
It’s fascinating to watch people from the US propose that they are the champions of freedom for the world, while at the same time they stand by and watch while freedom for half the population to have control over their own bodies is stripped away.

How can those two things happen inside one brain? Happy to discuss.
Have you been co-ordinating with the Harris campaign?

Just to stir the pot some more, aren't there laws where if a pregnant woman is murdered the murderer is charged with a double homicide?
^^^ this ^^^

I keep going back to asking myself “330 million people in this country… and this is who each party thinks should be on top of the ticket… this is the best we can do?”

It's this type of question that leads me to the understanding that it's not really up to the voters until after a pre-selection process has occurred.
After that ... I'm still growing more dubious by the day.

And here's your tinfoil

I’ll risk being slightly controversial here.

It’s interesting to hear people from the US talking about freedom. Usually, it’s in the context of ‘freedom to …’ In other countries people talk about ‘freedom from …’ I’ll mention just two examples. People in other countries value freedom from gun violence. They also talk about freedom from having someone else’s religious views shoved down their throat or up their uterus.

It’s fascinating to watch people from the US propose that they are the champions of freedom for the world, while at the same time they stand by and watch while freedom for half the population to have control over their own bodies is stripped away.

How can those two things happen inside one brain? Happy to discuss.

Freedom comes at a cost.

As @mdwest stated, the freedom of the USA was the deciding factor in World Wars I and II. In the first, the USA entry in 1917 provided fresh troops, equipment, and leadership that tipped the balance toward the Allies. In WWII the USA provided Great Britain and the Soviet Union much war material for them to fight. For these weapons and materials, FDR made Churchill and Britain give up their African colonies. Sounds like freedom to me! Also, don't forget about American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen (USAAF), Marines, and Merchant Marines who died for freedom of the world.

In the USA our Constitution was and is the framework for an experiment in a constitutional democratic republic. Approved by the 13 original states in 1787, it was a compromise of many things between all the states. But it worked then and it does now! Occasionally there are protests and violence but overall we have a government "Of the People, For the People, and By the People." Can you say that about many other countries?

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments of the constitution. Ratified in 1791, these "rights" are those of the people, granted or provided by God, not our government. The Bill of Rights LIMITS the power of the federal government.

The classic example of the First Amendment’s freedom of speech is that I and many others will use our rights to fight for or against others to say publically things that we hate.

The Second Ammendment's assurance of the right to keep and bear arms ensures the other ammendments, our constitution, and our freedom. With that right come criminal use of arms. If only we could have public hangings, perhaps a lot of the would be murderers would think twice before killing others.

So yes, we in the USA have freedom and we love it. There are some that continually try to limit individual freedoms. That is where our Federal Judicial branch of government comes into play to overturn unconstitutional laws.

America is Freedom! Show me another multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-race, and multi-religion (or lack of) society that functions as well as the USA. Please do!

PS: The "left wing" comedian Bill Mahar said this just last night. I agree with him!
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It will be high time for a civil war in this country
No, no it won’t. It didn’t work out too well during the first and only civil war, just got a bunch of people killed.
If they do assassinate Trump, it will be high time for a civil war in this country.

Purge the riff-raff politician's.

That seems....... excessive

I don't think it would be a positive development for the nation if Americans started killing each other because a politician they liked or disliked was assassinated.
If they do assassinate Trump, it will be high time for a civil war in this country.

Purge the riff-raff politician's.
You need to get out of the bunker for a while.
That seems....... excessive

I don't think it would be a positive development for the nation if Americans started killing each other because a politician they liked or disliked was assassinated.
Or for any other political reason.
Or for any other political reason.

I want to see Americans walking on and planting a flag into the surface of Mars in my lifetime.

America breaking down into Civil War a la Syria 12 years ago or Spain in the 30s would be pretty lame.
I want to see Americans walking on and planting a flag into the surface of Mars in my lifetime.

