
It is amusing how the Left has for 8 yrs been declaring Trump to be the War monger. Or would at least with his policies enable China and Russia to run rampant.

Their ability to project their failures on the right is impressive.

We all know who emboldened Russia and Iran to go on the offensive.

Obama gave blankets to Ukraine. And unlocked billions in frozen assets for Iran

Yet once again it’s Trump that is the threat.

The threat to whom ? Is the question you have to ask.
The upcoming election is very much the business of people elsewhere in the world. It seems you would be surprised how much we care.

If Trump wins, Russia succeeds in Ukraine instead of failing dismally. The slow start of WWIII will continue. The US and Australia will be fighting China within a few years, instead of China seeing what happened to Russia and backing off. Russia will attack again in Europe. The US will have made the error of facing multiple threats simultaneously, instead of one at a time. Lessons from history.
We unfortunately do have a neo-isolationist movement in the country which is almost totally based within the Trump movement and is represented most loudly by the Freedom Caucus in the House. As I have noted hear before, the six-month delay in arms to Ukraine was a more effective military strike against that country than anything the Russian military was capable of doing over the last two years. Ukrainians died because of that interference.

Most of the movement's allure is due to woeful ignorance of history, global economic reality, and critical international interests. The myth of being able to hide behind our oceans seems to arise every seventy or eighty years only to be shattered by bloody and expensive reality. It is worth remembering that even the founders recognized the need for an aggressive foreign policy. In 1801-1805 the fledgling US Navy fought a war in the Mediterranean against the Barbary Pirates (the shores of Tripoli and all that), and The Monroe Doctrine was promulgated in the 1820's

What worries me most about Trump and Ukraine is that he seems to value his personal grievances more than the good of the country or even his own political best interests - witness the alienation of Nikki Haley and her supporters in a neck and neck presidential race.

That said, Harris is an empty vessel, and the cadres waiting in the wings to fill it seem determined to create a new United States modelled on the equal outcome mythology of Karl Marx and an allied social justice construct that seeks to destroy every aspect of the nation's traditional culture. Here I would simply add that in a country with no stable ethnicity, religion, language or lengthy history what passes for a traditional culture and the constitution are the very thin glue holding the republic together.

The criticisms of the Obama administration voiced here are absolutely correct. His relatively spineless approach to our international interests emboldened Putin, Xi, and the Mullahs and their proxies. The Afghanistan withdrawal debacle further empowered those adversaries. Our overly cautious support of Ukraine has created an abiding flashpoint in Eastern Europe, the outcome of which remains very much in doubt. Twelve of the last sixteen years were the responsibility of a democrat presidency. Against that litany of international failure, Trump's administration looks pretty good.
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The upcoming election is very much the business of people elsewhere in the world. It seems you would be surprised how much we care.

If Trump wins, Russia succeeds in Ukraine instead of failing dismally. The slow start of WWIII will continue. The US and Australia will be fighting China within a few years, instead of China seeing what happened to Russia and backing off. Russia will attack again in Europe. The US will have made the error of facing multiple threats simultaneously, instead of one at a time. Lessons from history.
How, prey tell, do you figure that Russia will succeed in Ukraine if Trump wins? When Trump was in office before the Russians were held in check. That is why they didn't invade until Biden was in office. The same with Hamas raiding Israel. When Democrats are in office, bad things happen all over the world. As the saying goes, "When a Democrat is in the Whitehouse, our friends can't trust us, and our enemies don't fear us."

Yes, people in other countries have an interest in the POTUS, but supporting the wrong candidate is not beneficial either of our countries.
We unfortunately do have a neo-isolationist movement in the country which is almost totally based in the Trump movement and is represented most loudly by the Freedom Caucus in the House. As I have noted hear before, the six-month delay in arms to Ukraine was a more effective military strike against that country than anything the Russian military was capable of doing over the last two years. Ukrainians died because of that interference.

