
Cruz has his hands full. Schumer, Soros, and others have poured $100m into the Texas campaign to try and defeat Cruz
I also saw that McConnel isn’t putting any money into Texas or Florida for the GOP senate candidates. If that is true he deserves to lose his leadership roll.
I also saw that McConnel isn’t putting any money into Texas or Florida for the GOP senate candidates. If that is true he deserves to lose his leadership roll.
Why waste money in Florida and Texas? If the GOP can't carry those two states, then they will win none of the truly contest ones. In Florida, Scott is up by anywhere between 3 and 9 and in Texas Cruz is up by 2 to 5. Money should go to winning new seats and not protecting a minority.
He already gave it up for the next session of Congress. I am hoping that John Thune of SD gets it.
Thune has even less reason to worry. He is up between 13 and 35 points depending upon the poll.
Why waste money in Florida and Texas? If the GOP can't carry those two states, then they will win none of the truly contest ones. In Florida, Scott is up by anywhere between 3 and 9 and in Texas Cruz is up by 2 to 5. Money should go to winning new seats and not protecting a minority.
I had just heard an interview with Cruz and he said in 3 recent polls he was only up by 1, probably a pitch for money, so I hope you’re right. The Scott deal was on a Pensacola radio station this morning. Again I hope you are correct on this one as well.

There are three laws of thermodynamics that govern all physical laws of the universe. They have never been shown to be violated. We derive all of our physical laws from them. I was fortunate to go to a school that believed that you should be able to derive all formulas from basic principles and not be handed formulas to plug into an engineering cookbook.

The second law of thermodynamics is the law of entropy. In summary terms it states that any system will move toward a greater state of disorder over time without the application of external influence. The Big Bang theory requires that you believe that a system evolves to a state of greater order over time, in direct contradiction to the second law of thermodynamics. There are no instances where the second law of thermodynamics has been proven to be violated.

The Big Bang theory is a thesis that has been disproven time after time with the correct application of the scientific method, and yet the myth persists.
I can understand A400 vs OU - I shot trap and skeet in college and used a Beretta AL390 Silver Mallard, I shot thousands of rounds through that shotgun without a single issue. After graduating and getting a job I bought myself a Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon with full sets of Briley Chokes as well as 20ga & 28ga tubes.... Which I sold a year later because after spending so much time with the AL390 I just preferred it and shot it much better.

What I can't understand about Tim Walz and his A400 is how little he knows about the operation of it, if he got that shotgun for trap, skeet or hunting and put even 100rnds through it you wouldn't see him fumbling with it like a monkey trying to solve a rubiks cube.


But then again this pheasant hunt was staged purely for optics, just like the 1993 Bill Clinton duck hunt photo op that was staged just months before signing the 1994 Crime Bill that brought 10 years of ineffective "gun control" to the USA.

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Good points
I also saw that McConnel isn’t putting any money into Texas or Florida for the GOP senate candidates. If that is true he deserves to lose his leadership roll.
If Republican's can capture the Senate, I sincerely hope they pick a new Senate majority leader.
It's time for Moscow Mitch to fade into obscurity
Overpopulation will be the downfall
Brent, I’m sure you are watching the media.

Did you see Slick Willy Clinton come out and say that the reduction in the amount of babies born is a major problem for the country? Now, I truly want Dems to keep getting abortions. I also want conservatives to keep having children. Obviously, procreating will become a political issue that will surpass many issues currently being debated.
Brent, I’m sure you are watching the media.

Did you see Slick Willy Clinton come out and say that the reduction in the amount of babies born is a major problem for the country? Now, I truly want Dems to keep getting abortions. I also want conservatives to keep having children. Obviously, procreating will become a political issue that will surpass many issues currently being debated.
It's not so much a population issue, as it is depleting natural resources, overcrowding, and the availability of the goods that we have today.
Something that, may, or, may not happen? It will be long after my demise.
Big Bang Theory- yeow, heavy duty stuff there. :) Stephen Hawking made his mark in history by mathematically describing the “Singularity”. That and the Big Bang Theory are all wound up together.

Observations of red shift have, for years, suggested an acceleration in the expansion of the universe. Hubbell measured the same thing and had skeptical and cautious astronomers rubbing their eyes and double checking. Yep, after independent double checking, there is absolutely an acceleration of expansion which defies logic, where the expansion after the Big Bang, should be gravitationally slowing. That in turn requires (begets) adding some “fudging” extras like dark matter and dark energy to force or allow the known math and physics to work :) Webb has likewise made some puzzling observations out near the “edge”, so to speak, where the galaxies don’t at all appear to be as expected given their position and theoretical age.

