
My friend, you are so out of touch with average American, I can't even begin to list all the reasons, but statements like this above sum it up pretty good...

Even Americans with good jobs in multiple income houses are living paycheck to paycheck over the last 3.6 years... 3 in 4 Americans have no assets to speak of... Real consumer debt is at an all-time high in this country, and you are talking about mitigating inflation with real estate, equities, gold??? LOL...
You are either trolling me or you are really that oblivious to the real America?
the arrogance is directly related to the checkbook .......it always is. bob
The reason I explained things the way I did was to tie in the Dow. Let me rephrase so maybe it will make sense.
In order to buy the goods you bought for $100 in 2017, you'd need $110.55 in 2022(end of Trump's term)
In order to buy the goods you bought for $100 in 2021 (start of Biden's term) you'd need $116.17 in 2024.

However, $100 invested in Dow in 2021 (start of Biden's term) gave you $138.70 today. So, in reality one is ahead by $22.53 ($138.70 - $116.17) for the duration of Biden's Presidency.

Also, inflation today is 2.5% for the 12 months prior average. It was 2.1% in 2020.

As @Red Leg mentioned earlier, economy is no longer an issue in this election if people look at the facts and the whole picture.

Could it have been better if Trump had won in 2020? Who knows, it is easy to make suppositions in hindsight. We still would have had Covid shutdowns in various States as it was not solely a Federal decision.
My lying eyes tell me groceries, insurance, etc. are a lot higher than 2.5%--a LOT higher.
My lying eyes tell me groceries, insurance, etc. are a lot higher than 2.5%--a LOT higher.
Who are you going to believe? The federal reports or your own lying eyes? LOL
I'm enjoying the financial and inflation talk much more than the election or Ukraine topics.

Neither trump (stimmy checks!) nor Biden get high marks in my book on this matter.
And I hold out exactly zero hope that we're going to get an Austrian economist in the white house.

The policy Trump had with something along the lines of requiring removal of several regulations in order to create any single one was very good but the stimmy checks undid any credit he had there.

Stimmies and low interest rates gave a cocaine hit to the economy and now we're struggling to pay for it. We're creating debt at just almost a logarithmic rate.

Historically, any fiscal reformer commits political suicide if they gut the entitlements, though that is frankly about the only option left if we're not to default. And Trump, if he wins, has no 2nd term to worry about. hmmm

I'm a big fan of what Milei is doing in Argentina but I can't help but think that guy ends up in a bad place with all the status quo disruption he's causing. He's pretty amazing.

Also, historically (like 6k years of recorded history... give or take a little) countries choose to inflate the currency. Every time.

We can't service the debt even with rate cuts. It's probably a mathematical impossibility at this point but I haven't run the numbers so I won't walk out on that branch.

Penny for your thoughts on where this goes.
I'm enjoying the financial and inflation talk much more than the election or Ukraine topics.

Neither trump (stimmy checks!) nor Biden get high marks in my book on this matter.
And I hold out exactly zero hope that we're going to get an Austrian economist in the white house.

The policy Trump had with something along the lines of requiring removal of several regulations in order to create any single one was very good but the stimmy checks undid any credit he had there.

Stimmies and low interest rates gave a cocaine hit to the economy and now we're struggling to pay for it. We're creating debt at just almost a logarithmic rate.

Historically, any fiscal reformer commits political suicide if they gut the entitlements, though that is frankly about the only option left if we're not to default. And Trump, if he wins, has no 2nd term to worry about. hmmm

I'm a big fan of what Milei is doing in Argentina but I can't help but think that guy ends up in a bad place with all the status quo disruption he's causing. He's pretty amazing.

Also, historically (like 6k years of recorded history... give or take a little) countries choose to inflate the currency. Every time.

We can't service the debt even with rate cuts. It's probably a mathematical impossibility at this point but I haven't run the numbers so I won't walk out on that branch.

Penny for your thoughts on where this goes.
We are at the point of a Hobson's choice. Excruciating pain today, or mortal pain at some point not far down the road. It's as monotonously predictable as gravity.

And I hold out exactly zero hope that we're going to get an Austrian economist in the white house.

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1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
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