Most of the movement's allure is due to woeful ignorance of history, global economic reality, and critical international interests. The myth of being able to hide behind our oceans seems to arise every seventy or eighty years only to be shattered by bloody and expensive reality. It is worth remembering that even the founders recognized the need for an aggressive foreign policy. In 1801-1805 the fledgling US Navy fought a war in the Mediterranean against the Barbary Pirates (the shores of Tripoli and all that), and The Monroe Doctrine was promulgated in the 1820's

What worries me most about Trump and Ukraine is that he seems to value his personal grievances more than the good of the country or even his own political best interests - witness the alienation of Nikki Haley and her supporters in a neck and neck presidential race.

That said, Harris is an empty vessel, and the cadres waiting in the wings to fill it seem determined to create a new United States modelled on the equal outcome mythology of Karl Marx and an allied social justice construct that seeks to destroy every aspect of the nation's traditional culture. Here I would simply add that in a country with no stable ethnicity, religion, language or lengthy history what passes for a traditional culture and the constitution are the very thin glue holding the republic together.

The criticisms of the Obama administration voiced here are absolutely correct. His relatively spineless approach to our international interests emboldened Putin, Xi, and the Mullahs and their proxies. The Afghanistan withdrawal debacle further empowered those adversaries. Our overly cautious support of Ukraine has created an abiding flashpoint in Eastern Europe, the outcome of which remains very much in doubt. Twelve of the last sixteen years were the responsibility of the democratic presidency. Against that litany of international failure, Trump's administration looks pretty good.

If your country can’t survive without six months of foreign aid you don’t need more money to solve your problems, you need a coup.
How the hell do you put a value on unrealized Capital Gains?

Good question, but I don’t believe that is the point being made. He is stating that Harris will tax realized capital gains at your standard income tax rate, a major hit for those of us living off investment portfolios.
The upcoming election is very much the business of people elsewhere in the world. It seems you would be surprised how much we care.

If Trump wins, Russia succeeds in Ukraine instead of failing dismally. The slow start of WWIII will continue. The US and Australia will be fighting China within a few years, instead of China seeing what happened to Russia and backing off. Russia will attack again in Europe. The US will have made the error of facing multiple threats simultaneously, instead of one at a time. Lessons from history.

You can certainly be interested and have an opinion, just don’t be offended if those of us who do get to vote make up our own mind regardless of what folks in other countries think.
If your country can’t survive without six months of foreign aid you don’t need more money to solve your problems, you need a coup.
Had your logic applied in the 18th century, France would not have aided us and the US would be called something else - perhaps Canada? And would be a member of the Commonwealth.
Had your logic applied in the 18th century, France would not have aided us and the US would be called something else - perhaps Canada? And would be a member of the Commonwealth.

Or worse. We could have been part of Quebec :rolleyes:
The upcoming election is very much the business of people elsewhere in the world. It seems you would be surprised how much we care.

If Trump wins, Russia succeeds in Ukraine instead of failing dismally. The slow start of WWIII will continue. The US and Australia will be fighting China within a few years, instead of China seeing what happened to Russia and backing off. Russia will attack again in Europe. The US will have made the error of facing multiple threats simultaneously, instead of one at a time. Lessons from history.
If Trump wins, the keystone pipeline gets reopened along with drilling permits, et al. The price of oil will go down, ergo Putin will not have the cash to pursue war games, just like the last Trump presidency. All of Putins' invasions have been paid for in advance with higher oil prices. I wish the left would understand that their policies not only cost us at the pump, but others on the battlefield! A rising tide of low oil prices will float all the right boats.
Another good anti-Trumper quote, from David Strom at Hot Air.
"In today's world Trump haters come in two similar flavors: those who just hate Trump and those who come up with ridiculous excuses to hate Trump. If you are viewing their behavior from outside both look insane."
Suggestion - take a good look at the education system in Finland. It’s very good. Teachers are highly qualified, well paid and held in high esteem. There are no private schools (IIUC). It works very well. Yes, it’s powered by taxes.

