
But Oswald didn’t need to be talented for every shot he ever made. An adequate shot can get lucky and make a spectacular shot every now and then. He could have just got lucky at the right time like Gavrilo Princip, who killed Franz Ferdinand.

And of course we could never know because Oswald never went to trial and his death laid the perfect soil for conspiracy theories to grow.

I think Ruby had a bit of a John Wilkes Boothe complex where his actions were carried out for the perceived benefit of another group (he wanted to avenge JFK like Boothe wanted to support the South) but ended up making the situation worse (Oswald’s death prevented the nation from getting the closure of a proper trial and Lincoln’s death hurt the post war south by removing the greatest advocate for reintegrating and rebuilding the south).
Ruby was all part of it, he was under orders. Read the book I mentioned. JFK The Unspeakable, its very enlightening.
Everyone wants to have an Oscar, but only selected ones know a real Oscar. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I don’t have the Reddit app. Who are you referring to?
Sorry. Here is the YouTube original. Watch it to the end and even the Trump true believers might approve.

Ruby was all part of it, he was under orders. Read the book I mentioned. JFK The Unspeakable, its very enlightening.
My understanding was that Ruby was a bit of a whacko and his staff at the strip club remembered him being particularly upset about JFK’s now fatherless children. I also seem to recall that when he was arrested, he seemed to think he was a hero and didn’t understand why he had even been arrested.

Of course the book’s account may be different.
Probably one of the three or four brightest men in the country. Perhaps some of our Russian and Putin apologists might find this tour d'horizon interesting if not compelling.

Excellent video, those opposed to support of Ukraine need to watch this. There is no such thing as appeasement with this regime. They are our enemy, and we will oppose them, either indirectly now, or directly later. There is no third alternative, regardless of how much you may want there to be one.
Excellent video, those opposed to support of Ukraine need to watch this. There is no such thing as appeasement with this regime. They are our enemy, and we will oppose them, either indirectly now, or directly later. There is no third alternative, regardless of how much you may want there to be one.
Did George Patton have it right? At least in the movie he wanted to keep going across Germany and deal with the Russians in 1945.

We should have let him! Study the history of Russia. They have never been trustworthy, they will never be our ally. We will either oppose them or subjugate ourselves to them. I will not be subjugated to them.
Excellent video, those opposed to support of Ukraine need to watch this. There is no such thing as appeasement with this regime. They are our enemy, and we will oppose them, either indirectly now, or directly later. There is no third alternative, regardless of how much you may want there to be one.
This seems like trying to determine which smells the least awful - dog turds or cat turds.
Did George Patton have it right? At least in the movie he wanted to keep going across Germany and deal with the Russians in 1945.
I don't think he ever really intended any such thing. It is fairly well documented that he had no problem saying any number of outlandish things. And no, he wasn't murdered.

We could not have easily defeated the Soviet Union in May 1945 if at all.

The correlation of deployed forces was:


Infantry Divisions 80
Armor Divisions 23
Tactical aircraft 6,048
Strategic Aircraft 2,750

Soviet Union

Infantry Divisions 228
Armor Divisions 36
Tactical Aircraft 11,802
Strategic Aircraft 960 However, most Soviet industry had been moved east of Urals and well out of range of allied strategic bombers.
My minds a little fuzzy but I do remember in a military history class that the Russians took some of our people prisoner when they had delivered supplies to them. No way in hell to trust someone like that, if true. Which I don’t doubt it’s validity.
My understanding was that Ruby was a bit of a whacko and his staff at the strip club remembered him being particularly upset about JFK’s now fatherless children. I also seem to recall that when he was arrested, he seemed to think he was a hero and didn’t understand why he had even been arrested.

Of course the book’s account may be different.
Yes the book has a different take, it was much more complicated.
Biden $7 trillion budget is going to give people money if they sell their first house and then help people get into their first home. Here we go again the government meddling in real estate. Barney Frank would be proud. so typical government thinking. there isn’t enough supply of a product so let’s throw some gas on it and increase the demand.
I should start a Poll on here asking what year people think the tax rate will be back to 75% as it was in a 70s.

It will eventually go back to where you can’t even afford to pay the taxes on what you own, so they will take what you own. as happened to a lot of properties in Europe.

Also, if I read it right, they are going after anyone with a net worth over $400,000

Not taxable income, but net worth. If you’re in that group, your new tax will be 39.6 of course we all know that’s just the first hit of that dollar.

that same dollar gets taxed 20 times throughout its life in your pocket.

Which brings me to the pier to deliver food to the Gaza Strip. And the hundreds of millions we are giving Haiti Somebody’s gotta pay for that pier and food so pony up people.

So Israel has the cojones to fight a war to win it and here we come in undermining them. and aiding the enemy. right when they’re at their weakest. Instead of aiding their enemy, maybe we should be taking notes on how to win a war.

We fight with both hands tied behind our back and never teach anybody the consequences of messing with us. we enable them to think they can do it over and over again, because we never hit them hard enough. Which just causes more war

if we would hammer our enemy as Israel is doing. and show the rest of the thugs the consequences they wouldn’t be so quick to poke us in the eye.
We should have let him! Study the history of Russia. They have never been trustworthy, they will never be our ally. We will either oppose them or subjugate ourselves to them. I will not be subjugated to them.
not subject to them...who are we talking about?.....Muslim's? Russians? china? etc......so many boogie men, so little time.....how about we mind our own business for awhile and see how that works out.

we can always go back to interfering with other countries later. ....bob
My minds a little fuzzy but I do remember in a military history class that the Russians took some of our people prisoner when they had delivered supplies to them. No way in hell to trust someone like that, if true. Which I don’t doubt it’s validity.

Some American pilots making emergency landings in the Soviet Far East were officially interned as the Soviets were not at war with Japan. Some “escaped” and made it back to Allied lines.

If I recall it may have been in WWI and involved a destroyer delivering ammo to one of Russias northern ports.

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rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?