
Actually he wasn't describing Democracy in the U.S., he specifically said we are governed by a Constitution. I would be a little more specific in describing our government as one of a Constitutional Republic. It was purposely design to prevent simple majorities from ruling the day. It mitigates the impact of anyone particular state having an undue influence. It's one reason we have 2 Senators from every state whether it be Rhode Island or Texas. It's why we have the Electoral College and the filibuster.

I for one do not wish to live in a pure Democracy.
Well said Phil!
Quote from Sarah Sanders that perfectly describes the anti-Trumpers making noise all over the election cycle.
"...you don't get to call yourself a conservative or a Republican when you support the most radical nominee the Democrats have ever put up.
That doesn't make you a conservative, it certainly doesn't make you a Republican. I think it makes you somebody who wants to protect the establishment."
Yes but look where they are coming from....
We used to attract the best and the brightest, not so much anymore..

See below. I work with a lot of H1-B visa holders and there’s plenty more that wish to work here.

We still do. However, due to our broken immigration policies it takes them years to immigrate legally. I have H1-B visa employees from India that have been here for years and still waiting on green cards. And yes, they are paid above market rate.
You had a lot to say... I can tell from your assertions that you don't live in a border state...
Let's unpack it line by line...

What revolution you’re talking about?

If the democrats win this election, it's very likely that a conservative will never win a Presidential election in this country again. It will take a literal revolution to overthrow the democrats (aka socialists) from power... That being said, it's not likely to happen for a number of factors that are all the result of the concessions of power and capitulations that so-called republicans have already allowed to occur...

Also why do you think everyone coming into this country legally or illegally will vote one way or the other when they have the right to vote?

Because 99% of these immigrants meet every demographic and criteria by which statistically shows them registering as democrats. The democrats know this, and they are playing the odds which are overwhelmingly in their favor...

The change of heart you refer to doesn't occur unless those immigrants actually achieve a measure of success here. I have several Cuban friends who fled Cuba who have voted democrat their entire lives because they were indoctrinated to do so by a democratic platform that falsely claims to represent the proletariats. It's not until these people build businesses and acquire assets of their own via what once was the reality of the American Dream that they begin to discover the lie, and change heart...

It's the reason Dade County, Florida flipped from blue to red in 2022 electing DeSantis by a landslide... Unfortunately, that "flip" took nearly three generations to occur, and this country doesn't have that kind of time for these new immigrants to realize the democrat lie on their own...

Yes illegal immigration doubled during this administration but there were millions of illegals coming in even when Trump was president.

Doubled?? LOL...! By who's measure? Look at the numbers under this current Administration my friend... It's exponential higher than double, and that isn't even considering the number of "got aways" which nobody can accurately estimate... Where do you get your information CNN? Don't answer... That was rhetorical...

When people establish themselves in a new place they generally oppose the new comers and don’t want them.
Because they don’t want to share the wealth and resources

Not sure exactly what you are implying here? Regardless, here are the facts void of emotion...

Immigration, legal and illegal, into this country, needs to be sharply curtailed and regulated for both economic and national security reasons... We are no longer the fledgling country with unlimited potential for expansion... The hordes of immigrants who flooded Ellis Island in early 20th Century did not do so with intent to eradicate Western civilization... The fact is we can't afford to support the logistical costs, nor can we afford the cost of the social services that these immigrants consume... We also cannot properly vet these individuals, and we certainly cannot vet who we can't even catch... It has nothing to do with self-entitlement of resident Americans...These are facts based on cold, hard numbers and the reality of the very serious security threat we face... As much as I hate to say it, it's probably going to take another 9/11 before politicians on either side of the isle take this immigration invasion seriously...

I won’t be surprised if most of the immigrants coming in now votes for anti immigration policies in the future.

Based on what history or statistical trends? Do you know something that we don't which is different than the trends of the last 100 years?
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If the democrats win this election, it's very likely that a conservative will never win a Presidential election in this country again. It will take a literal revolution to overthrow the democrats (aka socialists) from power....

It's the reason Dade County, Florida flipped from blue to red in 2022 electing DeSantis by a landslide... Unfortunately, that "flip" took nearly three generations to occur, and this country doesn't have that kind of time for these new immigrants to realize the democrat lie on their own...

I am baffled by the doom and gloom on both sides of the aisle if the other party's candidate wins the Presidential election this time. I guess it shows the division in the country.