There’s another country that is prosperous, with a long and successful commercial history, but where taxes have ensured national survival. It’s the Netherlands. If the people did not decide long ago to work together as a community, their nation would have failed.
There is more cultural diversity in Houston, Texas than all of Scandinavia combined. I might add that there are about as many people in greater Houston than all of Scandinavia combined.

When an entire population feels like they have equal skin in the game, such measures as the Scandinavians enact can work. Such exists nowhere in the US. Comparing the US to any other place isn't even apples and oranges, it's apples and bicycles.
The upcoming election is very much the business of people elsewhere in the world. It seems you would be surprised how much we care.

If Trump wins, Russia succeeds in Ukraine instead of failing dismally. The slow start of WWIII will continue. The US and Australia will be fighting China within a few years, instead of China seeing what happened to Russia and backing off. Russia will attack again in Europe. The US will have made the error of facing multiple threats simultaneously, instead of one at a time. Lessons from history.

I have no doubt you care and you should. However it still does not make it your business to tell me as a US citizen how I should vote. I don't think you'd care for me trying to tell you how you should vote in the next Aussie election.

My number one concern regarding Trump is what he may or may not do in regards to Ukraine. I have expressed that concern a number of times in this thread though perhaps you've not seen that. The concern for me is that I'm really not sure what he'll do. He has said he'll end it quickly, but not really how that would come about. You've connected some dots that I would not based on Trump winning, but we are in agreement in supporting Ukraine and defeating Putin.

And while Biden has in the end supported Ukraine, it hasn't actually been overwhelmingly so. Furthermore when foreign policy is taken in its whole, Biden has been and idiot, and the laughing hyena his understudy. I trust Harris far less to do the right thing than I do Trump.
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This election business is way too complicated to just keep in one's head. It is like a swarm of bees on steroids. Create a chart with all the issues, rank them 1 to 10, put some logic too it.
I care about your elections, I have no choice, it affects my future too. You go to the ballot box, nobody can tell you who to vote for. All one can ask, wherever they hail from, is that you rank minor irrelevant issues low, regardless of emotion, and rank global effect issues very high.
Our military is said to not be at peak fighting condition right now. Jack Keane says we could possibly equip and man one front.

It’s also often repeated that the US prepares and plans for the last war they fought, and aren’t often correct where the next war will be.

Right now, it seems very obvious that it would be Iran, Russia, China, but if past is prologue, that means it will be some country, not on our radar right now.

So what is your prediction on where our next war will be?

Here is a podcast/article of two religious conservatives debating whether one should support Harris over Trump. I think it is worth your time to give it a listen/read. It articulates many of my concerns regarding both candidates, as well as some of my reasons for backing Harris.

Had your logic applied in the 18th century, France would not have aided us and the US would be called something else - perhaps Canada? And would be a member of the Commonwealth.

France was willing to be a belligerent in that war. Is that as far as you’re willing to go with Russia? Over Ukraine?
Here is a podcast/article of two religious conservatives debating whether one should support Harris over Trump. I think it is worth your time to give it a listen/read. It articulates many of my concerns regarding both candidates, as well as some of my reasons for backing Harris.

A few points made. People have been arguing against the heartbeat bills for a little while now, saying that they will elicit a strong response from the pro-choice crowd via the ballot box and advocating for the chipping away at the issue. Playing the long game like the Democrats have and have been so successful at.

That said, a true Christian shouldn’t vote Democrat. Period. That is the pro-choice party. I’d rather they not vote even though I don’t agree with that approach at all.
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A few good points made but a true Christian shouldn’t vote Democrat. That is the pro-choice party. I’d rather they not vote even though I don’t agree with that approach at all.
I do not even believe that's her worst part. For me, abuse of authority, by knowingly sending an innocent man to death row...I can scarcely imagine anything worse. But it does get worse. IMO, she's been part of a silent coup d'etat for the last 4 years. I don't know who's been running the executive branch since 2021, but it's for certain not been Biden, and it's equally certain she's aware that "they" have been running an unconstitutional government all that time. They hid him in the basement back in 2020 for a reason.

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