietnam vets, all were tough but there was just something about this guy that stood out. One night he pulled out pictures and other artifacts he kept with him it was a fascinating night. I kept up with him for a few years but he disappeared and no one ever heard from him again . He never said he was a Zimbabwean but always a Rhodesian.
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I just realized I didnt finish the why contractors might be a good solution explaination...

What the Govt COULD do (and should do in many cases) is.. start weening GS and PSC employees off the govt tit... if they are assigned to a project that has a known end/life cycle, when those GS or PSC employees retire or transfer or get promoted, or whatever happens to them that causes them to no longer work on that project.. DO NOT backfill them with another GS... backfill them with a contractor...

that way when the project ends in a couple of years... so does the associated position..

you can start to reduce the size of the govt through natural attrition...

What they have been doing for the last 16 years is essentially replacing short term contractors with long term fed employees that stay on the payroll long after whatever they were hired to do is no longer being pursued by the govt...

Walk into the US State Dept building in DC... or the Hoffman Building.. or pretty much any US Military installation in the US... and just look around... it will sicken you to see how many "blue badge" people (federal employees) are just sitting around doing not a damn thing for most of the day... producing little to nothing.... which in many cases actually isnt their fault.. they'll have 4 people assigned to a task that really is only enough for 1 person to complete.. because they need to find shit for all of these people to do...

We may be on the cusp of a huge shift in Government waste. If Trump Turns Elon Musk loose. It’s going to get ugly. And it won’t take him long. The union positions are probably safe though.
On the immigration policy Trump should go for I tend to be in agreement with @Red Leg:

Assuming the 20M new illegal immigrants is a correct figure. And let’s say 5% of them are undesirable (drugs, crime, etc) that would still mean finding, catching, then transporting and delivering (to whom btw?) 1M people.

And although the vast majority are likely good people, these 5% are, a. all over the country and b. living with or around women and children.

If you want to see the fastest way Trump cannot accomplish anything, have four years worth of police/military worth of video circulating, breaching and entering to take criminals in custody while kids and women are in the cross fire. The entire world would come down on Trump. Look at the Israeli military going door to door in the Gaza Strip trying to get a few terrorists out of a larger population. Nothing good for Trump will come out of it.

Instead, make the inflows stop first. Then look at getting an ever increasing share of them official work permits and good jobs (no right to vote yet). Those that can prove after a few years that they have been contributing positively to the USA, can then eventually be granted citizenship. If however you get caught in crime, you get expelled immediately. No ifs or buts.

But by all means do not estrange these 20M people for life from the Republican Party. They are here now, you will not get them out anyway, so make sure they do not vote Democrat out of spite the next 40 years. Or this will be the last time you have had a republican president in your lifetime.

A good addition would also be a federal requirement to present ID when voting (which these immigrants should not have). That way only the positively contributing, tax paying immigrants who eventually are granted citizenship, will have a right to vote. As it should be.


I think the undesirable rate is MUCH higher than 5%!

When Sheriff Sally Hernandez took over Travis County Texas(Austin) she issued the edict that they would only honor ICE detainers if the illegal was charged with one of 3 crimes.....

1. Murder/ Capital Murder
2. Human Trafficking
3. Aggravated Sexual Assault (aggravated is the key word here)

When she took over there were 200 inmates in the Travis Co. jail that had ICE detainers, and all but 48 were allowed to bond out.... 48 out of 200 = 24% of the illegals in Travis Co. jail were charged with a crime eligible for a LIFE SENTENCE!

Of course this flawed mandate had massive holes in it, such as allowing an illegal to bond out of jail while he had an OPEN WARRANT from Lubbock Texas for indecency with a child; and this human filth was caught trying to illegally reenter Mexico to escape justice.

Another failure came to light when the Travis Co. jail began processing an illegal alien inmate for release that was charged sexual battery of a child; a local news crew investigating the Jail looked up the arrest report and saw that the charges most definitely met the definition of aggravated sexual battery and informed the jail of who they were about to release.......

