First of all, Trump has that pesky track record of lowering taxes and having a rocking economy prior to Covid-19. And that track record of basic World Peace during his tenure.
Trump probably had a much stronger base and ground game than DeSantis going in. He speaks not only with words but also with his actions that resonate extremely well with the populous. I would argue that DeSantis does as well, but his track record was of a State, not the Nation.
DeSantis gave that great briefing of his recent efforts and did it with confidence and a smooth comfortable delivery. He seems to really be in his element "getting stuff done". But so is Trump. However on the debate stage DeSantis has a grating voice, and he bounces as he makes his points. He sounds defensive where Trump is always on the offense. DeSantis seems nervous. I strongly suspect he will overcome those things and be a real contender in the future, given the chance. Trump raises his voice with tempo and strength. DeSantis gets squeaky. I think DeSantis was still in the "paying his dues" phase.
Trump connects so much better with the common folk in ways that so many over educated egotistical elitists cannot understand

He unapologetically flaunts America's greatness. He projects strength and confidence. He seems to be as comfortable under a hard hat at a construction site or standing beside a combine in a farmers field than in the board room. Yet nobody has any doubt he can dominate a board room. Or a room full of International Leaders. Trump has bigger balls and that resonates with the electorate, especially the "room temperature" crowd.
Heck there are many of us in the "uneducated electorate" who would have preferred DeSantis this time around... But all the Lawfare and persecution brought down upon Trump was just so blatant and over reaching that our sense of fair play could not tolerate.
Talking to many of my acquaintances, and I honestly cannot think of one who measures their IQ, who had been really strong Trump supporters were moving away from Trump and preferring DeSantis. Perhaps those room temperature folks have bigger hearts than brains but they have a very strong sense of fair play.
One more uneducated observation from under my tin foil hat... And I might point out that this seems to be the opinion of another of the electorate who builds electric cars and rockets... not sure of his IQ.... If Trump doesn't win this time around, and we do not elect AND maintain a very strong Republican majority in the House and the Senate, especially the Senate... will a Republican ever win the White House again?
If you want the likes of DeSantis or even Haley to ever have a shot at the Presidency.... Vote for Trump now! Given the opportunity, the Democrats will stack the Supreme Court and use it to dismantle the Constitution as much as they can. If they can find a way, they will eliminate the Electoral College (and the first and second amendments). And they will see to it that our Borders remain open to anyone likely to vote liberal. Plus give them the right to vote.