I’ve even seen some quantum theory thrown into these discussions. I can crunch the math for quantum mechanics but when theorists start throwing out quantum “connectivity” to explain some of the unexplainable, it goes way beyond my ability!!!

Speaking of weather, dang, the view out my back window this afternoon shows fresh snow on the mountains :)
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Big Bang Theory- yeow, heavy duty stuff there. :) Stephen Hawking made his mark in history by mathematically describing the “Singularity”. That and the Big Bang Theory are all wound up together.

Observations of red shift have, for years, suggested an acceleration in the expansion of the universe. Hubbell measured the same thing and had skeptical and cautious astronomers rubbing their eyes and double checking. Yep, after independent double checking, there is absolutely an acceleration of expansion which defies logic, where the expansion after the Big Bang, should be gravitationally slowing. That in turn requires (begets) adding some “fudging” extras like dark matter and dark energy to force or allow the known math and physics to work :) Webb has likewise made some puzzling observations out near the “edge”, so to speak, where the galaxies don’t at all appear to be as expected given their position and theoretical age.

I’ve even seen some quantum theory thrown into these discussions. I can crunch the math for quantum mechanics but when theorists start throwing out quantum “connectivity” to explain some of the unexplainable, it goes way beyond my ability!!!

Speaking of weather, dang, the view out my back window this afternoon shows fresh snow on the mountains :)

Sorry, I’m an engineer trained in the physical laws. All of this work looks an awful lot like a bunch of folks trying to validate a hypothesis that doesn’t stand the test of the scientific method. Amazing how the laws of thermodynamics are inviolate until they stand in the way of a progressive’s agenda.
Why is there a political discussion here? I visit sights like this to escape politics, not wallow in them.
Why is there a political discussion here? I visit sights like this to escape politics, not wallow in them.

Pretty simple, don’t visit the political thread if you don’t want to see it.
There are three laws of thermodynamics that govern all physical laws of the universe. They have never been shown to be violated. We derive all of our physical laws from them. I was fortunate to go to a school that believed that you should be able to derive all formulas from basic principles and not be handed formulas to plug into an engineering cookbook.

The second law of thermodynamics is the law of entropy. In summary terms it states that any system will move toward a greater state of disorder over time without the application of external influence. The Big Bang theory requires that you believe that a system evolves to a state of greater order over time, in direct contradiction to the second law of thermodynamics. There are no instances where the second law of thermodynamics has been proven to be violated.

The Big Bang theory is a thesis that has been disproven time after time with the correct application of the scientific method, and yet the myth persists.

I’m no expert @WAB, but I mean to remember that one of the reasons the models do not make sense, is because they cannot yet properly account for gravity.

And as @fourfive8 mentioned, not being able to properly account for gravity that explains the phenomena we are observing gives then rise to such explanations as dark matter, etc. Where I’ll agree it starts more to sound like snake oil instead of a deep understanding.

It is gravity that pulled all the scattered debris after the Big Bang into clumps of sun and planet. So gravity can work counter to increasing entropy, but our current models cannot describe this yet. Or so I remember reading
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Agreed, but she will still get votes just because she has a D after her name. Whereas R’s don’t just vote for someone because of an R after their name. And then we wonder why we lose elections.

I missed the Cruz debate, but I heard it was not good for Allred. But again the D factor.
Those that don't vote for the party they align with in the general election, don't understand how politics in this country work. In the primary, vote for the individual you like (they all have the same initial at the end of their name), but after the party selects the one person to represent them on the ballot in November, that one person is the only option for someone that actually supports the party platform to vote for; which is what actually matters at the end of the day.
Congressional & Senate committee chairs are selected after the nose count of how many Ds vs how many Rs were elected, it is that simple. Whether I like the individual holding the seat that represents me in either house has no bearing other than the initial after his name needs to match mine. Same goes for the choice for whose butt occupies the seat in the WH. Doesn't matter if I like him or her as an individual, I just want that last initial to be the same as mine.
I would submit that those voting "against" a candidate don't have a functional understanding of our political system; on either side of the aisle. In the general election in November, it's time to support the party you align with; the opportunity to vote for who you like ended with the party convention.

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