I still can’t fathom how a bombastic, narcissistic billionaire sold himself as the champion of the working class Americans. That is the true “Art of the Deal”.
Zelinsky did an interview with Fox News after having met with Biden, Harris, and Trump.
In the interview I found it notable that Zelinsky referred to Joe Biden as Biden, Kamala Harris as Harris, and Donald Trump as Donald. Of further special note is that when Zelinsky was asked if Trump asked questions and Zelinsky responded "a lot!"
It sure sounds and looks like those two quickly developed a rapor and I would bet they had a great conversation compared to anything possible with a senile old stuffed shirt or a cackling idiot.
@Red Leg commented, Trump was Presidential.
I agree that supporting Ukraine over Putin is important and am happy to see our old military equipment being used to do so. I fully understand the accounting that goes on and how the cost of that old equipment is really not costing US taxpayers anything. Although it sounds like there is a percentage of our military assistance that is new production.
It also seems that Biden has been slow rolling out already Congressional approved military assistance and may have just released funds that were due to expire. So it's not like the Biden administration has been doing all they can by any stretch of the imagination.
I stand by my earlier assumptions that Trump will take action. Yes he may push for a peace settlement. However I think he has made it clear that if Putin will not reasonably negotiate, Trump as president will make things so that Putin would wish he had.
After this new information from these meetings and this interview, I feel even stronger that Trump will be a better option for World Peace and negotiating from a position of strength.