Big Bang Theory- yeow, heavy duty stuff there.

Stephen Hawking made his mark in history by mathematically describing the “Singularity”. That and the Big Bang Theory are all wound up together.
Observations of red shift have, for years, suggested an acceleration in the expansion of the universe. Hubbell measured the same thing and had skeptical and cautious astronomers rubbing their eyes and double checking. Yep, after independent double checking, there is absolutely an acceleration of expansion which defies logic, where the expansion after the Big Bang, should be gravitationally slowing. That in turn requires (begets) adding some “fudging” extras like dark matter and dark energy to force or allow the known math and physics to work

Webb has likewise made some puzzling observations out near the “edge”, so to speak, where the galaxies don’t at all appear to be as expected given their position and theoretical age.
I’ve even seen some quantum theory thrown into these discussions. I can crunch the math for quantum mechanics but when theorists start throwing out quantum “connectivity” to explain some of the unexplainable, it goes way beyond my ability!!!
Speaking of weather, dang, the view out my back window this afternoon shows fresh snow on the mountains