One thing you are right about though is the difficulty of conservatives winning elections. As the left has gotten more progressive, those on the right have also gotten more extreme in their views. That has resulted in moderates voting for the progressive candidates than those on the far right. We have seen it extensively in Congressional elections where far right candidates winning primaries lost winnable general elections in swing districts.

One of the most divisive social issues is abortion. It interesting that those on the far right that cry about "government control on every facet of their life" are also embracing government control over people's medical choices. GOP is losing a lot of moderates over this issue, especially in regard to IVF as well.

One smart thing Democrats did was to put abortion as a ballot measure in a lot of States as a way to get out the vote. Similar to what Bush did in regard to gay marriage.

I am baffled by the doom and gloom on both sides of the aisle if the other party's candidate wins the Presidential election this time. I guess it shows the division in the country.

One thing you are right about though is the difficulty of conservatives winning elections. As the left has gotten more progressive, those on the right have also gotten more extreme in their views. That has resulted in moderates voting for the progressive candidates than those on the far right. We have seen it extensively in Congressional elections where far right candidates winning primaries lost winnable general elections in swing districts.

One of the most divisive social issues is abortion. It interesting that those on the far right that cry about "government control on every facet of their life" are also embracing government control over people's medical choices. GOP is losing a lot of moderates over this issue, especially in regard to IVF as well.

One smart thing Democrats did was to put abortion as a ballot measure in a lot of States as a way to get out the vote. Similar to what Bush did in regard to gay marriage.

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It doesn’t have so much to do with people’s medical choices as it does with the murdering of children in the womb. Over 60 million and counting. Politics are downstream of culture. It’s not hard to see that.
I wish I could
My Canadian friends don't need to read this because they know EVERYTHING about American politics and how we should run our country.
In past election years, we were told “IT’S THE EC ONOMY, STUPID!!” And it was. And once again, “IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!!” But more importantly, “IT’S THE OIL, STUPID!!!!”

The price of oil influences the price of EVERYTHING!! Prices of products made from oil and prices of other types of energy rise with the price of oil. Almost every single item you purchase or use moves by truck, plane or rail, fueled by oil or products based on oil. Fertilizer is made from oil as are plastics. Food is farmed, processed, refrigerated and shipped using oil. Electricity, with the exception of nuclear, solar and wind is predominantly produced by natural gas and the price of natural gas rises with the price of oil. And wind and solar electricity is produced by equipment made with products based on oil, moved by oil, mined by equipment run by oil, produced with electricity primarily made by oil.

During Trump, we had jobs that paid well, low interest rates, very low inflation (1.4% when he left office), and no new wars. ISIS was quickly defeated, and Russia, China and Iran were not acting out. World leaders believed that Trump was unpredictable, so they feared him. Sometimes fear is better than respect. When he told the leaders of the Taliban that he would rain “Holy Hell” down on them if even one US soldier was harmed, not one was harmed in 18 months.
Then Biden/Harris took over and on day one, stopped the Keystone pipeline and put the brakes on oil permits while increasing regulations and restrictions on the oil producing industry. And the price of oil went up dramatically.

Biden/Harris also approved the Nordstream pipeline, more than doubling the natural gas Russia sold to Europe, which, together with a significant increase in its value, significantly enriched Russia.
Next, Biden/Harris completely ceased the enforcement on sanctions on the sale of Iranian oil, most of which was shipped to China. This enriched Iran, enabling them to fund Hezbollah, Hamas, protesters and rioters in the US and elsewhere. China was enriched because Iran, in desperate need for cash, sold oil to China at significantly below the inflated world price.
Then Biden/Harris decided to tell the Russians, as they were massing their forces on the Ukrainian border, that a “small incursion into the Ukraine” would not upset the US. This, after we convinced the Ukrainian citizens that the US would protect and defend them if they gave up their nuclear weapons after the fall of the Soviet Union.

So, thanks to Biden/Harris we get Russia bombing and burning of Ukrainian cities and civilians and Biden/Harris sends blankets and Band-Aids. Military equipment was later metered into the Ukraine so that the war will continue instead of sufficient material for victory, part of a plan to wear down the Russian military and lessen their ability to fight in the future.

