
And what of the huge number of premature babies who have grown up and become wonderful and productive people? I don't know what the earliest prem baby success recorded is, I wii find out.
OK Google cites that about 10% of births are premature, and the youngest to survive was born at 21 weeks.
I have been looking at Spicewood, TX, actually around lake Travis. Not Austin proper, I lived in Houston area (Friendswood) for a long time. Want to be inland enough to escape the hurricanes (been through a couple) but still a short direct flight out of Austin to NYC and Denver (kids, and grandkids) while being able to do water sports.

My other requirement is to have a property large enough to build an indoor gun range and not worry about neighbors if I wish to swim in the buff. :sneaky:

Then you’re looking in the wrong area. You should be looking around Hippie Hollow.
The argument breaks down if we are agreed that the fetus is alive. At that point does it have the right of protection or are we free to kill it? Does a mother have the right to kill her child? If she does, at what point in its development does that right end, conception, 3 months, 6 months, birth, one year after birth?

I think our constitution is clear, a mother does not have the right to kill her child. So when does a fetus become her child? It all boils down to when you believe that the fetus becomes a viable human being.
judging by the Gen Z standard, not until they're about 30 or so.
In typical Democrat fashion, Cheatle, is dodging and evading questions at the house hearing.
I do find it quite amusing that the progressive left is equally horrified at her record as a prosecutor but for entirely opposite reasons.
I'm not sure what horrifies progressives, but what horrifies me is things like her playing fast and loose with stuff like discovery.

I'm all for locking bad guys up and throwing away the key, but the government is obligated to provide a fair trial. Not disclosing exculpatory evidence is worthy of an old-fashioned flogging, hands and feet bound around a log, and lashed with multi-strand, leather thong, plus a long jail term.

I'm also disturbed by her keeping men in prison beyond the terms of their sentencing.
Thomas Hobbes would like to have a word with you
What, in particular, are you referring to? It has probably been 35 years since I read Leviathan.
LOL. Oh trust me, I am the rock you will break yourself against.:A Bang Head:

Your post was attacking a post I wrote, was it not? That's what I meant. Don't be such a drama queen.

I'm the drama queen? I'm not the one who was crying like a little bitch about getting "attacked"...

You can trust me... I haven't met that "rock" to break me yet... Another keyboard tough guy... LOL.. I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard somebody tell me that who didn't end up with less teeth than they started out with...
I think that question has been the main cause of conflict between the two sides. You have extreme views at both ends (petri dish vs up to delivery) and most of the population seems to be in the middle. I think a slight majority had agreed with Roe vs Wade decision.

Yes and thank you for making my point in going down this path on abortion. Yes I am a Christian, but I don't believe in forcing my beliefs on anyone. One makes a choice to be a Christian of their own freewill. As such, I acknowledge that some will not make this decision.

It does not mean I am not influenced by that decision just the same as it means that other are not influenced by their decision to not be a Christian. As the late great Neil Peart wrote you can choose not to decide but you still have made a choice.

One must follow their conscience ultimately. If as @Saul believes that the woman's right to choose what to do with her body supersedes the right of the baby to it's life, I don't see that as enforcing his beliefs on me, we just simply disagree.
Ironic, how Biden drops out AFTER a unsuccessful assassination attempt.

Brent I was actually just in a discussion about that same thought. Of course it is total conjecture and we will likely never know.... However it does make one wonder if this was a maneuver to move the spotlight off of the assassination attempt.

I find it very difficult to believe any conspiracy would involve such an incompetent shooter. However it sure does look like leadership of the Secret Service is guilty of not providing the attention needed to gaurd Trump.

One can't help but wonder if Biden himself had his fingers in the thinning of Trumps gaurd.
One thing I’m a little concerned about with Harris on the top of the ticket is congressional races. In particular AL 2, the courts said that it was formed by using race to insure a republican won so they told Alabama to re-draw it using race so a minority will win it. The logic of government never ceases to amaze. They have a strong republican running but I think the black vote may turn out a little higher in the district even for a brain dead cackling candidate even though she is only 1/2 black.
Is not the pregnant woman who chooses an abortion forcing her wishes on the body of her unborn child? If one person can not chose for another what they can do with their bodies how can the pregnant woman choose to kill her child?

One must follow their conscience ultimately. If as @Saul believes that the woman's right to choose what to do with her body supersedes the right of the baby to it's life, I don't see that as enforcing his beliefs on me, we just simply disagree.
Well, when laws are passed to enforce one's beliefs on others that goes beyond disagreement.
Is not the pregnant woman who chooses an abortion forcing her wishes on the body of her unborn child? If one person can not chose for another what they can do with their bodies how can the pregnant woman choose to kill her child?
Goes back to the original question of when is it her child or just a biological organism? For the anti-abortion crowd it seems to be when the egg is fertilized for the pro-choice crowd it seems to be after some X weeks of pregnancy. Hence, the big divide.
I'm the drama queen? I'm not the one who was crying like a little bitch about getting "attacked"...

You can trust me... I haven't met that "rock" to break me yet... Another keyboard tough guy... LOL.. I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard somebody tell me that who didn't end up with less teeth than they started out with...

Careful. I got a 30 day ban for less

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Come from cz like that.
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