
I find it very ironic that the Haley / anti Trump crowd all of a sudden are very sensitive. They have remained silent and not endorsed Trump like Haley. Just a few observers.

If you do not have faith in Haley’s decision to endorse Trump, maybe she’s just been a bird brain the whole time.

Maybe your embarrassed to speak out and support Trump.

Maybe your drinking to much Kool-Aid.

Maybe you did not get your way.

Again just a few observations, I suppose.
NORAD announced that on Tuesday, an
F-35 was sent up to intercept an aircraft that breached restricted airspace around the RNC convention in Milwaukee.
The aircraft was escorted out of the area without incident.

How would you like to see one of those bad boy's off your wingtip? Yikes!
Meanwhile... In India.... I'm not clear on all the reasons behind the goings on but they've given the order to shoot on sight. Insanity.
Shoot who? I must have missed something….

Anyone on the streets after curfew. Only seen a few split seconds of the story on the nightly news. Something about riots, rioters, and protest over something.

Perhaps our esteem member @Hunter-Habib can enlightens as to the what's and why's of what is going on.
Xi seeing a weak neighbor with strategic resources, he might take another strategy all together.
Simple equation. Russia has oil. China needs oil. If the US can produce enough oil the dollar will remain dominant. ADVANTAGE USA.
NORAD announced that on Tuesday, an
F-35 was sent up to intercept an aircraft that breached restricted airspace around the RNC convention in Milwaukee.
The aircraft was escorted out of the area without incident.

How would you like to see one of those bad boy's off your wingtip? Yikes!

I would love that!
Every war since WW2 that the U.S. has been openly involved with, has resulted in giving the offensive military or nation half of the country. Or the Attacking nation retained the whole country.

Ukraine will most likely be the same. Russia will eventually get the eastern portions they wanted all along.

The only benefit to the huge loss of life. Is Russia is permanently weakened. They will never recover their past dominance. Generations of extended families lives have been destroyed.
That is sadly, IMO, the most likely outcome. Huge loss of life, a wrecked country (region) and wasted resources on all sides. The only times since WW2 the US has kicked the aggressor’s (occupiers) butts that I can think of was Granada and the 43 days it took to kick Hussein’s rear out of Kuwait and back to Baghdad. Granada was hardly a test of much of anything and Iraq is/was not Russia- not even close.
Is Biden drawing crowds like this?

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
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500 and 425 magaizne.jpg