Then, with Harris bragging that she “was the last person in the room” when Biden made his plans to leave Afghanistan, we end up with 13 US soldiers killed, many horribly wounded and $8,500,000,000 (that’s right Billion, with a B) worth of state-of-the-art Military equipment left (without being destroyed or disabled) for the Taliban to use and for the Chinese to reverse-engineer to find weak points to allow them to defeat our equipment in battle. And we abandoned a state-of-the-art military airbase with the longest runway in the world, now being used by the Chinese.
And due to the Biden/Harris enrichment of Iran, Hezbollah has 15,000 high precision rockets aimed at Isreal and Hamas killed, maimed and took hostage over 1,000 innocent civilians on October 7th and even though Isreal has agreed to 3 US authored Cease-Fire agreements, Hamas has rejected all, and all the while, Biden/Harris lectured Israel on how to conduct itself.

Then Harris cast the tie breaking vote on several MASSIVE spending bills which flooded the world with cash. The production and availability of products did not increase proportionally, resulting with significantly more cash chasing essentially the same goods, resulting in ever increasing rates of inflation - resulting in the official inflation of over 20% during Biden/Harris.

And this is the “OFFICIAL - DON’T BELIEVE YOUR LYING EYES” inflation, not the real inflation rate. There are liars, Damn Liars, and STATISTICIANS. The government ignores certain price increases, weights others more heavily and completely ignores the impact of interest rates on costs.
During Biden/Harris, your money has lost 20% or more of its purchasing power, did you get a 20++% raise. I didn’t. My savings didn’t increase by 20++%. My investments didn’t increase by 20++%, but my car insurance did. My electricity did. My groceries did. My gas did. As did yours.

But don’t worry, Harris is no longer against fracking, or oil production. She is going to build the wall, fix illegal immigration, is opposed to government-run health care, will no longer pursue gun “buy-backs” in support of gun confiscation, no longer wants to defund the police, is OK with Plastic Straws, says “Those who break the law should pay the price” instead of her previous “no bail” policy and she rejects her previous support of an electric vehicle mandate.

Bernie Sanders, who like Biden, was kicked to the side of the road so that Obama and the Democratic Machine could install their puppet, said “Kamala will do and say anything to get elected.”

So, your choice is Laughing Chameleon, or Orange Man Bad. Essentially a choice of government control of everything together with lies, inflation and wars – or Mean Tweets, prosperity, low costs and peace.

Your choice.
I wish I could give this post more than two thumbs up, but that's all I have!!
I am baffled by the doom and gloom on both sides of the aisle if the other party's candidate wins the Presidential election this time. I guess it shows the division in the country.

Here's the nuanced difference with that...

If the socialists win, the doom and gloom is real... If Trump, who is actually a populist, and not a republican, wins, everyone on both sides still prosper weather they choose to admit it or not... The radical progressives will pout, but the reality is that their lives will be generally improved in spite of their emotional attachments to the unrealistic ideologies that they support... They can cry crocodile tears about climate change all the way to the grocery store to buy food that they can actually afford again while burning affordable gas instead of in an electric vehicle they have been forced to buy...

One thing you are right about though is the difficulty of conservatives winning elections. As the left has gotten more progressive, those on the right have also gotten more extreme in their views. That has resulted in moderates voting for the progressive candidates than those on the far right. We have seen it extensively in Congressional elections where far right candidates winning primaries lost winnable general elections in swing districts.

I don't see it that way, at least from where I am from...

The democrat party as a whole has lurched significantly left, but the vast majority of conservatives have not changed one bit. What has changed is that their mostly mainstream conservative views have been re-labeled as "extreme" by the left's propaganda efforts... My conservative views on many topics have not changed in over 25 years, yet most of what I believe is now branded as "extreme" by the left... And, according to the left, I am also a racist now... LOL..

Many notable moderate democrats that have now become independents or populists, said that they have not left the democratic party, the democratic party has left them...

One of the most divisive social issues is abortion. It interesting that those on the far right that cry about "government control on every facet of their life" are also embracing government control over people's medical choices. GOP is losing a lot of moderates over this issue, especially in regard to IVF as well.

Firstly, I believe that the USSC handed the legality of abortion back to the states in order for each state to decide abortion law on their own based on their own unique electorates' mandate...