America breaking down into Civil War a la Syria 12 years ago or Spain in the 30s would be pretty lame.
Such a war would indeed be very much like both. Unlike 1861, there would be no geographic dividing lines. Even the reddest states are only so by 10% at the most. This would not be a war against regions, but against next door neighbors. Whichever side "won" such a conflict, the nation would be fundamentally changed - and not for the better.
It’s a sad day when people start killing each other over political disagreements. We need a leader who will unite our country in the pursuit of common goals. Ronald Reagan comes to mind if anyone knows where to find a leader from that mold.
Such a war would indeed be very much like both. Unlike 1861, there would be no geographic dividing lines. Even the reddest states are only so by 10% at the most. This would not be a war against regions, but against next door neighbors. Whichever side "won" such a conflict, the nation would be fundamentally changed - and not for the better.


Hearing a car pull up to your neighbors house and hearing a few gunshots a few minutes later, hoping the car doesnt come to your house next.

Finding the mayor of your town or the Sheriff of your county with their hands bound and swollen and drill holes in their knees.

Foreign troops passing out MREs at what used to be the local grocery store, and accidently lighting up your cousins SUV with their family in it because of a misidentification at an intersection.

Having to hide weapons in your home against your will because the local warlord wont let you access the gas station if you don't.

How anyone can want ^THIS^ over 4 (or 8) years of a president they don't like is mind blowing. People really don't know how good it is to be able to flush a toilet and not think about it, or call 911 when you're having chest pains or your kid falls off the roof of the shed.
I'll submit that I interact with working class folks and have more common interests a lot more than Trump. As a matter of fact, one of my strengths has always been being able to fraternize with the folks in the field (though conversation topics have been off-roading, hunting, fishing, sports and blondes ;) not politics or religion). Funny story, years ago we were doing an oil pipeline in Arkansas. One of my Venezuelan engineers asked me, "How come all these guys talk about is hunting and fishing, hunting and fishing?".

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In regard to economic concerns, we just disagree on the severity of economic situation today. I just don't think the sky is falling based on the current economic indicators. I am literally turning down multi-year projects that would require me as a "key person" on the sole-source contracts as I want to retire from active work in a couple of years.
It’s great that people can have similar interests that cross socioeconomic and/or cultural boundaries. That said, a job site visit from the owner or boss or higher up of any kind rarely has any serious fraternizing that occurs (in my experience). Like you said yourself, you don’t get into anything serious (nor should you). Don’t get me wrong, the visits are a good thing as well as being necessary and they’re always congenial with some light chitchat (while being slightly awkward and stand-offish in nature) and visiting BUT if you said many of the things you have said of late to any of the guys holding a shovel or running a piece of equipment the conversation would cool rather quickly. I can’t imagine telling someone that is doing their level best to make ends meet with 20% aggregate inflation and 2-3 kids in school that everything is going fine and the stock market is going up so they should be happy with way things are. The thing about someone who is out of touch is that they don’t realize they’re out of touch, otherwise they wouldn’t be out of touch. I’m no commie and I want everyone to do well and I’m not making this out to be some sort of class warfare or criticism of someone who is well to do, all I’m saying is a little bit of self awareness and acknowledgment of reality go a long way. You’ve made plenty of comments that show that you really don’t have a clue about working class America.
Wow, get ready for a wider war in Lebanon if confirmed. Hezbollah was asking Iran to attack Israel, wonder if this will change things.

One thing has changed for me. I have directed our supply chain to move away from Israel manufactured or shipped goods as I am concerned about deliveries.
And just who in Hezbolla is left to run that effort?
Why do you always say MAGA like it's a dirty word? I think the desire to make the country great again is laudable, tho I do wish Trump would be a bit less of a jerk.
First, I think the country is already great as evidenced by millions trying to get here for a better life. Second, imagineering the country to xenophobic days of the past is not that laudable in my view. The world has moved on, one can deal with it or just turtle up like many in MAGA are trying to do.

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