Only after a news camera crew showed up at the jail to catch his release on camera did the Sheriff reevaluate the charges and decide to honor the ICE hold that was in place; and she only did that to prevent a major public relations black eye.... after all Sheriffs are elected.

There are countless other cases......
We may be on the cusp of a huge shift in Government waste. If Trump Turns Elon Musk loose. It’s going to get ugly. And it won’t take him long. The union positions are probably safe though.

Doubtful, most are covered under civil service and they have a property right in their job.
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Trump took 42% of the Latino votes, and for the first time in something like 30 years, took Miami-Dade County in Florida.

You ask any Latino about the illegal immigration, and they will tell you flat out that they are against it, especially if you ask those who came in legally. Do we need that work force? Yes, we do. I live in Middle Georgia, and every roofer or brick layer you see out here working on a house is from somewhere south of the border. Why we need them? Well, simple, no US citizen white, black, whatever color you want to insert here wants to be in a roof in the middle of summer when it feels like 110 degrees. Is it right? Well, no, and I'm sure there are ways to get that work force here legally. I believe that is the issue we need to fix, simplify the way to get this work force here.

Lanes Southern Orchards does it. They bring in the work force needed legally. I'll tell you a story from a Mexican family that worked at Lanes. My wife work with a teacher and her parents worked at Lane's. They were brought in by Lane's to work on their fields. They because legal residents, then eventually US citizens. The teacher who my wife worked with was their daughter. They worked hard, and became productive US citizens, and got their daughter through college. This is how it's done and what we need.

Another story, A one star in the USAF, F-16 pilot called sign Zorro. Him and his family crossed the border illegally. They became residents/citizens under the Regan amnesty. They worked hard and became productive citizens, with Zorro becoming a Brig Gen. His parents also worked hard to put this man through college and eventually becoming a Brig Gen, Wing Commander, and Director of Operations. I heard the story from him, and he was proud of his parents and their achievements.

I'd say, round up all the criminals, gangs, etc, and send them back to their original country. Make it clear, you'll have to earn your residency, work hard, obey the law and life will be great. Break the law, and we'll send you back. Oh, and no more free stuff.
I know campaigns are expensive.... but wow!

If this is true, one has to wonder why you would spend millions on celebrity endorsements, of which the list read like a roster of P. Diddy's associates.
I think the undesirable rate is MUCH higher than 5%!

When Sheriff Sally Hernandez took over Travis County Texas(Austin) she issued the edict that they would only honor ICE detainers if the illegal was charged with one of 3 crimes.....

1. Murder/ Capital Murder
2. Human Trafficking
3. Aggravated Sexual Assault (aggravated is the key word here)

When she took over there were 200 inmates in the Travis Co. jail that had ICE detainers, and all but 48 were allowed to bond out.... 48 out of 200 = 24% of the illegals in Travis Co. jail were charged with a crime eligible for a LIFE SENTENCE!

Of course this flawed mandate had massive holes in it, such as allowing an illegal to bond out of jail while he had an OPEN WARRANT from Lubbock Texas for indecency with a child; and this human filth was caught trying to illegally reenter Mexico to escape justice.

Another failure came to light when the Travis Co. jail began processing an illegal alien inmate for release that was charged sexual battery of a child; a local news crew investigating the Jail looked up the arrest report and saw that the charges most definitely met the definition of aggravated sexual battery and informed the jail of who they were about to release.......

Only after a news camera crew showed up at the jail to catch his release on camera did the Sheriff reevaluate the charges and decide to honor the ICE hold that was in place; and she only did that to prevent a major public relations black eye.... after all Sheriffs are elected.

There are countless other cases......
This is the kind of crap that should not be tolerated. Since when are law enforcement officers allowed to just ignore the laws they have sworn to uphold? Of course it’s probably likely that they would end up in front of a sympathetic judge and released but that’s a different problem we need to deal with.

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Everyone always thinks about the worst thing that can happen, maybe ask yourself what's the best outcome that could happen?
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Big areas means BIG ELAND BULLS!!
autofire wrote on LIMPOPO NORTH SAFARIS's profile.
Do you have any cull hunts available? 7 days, daily rate plus per animal price?