Secondly, what your included graph doesn't show is that the vast majority of Americans as a whole oppose abortion after the first trimester, because that is the most accepted consensus of when human life begins (moderates included)... With that being the case, how is making murder illegal impeding people's medical choices exactly?
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Secondly, what your included graph actually shows is that the vast majority of Americans as a whole oppose abortion after the first trimester, because that is the most accepted consensus of when human life begins moderates included... With that being the case, how is making murder illegal impeding people's medical choices exactly?
Except, almost every red state has passed laws banning abortion either outright with no exceptions (even for rape, incest or other valid medical reasons) or way prior to the end of the first trimester (FL 6 weeks for example). Also, calling it murder is an opinion by those favoring bans. BTW, if those red states had stopped at banning it after first trimester, I don't think this would have been much of an issue this election.
Except, almost every red state has passed laws banning abortion either outright with no exceptions (even for rape, incest or other valid medical reasons) or way prior to the end of the first trimester (FL 6 weeks for example). Also, calling it murder is an opinion by those favoring bans. BTW, if those red states had stopped at banning it after first trimester, I don't think this would have been much of an issue this election.

In the case of Florida's law, they are going by the scientific fact that the fetal heartbeat, and therefore human life, begins at 5-6 weeks... It also includes exceptions up to 15 weeks for rape, child trafficking, and serious threat to the survival of the mother... It passed because it was the mandate of the majority of the citizens who reside here... For those who do not agree, I'm pretty sure U-Haul still has plenty of trucks left so they can easily relocate to a state that better reflects their morals or lack thereof...

For the record, I'm actually in favor of abortion up to the 18th year of life... Unfortunately, there are too many turds that made it out of the womb that should have been flushed and were not... But I digress...

Also for the record, calling it "murder" after 6 weeks is NOT an opinion... It's a biological fact that a fetus has a heartbeat at 5-6 weeks.... Feel free to lie to yourself all you like if it helps you sleep at night, but it won't change the facts...
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I don't get this kind of negativity. USA is still the freest nation on Earth and still the land of opportunity for those willing to work.

Yes, politics sucks when one's favorites are not in power, but that is cyclic. Regardless of who wins, half the country is going to cry and lament that it is the end of the country as they know it. So, there is gross exaggeration by both sides in regard to consequences of the election.

I don't often seem to align with you but i certainly do on this.
A lot of people that have never left the homeland and especially those that didn't get to see some 3rd & 4th world $h!Tholes via the military really don't have perspective on these things.

Yes the house is on fire but it's not dead just yet and comparatively speaking, there are far worse off places.
All I can say is…. If your voting for Harris, I don’t want to hear a single complaint when your capital gains are taxed as regular income.
How the hell do you put a value on unrealized Capital Gains?
Harris is running ads on how Trump wants to dismantle the Dept of Education. As if that isn’t a good thing.

Food for thought. Where our tax dollars are spent to buy votes.
Suggestion - take a good look at the education system in Finland. It’s very good. Teachers are highly qualified, well paid and held in high esteem. There are no private schools (IIUC). It works very well. Yes, it’s powered by taxes.

There’s another country that is prosperous, with a long and successful commercial history, but where taxes have ensured national survival. It’s the Netherlands. If the people did not decide long ago to work together as a community, their nation would have failed.
How the hell do you put a value on unrealized Capital Gains?
your valuation estimates have to become "unburdened by what has been"

Once you understand, it'll all become clear. :cool:
As for advising what other countries should do, I personally would never tell anyone from another country what they should or should not do in regards to their government out of simple respect for the fact that I'm not a citizen of that country. It is simply none of my business. Have a good day.
The upcoming election is very much the business of people elsewhere in the world. It seems you would be surprised how much we care.

If Trump wins, Russia succeeds in Ukraine instead of failing dismally. The slow start of WWIII will continue. The US and Australia will be fighting China within a few years, instead of China seeing what happened to Russia and backing off. Russia will attack again in Europe. The US will have made the error of facing multiple threats simultaneously, instead of one at a time. Lessons from history.
What makes you think Trump will let Putin pull any of his bull crap this time since he didn’t let him pull any of it last time. Both times Russia invaded Ukraine democrats held the White House? You’d rather see a lame ass half wit sitting in the White House?
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your valuation estimates have to become "unburdened by what has been"

Once you understand, it'll all become clear. :cool:
You would have to be smoking something pretty strong or demented to understand unrealized Capital Gains. Oh wait it was someone demented who came up with the idea.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!