
Yeah, stunning. I didn’t touch anything.
They did a nice job of re-stocking my 9.3x62 that's coming with me to Limpopo next month
Personally, I was very underwhelmed. I know that I am not the target audience, but his campaign built up the speech as a grand unifying message, and it fell quite flat.

to be honest , in my view calling for unity is a waste of time and some what of a joke. .....the d's hate the r's , and the r's hate the d's. the majority it seems. the d's want unity when it suits them.....bob
Yeah, stunning. I didn’t touch anything.

Made me laugh.....

I have a, financially speaking, Golden Rule.

Unless I'm going into any gunshop for a specific item....Keep My Hands In My Pockets!!....Otherwise: The Little Voice Inside me start screaming frantically in my ears!! CLOSE YOUR EYES!! NO TOUCHING!!! IF YOU TOUCH IT, YOU WILL BUY IT!!! KEEP YOUR F**KING HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS!! At the same time my wallet and credit card are screaming: NO! NO! Don't Do It! Think about what you are really wanting to do....pay off your last major bill, save for that skinning and butcher building and that new truck you really need.

My wallet and CC avoid using anything remotely associated with the 'A' word...Africa.
What's on your Limpopo hit list?
Pick 2:
blue wildebeest

pick 3:
common duiker

may do an add-on cape buffalo cow or red hartebeest
So I actually think this is how Trump can at least bring Russia to the negotiating table. Trump might actually be entering the whitehouse at the perfect time assuming Ukraine is able to utilize F-16s to achieve some air superiority within its boarders.

We have all critized Jake Sullivan's policies of not giving Ukraine what it needs or at least the green light to do what is necessary.

In theory, again this is in theory, but Trump could tell Zelesky we are taking the gloves off, do what is necessary, and don't worry about the 60 mile radius. Trump could impose real sanctions, and with the promise that we are going to export so much oil they will be bankrupt in 3 years.

So you have a situation where Russia has used up most of its modern resources, is burning out artillery barrels, and does not have air superiority, and economic hardships. I dont see a situation where Trump as president that Putin escalates but instead will decide to negotiate with Ukraine.

Now thinking about this on a long term strategic interest, I do believe the DoD has had Ukraine execute exactly as intended. They wanted a meat grinder that would drain Russia's resources, military equipment, and economy. This is why anytime there was a stalemate or look like Russia may gain an upper hand, they give them something new (Leopard Tanks, Cluster Bombs, LR Missiles, the ability to hit within 60 miles of the boarder). The steady drip plays to the psychological effect of keep fighting, this time will be different, while resulting in more dead Russians. While in reality the front lines have only moved a few KM in the last year.

I also believe that any pause, treaty, or peace deal is to give Russia time to acquire, build, and train new resources for another go in decade. Which is why I am a little leary about anything that Russia agrees to.
It's a nice thought, and I agree on principle that this route would be effective. I'd also say with some confidence that Biden won't be that decisive. I also agree that the current administration's half assed approach is going exactly to plan, and frankly, from a geopolitical stand point IS effective (note, Ukraine winning is not as important as Russia comprehensively losing for that calculus, and if Red Leg's recent posts on T-62s etc is representative, their ability to claim to be a 'modern military power' of any form, let alone a top tier one, is now gone).

However, my worry is this. I'm not sure Trump is particularly likely to follow a route that whilst helpful to Ukraine, would be an expensive, categorical statement that he's willing to get stuck into the problem.

I don't think he's personally very interested in the Ukraine situation except as a tool to blame on Biden, and a lot of his supporters seem very opposed to any US involvement in the conflict at all.

I would therefore expect Trump to do the politically expedient thing, which would be to continue Biden's half assed policies whilst pressuring Zelensky to fold. He might even cut off some US aid to help that negotiation (which, let's be honest, would also be popular with a lot of the MAGA crowd).

A Russia peace deal wouldn't be worth much, you're correct, but it'd be excellent optics for the start of Trump's presidential run, and I hardly think his core supporters are paying enough attention to dig into the finer details of what 'the deal' entails. Note too that Trump probably has rather more power to force Zelensky to the table than he does Putin, so I'd assume that'd be the obvious starting point.
Every war since WW2 that the U.S. has been openly involved with, has resulted in giving the offensive military or nation half of the country. Or the Attacking nation retained the whole country.

Ukraine will most likely be the same. Russia will eventually get the eastern portions they wanted all along.

The only benefit to the huge loss of life. Is Russia is permanently weakened. They will never recover their past dominance. Generations of extended families lives have been destroyed.
Sorry to necro a post that’s 4 years-old, just thought it was an interesting original point. It seems that hunting/clays/collecting firearms are “one percenter” activities in Europe, at least from what I’ve experienced in Germany and the U.K. In America, the barriers are far less, so virtually anyone can buy and take home an inexpensive firearm in an afternoon, and be in the woods the next day.

While there absolutely is a market for high end firearms in the U.S., and Purdey has stated many times that U.S. customers have kept the company afloat in hard times throughout its history, it’s still puzzling to many here why anyone would own such high end European guns. So, I think for many of us here, owning H&H, Purdey, Rigby, Krieghoff, etc is something we enjoy, but don’t necessarily have a community of like-minded people around us. One anecdote I did hear though, was that Gordy & Sons made the largest single order of Purdey guns in the company’s history…. batch of 15(?) or so.

Anyway, just some ramblings. Mileages, as always.

I was told many years ago by someone in the UK guntrade that it was the sizeable deposits held by Purdey back then that kept them going...
Here is a good outline of the legal problems with moving past Biden:

I clipped it to the relevant point. They put the full podcast up on Rumble, but I don't know how you post to a time signature there. Anyway, the extra stuff is mainly old Supreme Court cases.

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
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500 and 425 magaizne.jpg